Dave Gibbons

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De Superman à Spider-Man: L'aventure des super-héros
De Superman à Spider-Man: L'aventure des super-héros est un documentaire franco-canadien sur les Super-héros réalisé par Michel Viotte, sorti en 2001. Ce documentaire est consacré à l'histoire des super-héros américains depuis leur apparition dans les années 1930. Il présente de nombreux dessins issus des comics originaux, des extraits de leurs adaptations en films et dessins animés, ainsi que des entretiens avec des auteurs importants du genre. A travers d'innombrables dessins, extraits de longs métrages (Superman, Batman, X-Men, Spawn) et dessins animés; et grâce aux témoignages passionnants de multiples intervenants (scénaristes, dessinateurs, réalisateurs...) pour la première fois réunis dans un film, De Superman à Spiderman fait revivre de manière ludique et ambitieuse la grande aventure des super héros américains.
Future Shock! The Story of 2000AD
A long overdue documentary that tells the story of 2000AD, the unsung cult hero of the comics industry. This film will celebrate and pay respect to the comic and explore its importance and influence on contemporary pop culture.
Rude Dude

Rude Dude

Oct 07, 2014
Possessed of an incredible artistic talent, Steve Rude is "The Dude," an eccentric personality as colorful as his comic book art. Filmmaker Ian Fischer (Magritte Moment) presents Rude's rise through the comic book world and difficult transition from comic book shops to art gallery walls, made all the more challenging by Rude's battles with mental illness.
Rogue Trooper

Rogue Trooper

Jan 01, 1970
Rogue is a "Genetic Infantryman", a genetically-engineered, blue-skinned, manufactured super soldier who, alongside his three comrades, is searching for the Traitor General. His comrades are with him in the form of biochips—onto which a G.I.'s entire personality is downloaded at the time of death for later retrieval—and are named Gunnar (mounted on Rogue's rifle), Bagman (on his backpack) and Helm (on his helmet). Rogue is designed to be immune to almost all known toxins, can submerge in strong acid unaffected, and is able to withstand a vacuum on his bare skin.
Science Fiction
Watchmen: Chapter I

Watchmen: Chapter I

Aug 12, 2024
Rogue is a "Genetic Infantryman", a genetically-engineered, blue-skinned, manufactured super soldier who, alongside his three comrades, is searching for the Traitor General. His comrades are with him in the form of biochips—onto which a G.I.'s entire personality is downloaded at the time of death for later retrieval—and are named Gunnar (mounted on Rogue's rifle), Bagman (on his backpack) and Helm (on his helmet). Rogue is designed to be immune to almost all known toxins, can submerge in strong acid unaffected, and is able to withstand a vacuum on his bare skin.
Watchmen: Chapter II

Watchmen: Chapter II

Nov 25, 2024
Rogue is a "Genetic Infantryman", a genetically-engineered, blue-skinned, manufactured super soldier who, alongside his three comrades, is searching for the Traitor General. His comrades are with him in the form of biochips—onto which a G.I.'s entire personality is downloaded at the time of death for later retrieval—and are named Gunnar (mounted on Rogue's rifle), Bagman (on his backpack) and Helm (on his helmet). Rogue is designed to be immune to almost all known toxins, can submerge in strong acid unaffected, and is able to withstand a vacuum on his bare skin.
Under the Hood

Under the Hood

Mar 24, 2009
Stars from the Watchmen movie team up in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owl's powerful firsthand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence.
Science Fiction
Watchmen : Les Gardiens
Stars from the Watchmen movie team up in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owl's powerful firsthand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence.
Watchmen: Chapter I

Watchmen: Chapter I

Aug 12, 2024
Stars from the Watchmen movie team up in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owl's powerful firsthand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence.
Watchmen: Chapter I

Watchmen: Chapter I

Aug 12, 2024
Stars from the Watchmen movie team up in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owl's powerful firsthand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence.
A Hole

A Hole

Nov 02, 2020
A skilled workman digs a perfect hole in a cracked earthen plain in an endless warehouse, a series of well-dressed people come and sit on comfortable couches offering contradictory opinions, and the job gradually unravels.
Watchmen: Chapter II

