Tangi Miller

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Affaire de femmes

Affaire de femmes

Feb 24, 2006
Madea, une grand-mère afro-américaine affectueuse, reçoit toute sa famille pour le week-end à l'occasion d'une grande réunion de famille. Mais la femme doit affronter une crise familiale importante. Sa nièce Lisa compte épouser son fiancé en apparence charmant et brillant. Cependant, l'homme frappe sa compagne. Vanessa, une autre nièce de Madea, hésite à s'engager auprès d'un chauffeur de bus généreux et attentionné. Face à ces problèmes, Madea décide de prendre les choses en main. Une autre mauvaise nouvelle tombe : sa soeur décède. L'enterrement a lieu le jour du mariage de Lisa. En parallèle, Madea apprend qu'elle doit s'occuper de Nikki, une adolescente révoltée, suite à une décision du tribunal...


Jan 23, 2010
Brian Dilks is an Office Drone. He spends his days at OmniLink in comforting monotony: facilitating the movement of product around the country, faxing, copying, joking with his best friend, Clark, and harmlessly flirting with fellow cubicle-mate, Amy. But how well does anyone really know the people they work with? When Brian discovers an improbable secret about his best friend, everything in Brian’s world changes and his safe life of workplace detachment is no longer an option. Shocked out of his mind-numbing routine by this new discovery, Brian throws himself into a star-crossed romance with Amy––yet close encounters of the office kind, like sales or intergalactic war, is an uncertain business.
Phantom Force

Phantom Force

Jul 06, 2004
The Venture, an old trident nuclear submarine retrofitted for research, has picked up an ancient and powerful artifact off the ocean floor and brought it aboard. Called the Hades Stone, it allows the dead to pass through a portal into the world of the living. No one has entered the portal, but evil things have emerged: phantoms, demons, and an ancient being known as the Stone Keeper, guardian of the Hades Stone. The Stone Keeper and his stone demons promptly attack, killing the entire crew and commandeering the submarine. Now, it is up to the elite Phantom Force team to stop him.
My Girlfriend's Back

My Girlfriend's Back

Jan 01, 2010
This intelligent romantic comedy chronicles the socio-economic ascent of Derek Scott. Derek has spent his entire life plotting a course for his success. His diligence is about to pay off when he happens upon an unexpected detour. This "road less traveled" intrigues Derek so much so that he considers throwing away his entire well orchestrated life to experience the one thing his plan has yet to provide...love.
Mon Autre Frère

Mon Autre Frère

Apr 26, 2002
Durant toute sa vie Martin a été un modèle pour tous ceux qui l'entourent. Critique d'art, il menait une vie bien rangée dans les beaux quartiers de Harlem, jusqu'au jour où il a surpris sa fiancée au lit avec une autre... femme ! Depuis trois ans, sa vie sentimentale ne décolle pas et lorsqu'il rencontre Paula sa nouvelle voisine, une belle et jeune professeur d'art ; il tombe immédiatement amoureux. Malheureusement, Martin est incapable de la séduire. Désespéré, il fait appel à son frère, Junnie, un véritable "player" auprès des dames.
The Good Life

The Good Life

Jul 23, 2012
Christopher Nolen's "The Good Life" is the story of Jacques and Marianne Vandelay, a highly successful African American couple. They are happy but both are keeping dark secrets from each other.
72 Hours

