A special documentary showing how producer John Lasseter, director Andrew Stanton and the rest of the creative team met the many production challenges when making Finding Nemo.
Set in 80’s-Britain, when a group of rowdy teenagers trek into an isolated forest, they discover peaceful mushroom creatures that turn out to be an unexpected force of nature.
Set in 80’s-Britain, when a group of rowdy teenagers trek into an isolated forest, they discover peaceful mushroom creatures that turn out to be an unexpected force of nature.
Set in 80’s-Britain, when a group of rowdy teenagers trek into an isolated forest, they discover peaceful mushroom creatures that turn out to be an unexpected force of nature.
Set in 80’s-Britain, when a group of rowdy teenagers trek into an isolated forest, they discover peaceful mushroom creatures that turn out to be an unexpected force of nature.
Nov 20, 2003
2003 min810 vues
Dexter n'est pas un garçon comme les autres. C'est un petit génie de 8 ans et les lois de la physique n'ont aucun secret pour lui. De sa chambre, il accède à un laboratoire dont personne ne soupçonne l’existence à l’exception de sa sœur Dee Dee. Les ennuis commencent lorsque celle-ci pénètre dans son antre y pour mettre la pagaille...