Atli Rafn Sigurðsson

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Jan 01, 2007
Ben is a outside in the dark a too large too heavy sailor bag on his shoulder, lonely and drunk. During a dream strange dream where he is taller, stronger, smarter, he meets an angel that gives him a flower. When he wakes up, he finds the flowers at his feet.
Jar City

Jar City

Oct 20, 2006
Inspecteur à Reykjavik, Erlendur enquête sur le meurtre d'un vieil homme apparemment sans histoire. La photo de la tombe d'une petite fille retrouvée chez la victime réveille pourtant une affaire vieille de quarante ans. Et conduit Erlendur tout droit à Jar City, surprenante collection de bocaux renfermant des organes, véritable fichier génétique de la population islandaise...


Sep 07, 2007
A young girl breaks up from her petit bourgeoisie home and her piano lessons to lead an entirely new life, as one of the personnel at an institution for juvenile delinquents in a remote part of Northern Iceland. It is the 1970s and the young people in charge of the place are heavily into flower power, sitar music and solving problems by frank talk sessions with the delinquents. However, the hippies, who themselves despise authority, soon find their own authority under attack by the rebellious youngsters, especially after the arrival of a mysterious young girl. Then a violent incident occurs that will have a decisively detrimental effect on relations at the institution.


Nov 26, 1999
The young and fanatical Jon is appointed pastor to a remote church in 15th century Iceland. As is custom, he marries the widow of his predecessor, a woman much older than he is. He is ardent in his fight against Satan, and the villagers don't dare to question his authority. When he falls for a beautiful young woman, Jon is convinced witchcraft is at work, and his crusade leads to cruel executions of innocent people. The stronger his lust, the deeper his madness drives him in his religious fervor.
Des chevaux et des hommes
Se racontent ici à travers le regard des chevaux, les histoires et passions qui secouent une petite communauté en Islande. Entre conflits de voisinage, tempête de neige et chalutier russe, les chevaux font le lien entre les habitants de cette vallée aussi belle qu'isolée.


Mar 11, 2016
A thirtysomething couple, Hringur and Elsa, are about to buy their dream house in downtown Reykjavík when the video store Hringur owns faces foreclosure. As the crisis threatens to split them apart, Hringur resolves to sort things out before it’s too late.
101 Reykjavík

101 Reykjavík

May 31, 2000
Hlynur Björn, un RMiste d'une trentaine d'années, continue à prendre la vie comme elle vient, refusant toute forme de contrainte et d'engagement. Il habite encore chez sa mère, fière d'avoir su garder son fils à ses côtés. Les femmes savent que Hlynur est beau garçon. Quand le jeune homme va faire un tour dans les bars branchés du quartier 101 de Reykjavik, il est rare qu'il rentre seul. Mais ses nombreuses conquêtes n'apprennent rien à Hlynur, qui continue à considérer la gente féminine comme une espèce d'extraterrestre. Jusqu'au jour où le séducteur tombe amoureux d'une amie de sa mère, une pétillante Espagnole qui répond au doux nom de Lola. Cette dernière est d'autant plus désirable qu'elle préfère les femmes.
The Wind Blew On

The Wind Blew On

Jan 01, 1970
« Je suis peut-être déjà mort » dit le petit garçon dans le film «The Wind Blew on » de Katrín Ólafsdóttir. Il le dit pour lui ou quelqu’un d’autre. De toute manière, ces mots sont prononcés dans un monde où personne ne peut lui répondre.


Oct 21, 2016
Two girls disappear from a playground and the two best detectives in the police force try to solve the case.
Undir halastjörnu

Undir halastjörnu

Oct 11, 2018
Mihkel boards a ferry from his small town in Estonia to Saint Petersburg in Russia, on his way to Iceland, where he wants to make a new life for himself and his fiancée, Vera. His friend Igor, who emigrated to Iceland a few years earlier, convinces Mihkel to smuggle two bottles of liquid amphetamine and then seek payment from an 
Estonian priest, who is a business partner of Igor’s in Saint Petersburg. The priest is then to set him up in his new home and bring Vera over to join him. Rather than getting paid, he is instead coerced into swallowing seventy drug capsules to take on to Iceland. He arrives in Iceland and is picked up by Igor and his two Icelandic accomplices, Jóhann and Bóbó. However, in the next two days it becomes clear that something is wrong and Mihkel cannot pass the drugs. The Icelandic criminals become very nervous, and more and more frantic activity ensues as the situation becomes more serious.
Meurtre au pied du volcan
L’inspecteur Runarsson est envoyé de Reykjavík sur la péninsule de Snaefellsnes pour enquêter sur ce qui apparaît comme le suicide d’un banquier. Pourtant, certains indices sèment le doute. Pour résoudre ce crime, le policier va devoir faire face à de nombreux obstacles dans cette petite communauté.