72 Hours

Feb 13, 2015
The story revolves around Chef Cleavon 'Von' Burkett, a former ladies' man who was living the good life with a beautiful wife until one day he wasn't. A heart attack brings Von face to face with God, and God offers Von a second chance at life, if he atones to all of his exes. With the help of his best friend and the determination to live, Von embarks on a journey to seek redemption. But very soon he realizes that hell hath no fury like the women he's scorned.
Love and Other Four Letter Words
In this warm-hearted romantic comedy, Stormy La Rue, a rising star T.V. Talk Show host in Philadelphia must dig her way out the hole she creates by telling an innocent white lie. Stormy's relentless aspirations of becoming the next talk show superstar are sidelined when her nana, the only person in the world who means more to her than her precious career, is diagnosed with a fatal illness. Stormy would do anything to please her Nana, even if it means lying to her on her deathbed! So when Nana's dying wish is to have her favorite granddaughter married, Stormy tries to pull off the biggest show of her life - faking her own wedding!
Boxing Day: A Day After Christmas
Money is not necessarily the key to happiness. It can easily be considered man's worst downfall. Michael Adeyemi was destined to be a billionaire by the age of 35 and with money comes access to the fine things of life. Find out how Michael's desperate quest for fortune and success would cost him the number one thing money cannot buy - Family. Blinded by selfish ambitions, pride and appetite for greed leads him down a path of self-destruction, blinding him to the only thing that is worth saving. It all comes crashing down on "Boxing Day" where Michael is swept under a sea of adversities caused by none other than himself. Watch this downpour of self-inflicted wave of adversities with rippling effects that triggers thought provoking questions, of love, pain, pride and ultimate redemption - what if you never get that second chance?
Hollywood Chaos

Hollywood Chaos

Feb 17, 2015
When a naïve entertainment reporter is assigned to produce a special segment, exposing the decadent lifestyles of her celebrity friends, she is torn between accelerating her career and preserving their images.
Hurricane In The Rose Garden
A family comedy about what happens when a happily married couple's life is suddenly turned upside-down during an unwelcome visit from the husband's very traditional and very opinionated Nigerian Mom.


Jun 18, 2021
A late-night DJ at the hottest radio station in Atlanta struggles to find his way back to the top after being dumped live on-air. In his journey to revive his career, he meets a woman that once called his show seeking love advice, and that is where things begin to tangle.
The Love Section

The Love Section

Feb 01, 2013
Ali (LAWRENCE ADISA), is a struggling real estate agent and ladies man who has never desired to commit to anyone or anything. One night while out with his buddy Chris (OMAR MILLER), Ali meets and falls for Sandrine (DAVETTA SHERWOOD), a single mother who works hard and is looking for love. Ali’s best friend Joel (BRIAN HOOKS) and his wife (TANGI MILLER) are happy to see Ali cut off his line of women, while Sandrine’s best friend Steph (TEYANA TAYLOR) is unenthusiastic about Sandrine welcoming a man into her home to meet her son and mother (KELLITA SMITH). With a declining real estate career and issues with his new relationship, Ali starts questioning just how committed he’s willing to be. One important meeting with real estate mogul James Johnson (MEKHI PHIFER) could change his life for forever. For the first time it looks like Ali may make a transformation if he can steer clear of obstacles. In the end will love conquer all? Or will broken hearts be all that’s left of their romance?
The Good Wifey

The Good Wifey

Jan 01, 2012
Michael Raynar is in love with his young wife and expecting his first child. His story should end with "happily ever after" but it doesn't. Instead he runs into Kimmy Sardell. Despite his better judgment, they have a one-night stand that places him on a path of devastating consequences. When Michael's pregnant wife disappears, the police put him through hell. Two years later he is still grieving his loss when he runs again into Kimmy. Since that night spent together, he lost a wife and child and Kimmy has a beautiful playful daughter, Eden. When Michael begins to notice things about Eden that remind him of his wife, he doesn't have to dig deep to discover a deranged side of the woman he now loves. Eden's life hangs by a thread, a thread Kimmy is ready and willing to cut.
Love and Other Four Letter Words
In this warm-hearted romantic comedy, Stormy La Rue, a rising star T.V. Talk Show host in Philadelphia must dig her way out the hole she creates by telling an innocent white lie. Stormy's relentless aspirations of becoming the next talk show superstar are sidelined when her nana, the only person in the world who means more to her than her precious career, is diagnosed with a fatal illness. Stormy would do anything to please her Nana, even if it means lying to her on her deathbed! So when Nana's dying wish is to have her favorite granddaughter married, Stormy tries to pull off the biggest show of her life - faking her own wedding!
Du côté de chez Fran
Fran Reeves est une divorcée épanouie : elle est décoratrice d'intérieur de talent, a deux enfants, Josh et Allison et un petit ami, Riley, beaucoup plus jeune qu'elle. Mais elle doit gérer le retour de son fils, viré de la fac de médecine, qui désapprouve son jeune petit ami.
The Shield

