Michael Deak

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Apr 10, 2006
Preston Rogers revient dans son chalet pour parachever sa réhabilitation médicale, après que sa femme se soit tuée dans un accident de montagne alors qu'il l'accompagnait. Paraplégique, il se déplace en fauteuil roulant avec l'aide d'Otis, son infirmier. Dans le chalet voisin, un groupe de jolies filles débarque pour le week-end. Un week-end qui va vite se transformer en cauchemar lorsque tout ce petit monde va subir les attaques d'un abominable Yéti qui a élu domicile dans la forêt avoisinante…


Mar 29, 1989
Les habitants d'une énorme station spatiale se divertissent en assistant aux combats de lutteurs qu'organisent pour eux les autorités locales. Les champions extraterrestres ont depuis belle lurette damé le pion aux humains, trop tendres pour leur résister. Steve Armstrong, un jeune colosse amoureux fermement décidé à devenir un valeureux gladiateur, accepte, pour les beaux yeux d'une organisatrice, de se mesurer à toutes sortes de monstres. Il entend ainsi mettre un terme à sa paisible existence, passée en compagnie de Shorty, un humanoïde doté de quatre bras qui s'ennuie ferme, loin de sa femme et de ses trente-huit enfants.
Science Fiction
Cellar Dweller

Cellar Dweller

Sep 20, 1988
Dans les années 1950, les créations d'un peintre horrifique s'animent et le tuent. Des années plus tard, un nouveau caricaturiste ravive les créatures de sa maison, qui fait maintenant partie d'une colonie d'artistes.
Halloween II

Halloween II

Aug 28, 2009
Michael Myers est un tueur psychopathe. Depuis ses dix ans, il croupit dans un asile psychiatrique. Devenu adulte, il n’a qu’une obsession : retrouver sa sœur Laurie. Échappé de l’asile, plus sauvage et terrifiant que jamais, Michael entame une traque jalonnée de cadavres...


Apr 06, 2007
Un diptyque déjanté, hommage aux films d'exploitation et aux doubles-programmes des années 70, composé de Grind House - 1ère séance : Deathproof de Quentin Tarantino et Grind House - 2ème séance : Planet Terror de Robert Rodriguez. Le film est sorti en une seule partie aux États-Unis, au Canada, en Angleterre et en Australie, et en deux parties dans les pays non-anglophones.
Little Nicky

Little Nicky

Nov 10, 2000
Nicky, un jeune homme ordinaire, plutôt gentil, préfère jouer de la guitare plutôt que de s’investir dans de sombres affaires familiales. Ses deux frères sont en revanche dévorés d’ambition, sans scrupule, et n’attendent qu’une chose : prendre la place de leur infernal papa, le diable lui‐même. Mais celui‐ci n’est pas prêt à passer la main. Dépités et furieux, les deux Belzébuth juniors quittent la maison pour New York et condamnent la porte des enfers, privant leur père des nouvelles recrues du purgatoire qui assurent sa survie. Nicky va devoir sauver le diable.
Turbo Power Rangers

Turbo Power Rangers

Mar 27, 1997
La maléfique reine Divatox pourchasse le magicien Lerigot, qui se réfugie sur Terre en Centrafrique. Elle veut lui prendre une Clé d'Or pour accéder à l'Île de Muiranthis, où se trouve le Temple du démon Maligore, son futur époux. Là, elle compte le réveiller avec des victimes humaines - qui se trouveront être des Power Rangers actifs ou retraités, ce qui permet aussi à Divatox de faire chanter Lerigot. De leur côté, les Power Rangers luttent pour sauver un orphelinat, mais ils doivent aussi intégrer une jeune recrue, Justin, qui a découvert leur identité et devient le Ranger Bleu. D'abord bernés par Divatox, qui leur donne des mannequins à la place de ses otages en échange de la Clé, ils créent la Technologie Turbo et des clés imitées de celle de Lerigot. Ils combattent en chemin les sbires de Divatox mais ne peuvent pas libérer Jason, et, sur l'île, Kim se fait kidnapper par les Manikayans que Divatox subjugue : elle a à nouveau deux offrandes.
Le puits et le pendule
Machiavélique, cruel, Torquemada règne sur la très catholique Espagne par l'intermédiaire de l'Inquisition, doctrine religieuse dont il fait un instrument de promotion personnelle. Ainsi, lorsque la très belle Maria se refuse à lui, Torquemada fait torturer son mari, un boulanger. A l'objet de sa convoitise, le Grand Inquisiteur inflige ensuite l'accusation de sorcellerie, soupçon qui ne peut que la conduire au bûcher...


