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Taliesin Jones

Taliesin Jones

Feb 01, 2002
Not quite a religious film, not quite a coming-of-age story, not quite a kiddie flick, and not quite a supernatural horror movie, Taliesin Jones's identity crisis nonetheless reveals a sweet examination of one child and his thoughts on God.
Les 9 vies de Thomas Katz
C'est le jour de l'éclipse totale du soleil. Un étranger débarque à Londres. Personne ne sait qui il est, ni d'où il vient. Quand il aura quitté la ville, l'univers aura disparu. Ce dénommé Tomas Katz prend possession de différentes personnes, laissant à chaque fois le chaos derrière lui. Chauffeur de taxi, il immobilise le trafic londonien en dirigeant tous les taxis vers la même adresse. Ministre de la Pêche, il déclare la guerre. Responsable du réseau métropolitain, il le transforme en une chaîne de trains fantômes qui récupèrent les âmes des morts pour les amener dans les limbes...
La Cha Cha

La Cha Cha

Sep 17, 2021
Solti Buttering part en voyage pour disperser les cendres de son grand-père. Trouvant partout des lieux fermés, il tombe sur La Cha Cha, un parc de vacances avec une communauté de retraités, vivant hors réseau et s'amusant comme des fous. Il découvre bientôt que la fougueuse propriétaire Libby Rees et son frère Damien luttent pour maintenir le lieu et la communauté en activité. Mais ils ont un plan très inhabituel.
Marion and Geoff: A Small Summer Party
A prequel to Marion and Geoff, which captures on camcorder the fateful events at a garden party when mini-cab driver Keith's life fell apart. Friends and family have gathered for a barbecue to celebrate the career of Keith's wife Marion, who is at the party with her boss, Mr Sushimoto, and her colleague, Geoff. However, Keith's father-in-law uncovers the true extent of Marion's naked ambition, with humiliating results for Keith.


Dec 06, 2011
A comical short film about a family raising a spoilt daughter.
Risen - Vaincre ou Mourir
Le destin extraordinaire d’Howard Winstone….Jeune boxeur prometteur, issu d’un milieu pauvre, il a les doigts coupés par une machine dans l’usine où il travaille. A force de courage, il reprend l’entraînement, remonte sur le ring et finira même par être sacré champion du monde.
Tectonic Plates

Tectonic Plates

Sep 10, 1992
An adaptation of Robert Lepage's stage play about lost love and considered suicide.
Twin Town

Twin Town

Apr 11, 1997
Les affaires marchent pour Bryn Cartwright, l'homme le plus puissant de Swansea, entrepreneur dans le batiment et trafiquant de drogue, jusqu'au jour ou un modeste couvreur fait une chute sur un chantier au noir. Les deux fils de la victime, Jeremy et Julian, alias les jumeaux, demandent reparation. Des lors, aucune force au monde ne pourra plus arrêter les jumeaux.
Aberfan: The Green Hollow
A film poem to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Aberfan disaster, written by Owen Sheers and performed by a stellar cast of Wales's best-known acting talent, including Michael Sheen, Jonathan Pryce, Sian Phillips, Eve Myles and Iwan Rheon, with some contributions from the local community.
Selwyn's Lucky Day

Selwyn's Lucky Day

Sep 01, 2000
A string of mishaps, accidents and absurd occurrences pave the way for a luckless down-trodden Selwyn to experience what turns out to be the most fortunate day of his life.
Eternal Beauty

Eternal Beauty

Aug 21, 2020
Jane est quittée devant l'autel. Désespérée, elle se met à mélanger fiction et réalité.