Watchmen: Chapter II

Nov 25, 2024
A skilled workman digs a perfect hole in a cracked earthen plain in an endless warehouse, a series of well-dressed people come and sit on comfortable couches offering contradictory opinions, and the job gradually unravels.
Prisoners of Gravity

Prisoners of Gravity

Apr 27, 1994
Prisoners of Gravity was a Canadian public broadcasting television news magazine program that explored speculative fiction — science fiction, fantasy, horror, comic books — and its relation to various thematic and social issues. Produced by TVOntario, the show was the brainchild of former comic retail manager Mark Askwith and writer Daniel Richler, and was hosted by Rick Green. The series aired 139 episodes over 5 seasons from 1989 to 1994.
Prisoners of Gravity

Prisoners of Gravity

Dec 15, 2019
L'histoire commence à Tulsa, petite ville d'Oklahoma, trois ans après une attaque coordonnée de suprématistes blancs contre les forces de l'ordre et leurs familles. À la suite de cet événement tragique – surnommé la Nuit Blanche – les policiers ont décidé de recouvrir leur visage d'un bandana jaune afin de cacher leur identité. Dans ce contexte trouble, la détective Angela Abar et le chef de la police Judd Crawford enquêtent sur une fusillade qui pourrait marquer le retour de la Septième Cavalerie, le groupuscule à l'origine de la terrible Nuit Blanche. La série Watchmen fait suite aux comics d'Alan Moore et non au film de Zack Snyder. Entre les 2 supports il y a certes peu de différences, mais la série fait parfois référence à certains faits qui ne se sont produits que dans le comic-book. La lecture préalable des comics n'est cependant pas indispensable pour profiter de l'histoire raconté par la série. Elle permet juste de comprendre certains clins d’œils et d'anticiper certains axes scénaristiques.
Prisoners of Gravity

Prisoners of Gravity

Mar 01, 2025
Découvrez les toutes nouvelles aventures de Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven et Changelin dans Teen Titans Go! Que font ces super héros quand ils ne combattent pas le crime ? Rejoins les Teen Titans et découvre leur quotidien dans une comédie hilarante !
Prisoners of Gravity

Prisoners of Gravity

Jun 22, 2024
Le Docteur et sa compagne Ruby Sunday voyagent à travers le temps et l'espace, avec des aventures allant de l'époque de la Régence en Angleterre jusqu'aux mondes futurs déchirés par la guerre. Tout au long de leurs aventures dans le TARDIS – un vaisseau voyageant dans le temps en forme de cabine téléphonique – ils rencontrent des amis incroyables et des ennemis dangereux, dont un terrifiant croque-mitaine et l'ennemi le plus puissant du Docteur à ce jour.
Action & Adventure
Prisoners of Gravity

Prisoners of Gravity

Dec 15, 2019
L'histoire commence à Tulsa, petite ville d'Oklahoma, trois ans après une attaque coordonnée de suprématistes blancs contre les forces de l'ordre et leurs familles. À la suite de cet événement tragique – surnommé la Nuit Blanche – les policiers ont décidé de recouvrir leur visage d'un bandana jaune afin de cacher leur identité. Dans ce contexte trouble, la détective Angela Abar et le chef de la police Judd Crawford enquêtent sur une fusillade qui pourrait marquer le retour de la Septième Cavalerie, le groupuscule à l'origine de la terrible Nuit Blanche. La série Watchmen fait suite aux comics d'Alan Moore et non au film de Zack Snyder. Entre les 2 supports il y a certes peu de différences, mais la série fait parfois référence à certains faits qui ne se sont produits que dans le comic-book. La lecture préalable des comics n'est cependant pas indispensable pour profiter de l'histoire raconté par la série. Elle permet juste de comprendre certains clins d’œils et d'anticiper certains axes scénaristiques.
Prisoners of Gravity

Prisoners of Gravity

Feb 23, 2009
When one of his former colleagues is murdered, the outlawed but no less determined masked vigilante Rorschach sets out to uncover a plot to kill and discredit all past and present superheroes. As he reconnects with his former crime-fighting legion — a disbanded group of retired superheroes, only one of whom has true powers — Rorschach glimpses a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy with links to their shared past and catastrophic consequences for the future.