Dec 08, 1987
Le pénitencier de Creedmore rouvre ses portes au terme de vingt ans de fermeture. Sharpe, son directeur y règne par la violence. Mais l'esprit de Charles Forsyth, condamné à tort à la chaise électrique, rode. Cet esprit vengeur se répand dans la prison, tuant gardiens et détenus. Son objectif: faire payer à Sharpe les 60.000 volts qu'il lui a naguère envoyés dans le corps...
Ghoulies II

Ghoulies II

Jul 31, 1987
Les Guoulies sont de retour dans cette suite où elles assiègent une fête foraine et où elles offrent aux adolescents du parc une nuit dont ils se souviendront.
Le Jour des morts-vivants
Les morts-vivants se sont emparés du monde. Seul un groupe d'humains, composé de militaires et de scientifiques, survit dans un silo à missiles. Deux solutions se présentent : fuir ou tenter de contrôler les zombies...


Mar 18, 1991
L'agent du FBI Max Reed assiste au meurtre d'un chercheur de la mystérieuse société Chronos. Un étudiant trouve un appareil extraterrestre ayant appartenu au scientifique, et fusionne avec, devenant un homme en armure. Le propriétaire de l'appareil envoie ses hommes, les Zoanoids, le récupérer coûte que coûte.
Science Fiction
Le Retour des morts-vivants 3
Curt est le fils du colonel Sinclair, un scientifique qui a dédié sa vie à un étrange projet de recherche. Jumlie est une splendide adolescente dont Curl est éperdument amoureux. Quand Julie meurt dans un accident, Curt utilise le projet de son père pour la ramener à la vie...
Dar l'invincible 3 : L'Œil de Braxus
En pleine époque barbare aux aventures magiques et musclées, Dar l'Invincible, le Maître des Animaux, a pour mission d'empêcher l'impitoyable sorcier Lord Agon d'obtenir "l’œil" précieux qui permettra à Braxus, Dieu du mal, de revivre. Agon ne reculera devant rien pour arriver à ses fins: sacrifices humains, destruction à grand fracas et l’enlèvement du frère de Dar, le Roi Tal. Armé de son glaive, de force et de ruse, accompagné de ses fidèles animaux, de Seth le loyal conseiller de Tal, et de la séduisante et habile guerrière Shada, Dar se trouvera fer contre fer, face au mal le plus redoutable...
Fréquence extraterrestre
Un extra-terrestre ressemblant à une chou-fleur métallique bleu bipède s'empare d'une station radio. A partir de là, il provoque dans l'esprit de jeunes femmes des visions et des clips vidéo-rock...
Science Fiction
Gingerdead Man 2 : Passion of the Crust
Après s'être vengé de Sara, la seule survivante de la tuerie qui lui a valu la chaise électrique, l'homme pain d'épices s'immisce cette fois-ci dans une boîte à pâtisseries lors d'un tournage de film à petit budget. Pour le malheur de Kelvin Cheatam, jeune producteur qui essaye de redresser sa structure, il se déchaîne sur les acteurs du film qui ne sont pas sûrs de s'en sortir vivants...
Barbie & Kendra Crash Joe Bob's Drive-In Jamboree!
Barbie and Kendra head to Vegas to crash horror host Joe Bob Briggs' annual Drive-In movie meltdown and profess their love to the trash lovin' Texan and his sexy sidekick Darcy. But as the ladies settle in for some primo cinematic slop, they learn that a ruthless land baron is planning to turn their crush's outdoor horror movie palace into a golf course!
Speed Demon