The Shield

Nov 25, 2008
Vic Mackey est un détective en charge d'un petit groupe : la Strike Team. Lui et les membres de cette équipe luttent avec acharnement contre les gangs, le trafic de drogue, etc. Pour cela, ils n'hésitent pas à utiliser leurs poings. David Acedeva, son supérieur, connaît les méthodes de Vic et essaye par tous les moyens de l'épingler.
Half et Half

Half et Half

May 15, 2006
Mona et Dee-Dee n'ont apparemment qu'une chose en commun : leur père ! Après avoir grandi loin l'une de l'autre, elles vont vivre dans le même immeuble à San Francisco et découvrir un lien fraternel nouveau, unique et fort.
Division d'élite

Division d'élite

Jun 28, 2004
La série met en scène une équipe de cinq femmes policiers dirigée par le capitaine Kate McCafferty et se concentre plus particulièrement sur les difficultés qu'elles rencontrent afin de concilier leurs vies professionnelle et personnelle.


Apr 18, 2003
André Hayes et Donovan « Van » Ray sont tous deux inspecteurs de police. Lors d'une mission, Hayes se fait tuer. Le lieutenant Wilhelmina « Billie » Chambers, qui est également le chef de l'équipe, envoie Van Ray dans une unité spéciale. Il devra infiltrer les réseaux criminels les plus dangereux de Los Angeles et aura comme coéquipier Deacon "Deaq" Hayes, le frère cadet d'André. Ils ont été tous les deux choisis pour leur passé houleux qui leur confère une grande connaissance des milieux de gangsters. Ils y ont encore des relations.Ils travaillent dans la « Confiserie » (the Candy-Shop) où leurs plaques de police sont gardées sous coffre. Ils ont à leur disposition de très gros moyens, voitures haut de gamme, moto, diamants, argent. Le mot d'ordre de la Confiserie est : "Tout ce que l'on saisit, on le garde. Tout ce que l'on garde, on l'utilise".
Action & Adventure
Kim Possible

Kim Possible

Sep 07, 2007
Kimberley Ann Possible est une jeune adolescente de quatorze ans qui mène une double vie entre l'équipe des pompon girl et ses activités d'espionnage. Elle est aidé par son meilleur ami Robin Trépide et son animal de compagnie Rufus.
Cold case : Affaires classées
Au sein de la police de Philadelphie, le Lieutenant John Stillman, mais aussi les inspecteurs Lilly Rush, Scotty Valens, Nick Vera, Will Jeffries et Kat Miller font partie d'une brigade spéciale, enquêtant sur des affaires passées et qui ont été classées à l'époque malgré le fait qu'elles soient non résolues. Cette équipe va alors interroger les témoins, dont les vies ont bien changées depuis le meurtre, tenter de trouver de nouveaux indices et faire appel aux nouvelles technologies qui pourront lui apporter quelques réponses.


May 22, 2002
Sur un coup de coeur, Felicity Porter a tout quitté pour rejoindre l'université de New York où Ben Covington - pour lequel elle nourrit des sentiments - y poursuit ses études. Mais une fois sur place, les choses ne se déroulent pas comme elle l'espérait. La jeune fille va devoir malgré tout s'adapter à cette nouvelle vie et se faire de nouveaux amis...
La Treizième Dimension
Cette série est une anthologie d'histoires fantastiques, étranges, énigmatiques dont le but est, pour citer son créateur Rod Serling, « de frapper le téléspectateur, de le choquer par la chute toujours inattendue, surprenante et singulière de chacune de ces histoires ».
Sci-Fi & Fantasy