Oct 11, 2024
Du dix-septième siècle au vingtième siècle, Agnès se réincarne de lieu en lieu et d’époque en époque en commettant toujours la même erreur : tomber amoureuse du même homme.
Satellite City

Satellite City

Oct 30, 1998
Satellite City was a Welsh sitcom which started out originally as a radio show on BBC Radio Wales in 1994 and then evolved into a TV version made by BBC Wales and was first broadcast in 1996. The setting was an imaginary small town in the South Wales Valleys. The plot centred on the arrival of Randy, an American visitor, who was taken in by the Price family
High Hopes

High Hopes

Dec 16, 2008
High Hopes is a sitcom made in Wales, produced and directed by Gareth Gwenlan for BBC Wales and is set in a fictional area of the South Wales Valleys called Cwm-Pen-Ôl. It stars Margaret John as widow Elsie Hepplewhite, Robert Blythe as her son Richard Hepplewhite, Steven Meo as Hoffman and Oliver Wood as Charlie. It revolves around Elsie's son Richard and his dodgy business ventures, assisted by the two boys, who attempted to rob the Hepplewhites' house in the first episode. The pilot was shown on BBC all over the UK in 1999, with slight differences to future cast and plot. The series started in 2002. The sixth and final series, consisting of six episodes, was first shown on BBC1 Wales weekly from Tuesday 11 November 2008. But, before it aired a report in the South Wales Echo, titled 'Welsh sitcom set to be axed', confirmed that: A three part 'Best Bits' special was shown on BBC1 Wales, starting 20 September, the third episode was on Sun 4 October 2009.
Hana's Helpline

Hana's Helpline

Jun 12, 2007
Hana's Helpline is a stop-motion animation series for children, about Hana the duck agony-aunt who runs a telephone helpline for animals with problems.
Baker Boys

Baker Boys

Dec 08, 2011
Baker Boys is an English-language Welsh television drama series, produced by BBC Wales and broadcast on BBC One Wales. The series was written by Helen Raynor and Gary Owen. Torchwood creator Russell T Davies also had a role as creative consultant, which he fulfilled from Los Angeles. The first episode of the series was broadcast on 23 January 2011. The programme follows the workers of Valley Bara bakery which is the economic centre of Trefynydd, a small fictional village in South Wales. Generations of people had earned a living and formed a life at the bakery but this is thrown into jeopardy when recession bites and the bakery workers find themselves unemployed overnight. Writer Helen Raynor describes it as "a blue collar drama", explaining "we wanted to tell the story of a community, with a workplace at the centre of it, who suddenly fall on hard times".
Being Human : La Confrérie de l'étrange
Le beau Mitchell est un homme de ménage dans un hôpital, où son timide ami geek George y est quant à lui brancardier. Tous deux aimeraient aller en ville et traîner avec d'autres personnes, mais un petit problème s'oppose à leurs désirs : Mitchell est un vampire, et George un loup-garou ! Les deux jeunes hommes se rapprochent de leurs rêves lorsqu'ils emménagent ensemble et passent leurs soirées devant la télévision, dans leur canapé, bière à la main, comme les autres hommes de leur âge. Malheureusement, ils n'avait pas compté sur la présence d'Annie, le fantôme de la locataire précédente ! Ce trio surnaturel a une chose en commun : un désir désespéré d'être humain.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Being Human : La Confrérie de l'étrange
Satellite City was a Welsh sitcom which started out originally as a radio show on BBC Radio Wales in 1994 and then evolved into a TV version made by BBC Wales and was first broadcast in 1996. The setting was an imaginary small town in the South Wales Valleys. The plot centred on the arrival of Randy, an American visitor, who was taken in by the Price family
Being Human : La Confrérie de l'étrange
High Hopes is a sitcom made in Wales, produced and directed by Gareth Gwenlan for BBC Wales and is set in a fictional area of the South Wales Valleys called Cwm-Pen-Ôl. It stars Margaret John as widow Elsie Hepplewhite, Robert Blythe as her son Richard Hepplewhite, Steven Meo as Hoffman and Oliver Wood as Charlie. It revolves around Elsie's son Richard and his dodgy business ventures, assisted by the two boys, who attempted to rob the Hepplewhites' house in the first episode. The pilot was shown on BBC all over the UK in 1999, with slight differences to future cast and plot. The series started in 2002. The sixth and final series, consisting of six episodes, was first shown on BBC1 Wales weekly from Tuesday 11 November 2008. But, before it aired a report in the South Wales Echo, titled 'Welsh sitcom set to be axed', confirmed that: A three part 'Best Bits' special was shown on BBC1 Wales, starting 20 September, the third episode was on Sun 4 October 2009.