Speed Demon

Nov 10, 2003
Herbert West is totally out of control on campus, sticking his glowing green reagent into every corpse he can find!
Fou à tuer

Fou à tuer

May 21, 1986
Herbert West is totally out of control on campus, sticking his glowing green reagent into every corpse he can find!


Dec 17, 2002
Herbert West is totally out of control on campus, sticking his glowing green reagent into every corpse he can find!
Zarkorr! The Invader

Zarkorr! The Invader

Apr 30, 1996
An "average" postal worker is informed by a tiny alien hologram which looks like a teenage girl that he is the "choosen one" to destroy a giant reptile to save the Earth.
Science Fiction
Planet Patrol

Planet Patrol

Nov 09, 1999
The Planet Patrol Team, four teens dedicated to protecting the innocent citizens of the universe from evil intergalactic forces, face the battle of a lifetime as they confront LORD DOOM and his horrible minions. After Doom selects Earth as home for his repulsive collection of deadly creatures, the Team swings into action, fighting off a dinosaur skeleton, a “killer monster” and finally a gigantic savage robot, in a valiant effort to defend the galaxy and its inhabitants. Though thoroughly overmatched by Doom, the Team utilizes skill, luck and uncanny quickness to tackle the formidable war machine in a battle to the death.
Shrunken Heads

Shrunken Heads

May 01, 1994
Three teens killed by a local crime boss return for revenge after a witch doctor revives them through voodoo magic.
Shrunken Heads

Shrunken Heads

May 01, 1994
Three teens killed by a local crime boss return for revenge after a witch doctor revives them through voodoo magic.
Robot Jox

Robot Jox

Jun 04, 1990
Three teens killed by a local crime boss return for revenge after a witch doctor revives them through voodoo magic.
Science Fiction
Oblivion 2: Backlash

Oblivion 2: Backlash

Apr 02, 1996
In the alien-western world of Oblivion, a suave, yet lethal bounty hunter named Sweeney arrives to arrest the seductive outlaw Lash on multiple charges, including murder. Lash, who just "inherited" a mine of Derconium (the most valuable mineral in the universe) from Crowley in a game of cards, meets up with Redeye's brother, Jaggar, who wants the mine for himself to rule the galaxy. It's a fight over Lash between the sheriff of Oblivion, Jaggar, and Sweeney. But who will emerge victorious?
Science Fiction
Oblivion 2: Backlash

Oblivion 2: Backlash

Apr 02, 1996
In the alien-western world of Oblivion, a suave, yet lethal bounty hunter named Sweeney arrives to arrest the seductive outlaw Lash on multiple charges, including murder. Lash, who just "inherited" a mine of Derconium (the most valuable mineral in the universe) from Crowley in a game of cards, meets up with Redeye's brother, Jaggar, who wants the mine for himself to rule the galaxy. It's a fight over Lash between the sheriff of Oblivion, Jaggar, and Sweeney. But who will emerge victorious?
Science Fiction


Apr 01, 1994
On another planet which resembles the Old West, a die-hard pacifist is forced to re-examine his ways after an evil alien bandit and his gang murder his estranged sheriff father, take over his home town, and threaten his friends.


Jul 20, 1993
Alex Manning and her friends decide to visit the local video arcade known as "Dante's Inferno" where a new virtual reality arcade game called "Arcade" is being test marketed by a computer company CEO. However, it soon becomes clear that the teenagers who lose are being imprisoned inside the virtual reality world by the central villain "Arcade" and takes over their minds.


Aug 18, 1993
In his hidden laboratory deep in Russia, Dr. Karl Zimmer has invented the Mandroid, a humanoid robot which follows the motions of a man in a special control suit. He has offered the invention to the USA, who have sent Smith and Wait from the CIA for inspection. However Zimmer's partner Drago has different plans, wants to sell Mandroid to the military. The night he tries to steal Mandroid, he becomes exposed to the highly toxic Superconn. But he can flee and won't give up on Mandroid, even though he's terribly disfigured.
Science Fiction
Spellbreaker: Secret of the Leprechauns
Fairyhill Ireland is a place filled with mysteries and legends,Leprechauns and Magic. And for an American Kid like Mike Dennehy, it's a world of wonderous adventure. Vacationing in Fairyhill for the summer, Mike makes friends with a fascinating group of rather unlucky leprechaunsby Nula, Queen of the Dead - an unbelievably beautiful and sinister witch. can the Queen destroy centuries of Leprechaun power? Will evil triumph? Gather up your lucky charms(you'll need them!) and get ready for Spellbreaker, the adventure of Mike's lifetime... and yours!
Darkside, les contes de la nuit noire
Fairyhill Ireland is a place filled with mysteries and legends,Leprechauns and Magic. And for an American Kid like Mike Dennehy, it's a world of wonderous adventure. Vacationing in Fairyhill for the summer, Mike makes friends with a fascinating group of rather unlucky leprechaunsby Nula, Queen of the Dead - an unbelievably beautiful and sinister witch. can the Queen destroy centuries of Leprechaun power? Will evil triumph? Gather up your lucky charms(you'll need them!) and get ready for Spellbreaker, the adventure of Mike's lifetime... and yours!


Jan 01, 1989
Fairyhill Ireland is a place filled with mysteries and legends,Leprechauns and Magic. And for an American Kid like Mike Dennehy, it's a world of wonderous adventure. Vacationing in Fairyhill for the summer, Mike makes friends with a fascinating group of rather unlucky leprechaunsby Nula, Queen of the Dead - an unbelievably beautiful and sinister witch. can the Queen destroy centuries of Leprechaun power? Will evil triumph? Gather up your lucky charms(you'll need them!) and get ready for Spellbreaker, the adventure of Mike's lifetime... and yours!
Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Aug 31, 1994
Fairyhill Ireland is a place filled with mysteries and legends,Leprechauns and Magic. And for an American Kid like Mike Dennehy, it's a world of wonderous adventure. Vacationing in Fairyhill for the summer, Mike makes friends with a fascinating group of rather unlucky leprechaunsby Nula, Queen of the Dead - an unbelievably beautiful and sinister witch. can the Queen destroy centuries of Leprechaun power? Will evil triumph? Gather up your lucky charms(you'll need them!) and get ready for Spellbreaker, the adventure of Mike's lifetime... and yours!
Blonde Heaven

Blonde Heaven

Oct 28, 1995
A coven of vampires operates out of a modeling/escort agency known as Blonde Heaven. Angie came from Oklahoma to find her way into the movie business, but is followed by her boyfriend Kyle. Head vamp Illyana takes a liking to Angie and convinces her to do escort work for the agency, but has other recruiting plans for her as well. While the vampires do their sleazy work around LA (and Angie gets in over her head), Kyle and a vampire hunter team up to try and stop the fiends.
Blonde Heaven

Blonde Heaven

Oct 28, 1995
A coven of vampires operates out of a modeling/escort agency known as Blonde Heaven. Angie came from Oklahoma to find her way into the movie business, but is followed by her boyfriend Kyle. Head vamp Illyana takes a liking to Angie and convinces her to do escort work for the agency, but has other recruiting plans for her as well. While the vampires do their sleazy work around LA (and Angie gets in over her head), Kyle and a vampire hunter team up to try and stop the fiends.
The Island

The Island

Jul 21, 2005
A coven of vampires operates out of a modeling/escort agency known as Blonde Heaven. Angie came from Oklahoma to find her way into the movie business, but is followed by her boyfriend Kyle. Head vamp Illyana takes a liking to Angie and convinces her to do escort work for the agency, but has other recruiting plans for her as well. While the vampires do their sleazy work around LA (and Angie gets in over her head), Kyle and a vampire hunter team up to try and stop the fiends.
Bloodlust: Subspecies III
A coven of vampires operates out of a modeling/escort agency known as Blonde Heaven. Angie came from Oklahoma to find her way into the movie business, but is followed by her boyfriend Kyle. Head vamp Illyana takes a liking to Angie and convinces her to do escort work for the agency, but has other recruiting plans for her as well. While the vampires do their sleazy work around LA (and Angie gets in over her head), Kyle and a vampire hunter team up to try and stop the fiends.
Bloodstone: Subspecies II
A coven of vampires operates out of a modeling/escort agency known as Blonde Heaven. Angie came from Oklahoma to find her way into the movie business, but is followed by her boyfriend Kyle. Head vamp Illyana takes a liking to Angie and convinces her to do escort work for the agency, but has other recruiting plans for her as well. While the vampires do their sleazy work around LA (and Angie gets in over her head), Kyle and a vampire hunter team up to try and stop the fiends.
Zarkorr! The Invader

Zarkorr! The Invader

Apr 30, 1996
An "average" postal worker is informed by a tiny alien hologram which looks like a teenage girl that he is the "choosen one" to destroy a giant reptile to save the Earth.
Science Fiction
Déjà vu

Déjà vu

Nov 22, 2006
An "average" postal worker is informed by a tiny alien hologram which looks like a teenage girl that he is the "choosen one" to destroy a giant reptile to save the Earth.
Trancers 4: Jack of Swords
Jack is now back in the future. He had since lost Lena, and finds out that he's lost his other wife Alice to none other than Harris. While heading out for another assignment, something goes awry with the TCL chamber. Jack finds himself in a whole new dimension. He also runs across a different version of trancers. These guys seem to be in control of this planet. Jack manages to assist a rebel group known as the "Tunnel Rats" crush the rule of the evil Lord Calaban.
Science Fiction
Le Visiteur

Le Visiteur

May 01, 1987
Jack is now back in the future. He had since lost Lena, and finds out that he's lost his other wife Alice to none other than Harris. While heading out for another assignment, something goes awry with the TCL chamber. Jack finds himself in a whole new dimension. He also runs across a different version of trancers. These guys seem to be in control of this planet. Jack manages to assist a rebel group known as the "Tunnel Rats" crush the rule of the evil Lord Calaban.


Aug 31, 2007
Jack is now back in the future. He had since lost Lena, and finds out that he's lost his other wife Alice to none other than Harris. While heading out for another assignment, something goes awry with the TCL chamber. Jack finds himself in a whole new dimension. He also runs across a different version of trancers. These guys seem to be in control of this planet. Jack manages to assist a rebel group known as the "Tunnel Rats" crush the rule of the evil Lord Calaban.
Halloween II

Halloween II

Aug 28, 2009
Jack is now back in the future. He had since lost Lena, and finds out that he's lost his other wife Alice to none other than Harris. While heading out for another assignment, something goes awry with the TCL chamber. Jack finds himself in a whole new dimension. He also runs across a different version of trancers. These guys seem to be in control of this planet. Jack manages to assist a rebel group known as the "Tunnel Rats" crush the rule of the evil Lord Calaban.
Code Lisa

Code Lisa

Jul 25, 1998
Gary et Wyatt sont deux lycéens terriblement complexés. Ne réussissant pas à approcher la moindre fille, ils décident de créer par ordinateur la femme idéale : Lisa.Note : la série est une adaptation du film Une créature de rêve datant de 1985.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy