Igor Kornelyuk

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Dec 01, 1989
A murder has occurred, for which the famous artist Botsanov takes responsibility. However, the matter was not as simple as it might seem at first. The investigation of the crime is entrusted to an experienced investigator.
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1940. Leningrad. In sixth grader Mickey Polyakov light-hearted and happy life: the father-director, beautiful mother, a large apartment in the city center and many friends. And everything in this life before the war is well until one day he did not suffer at the hands of seniors. Physician ambulance that brought Mick into intensive care, noted strong concussion. But the terrible injury gave Mick a mysterious gift - he can now kill any of his abuser Lashes. So for Miki begins a completely different life, which are closely intertwined reality and mysticism.
Преследование мусора или мой любимый муж
Lyrical comedy about a strange woman. The film begins with the heroine's heavy, hungover morning, after a small lonely holiday the day before. The heroine wakes up, with a habitual gesture turns on the old tape recorder with Boyarsky's cassette, dances and tidies up to the music. Suddenly she realizes that she threw something very important and valuable along with the trash. In a panic, she rushes in pursuit of garbage (garbage truck), meeting other heroes along the way. This is a dynamic and fun road movie with intrigue and unusual, lyrical and deep denouement.


Jan 24, 2012
A story based on love between Anton Chekhov and a young writer Lidiya Avilova.
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Dec 12, 2004
Лента рассказывает о реальных событиях конца февраля 2000 года, произошедших в Аргунском ущелье в Чечне. Бойцы 6-й роты 104 парашютно-десантного полка Псковской дивизии ВДВ вступили в жестокий бой с двадцатикратно превосходящими силами террористов. Десантники не дрогнули, не отступили и выполнили задание, ценой своей жизни преградив путь бандитам, прорывающимся из окружения.
Бандитский Петербург. Фильм 1. Барон
Thief in law Yuri Mikheev, nicknamed Baron, together with his partner, robs the apartment of Mikhail Monakhov, a banker and deputy assistant close to the gangster structures, filled with antiques. Together with the jewels, they bring out Rembrandt's painting Aegina. The baron tells his partner that this is a good copy, realizing that in fact it is the original, stolen from the Hermitage. Soon the Baron ends up in prison, where he bequeaths to the journalist Andrei Seregin, who writes on criminal topics, to take the painting from his woman and return it to the Hermitage. Seregin takes on the investigation alone. The bandits, fearing that a story with a fake hanging in the Hermitage may come up, are trying with all their might to prevent this.
Бандитский Петербург. Фильм 3. Крах Антибиотика
The main criminal authority - Antibiotic, seemingly a virtuoso and elusive genius of the underworld, invulnerable to a bullet, knife and authorities, sooner or later retribution must overtake. Journalist Seregin, acting at his own peril and risk, breaks the unsteady balance between the gangs and clans of the city and sets in motion a gangster meat grinder. In the center of it is an overly cautious Antibiotic.
Улицы разбитых фонарей
Russian detectives unwind the ball of the most intricate and cruel crimes. They are consummate professionals, the best cops in town. Even on the most dangerous missions, this quartet never loses their sense of humor. It is it that helps them find the most incredible ways out of any situation. They uphold the law and emerge victorious.
Тайны следствия
In the center of the plot is a senior investigator named Masha Shvetsova and her male colleagues. The plot is the most vital, but, like in “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” it is seasoned with a fair amount of humor - otherwise, how can the audience (and the heroes) endure countless morgues, identifications and other “cute” charms of the investigative routine?
Action & Adventure
The Voice (Kids : Russie)
The Voice Kids is a Russian reality television singing competition broadcast on Channel One. Based on the original The Voice Kids of Holland, the concept of the series is to find currently unsigned singing talent contested by aspiring singers, age 6 to 15, drawn from public auditions.
The Voice (Kids : Russie)
L'action principale du livre a lieu dans le Moscou des années 1930, où Satan se manifeste sous l'identité d'un mystérieux magicien nommé Woland, accompagné d'une troupe hétéroclite composée du fantaisiste cabotin Fagotto (ou Fahoth, selon les traductions), alias Koroviev, du chafouin et bavard chat noir Béhémoth, du tueur Azazello (référence probable au démon Azazel) et de l'impudique sorcière rousse Hella. Ce groupe prend pour cible l'élite littéraire avec son syndicat officiel, le MASSOLIT, son restaurant-QG pour les privilégiés de la nomenklatura (la maison Griboïedov), ses bureaucrates et ses profiteurs, ainsi que les sceptiques et les mécréants. Le film débute par une discussion sur l'existence de Dieu entre le chef de la scène littéraire officielle, Berlioz, athée notoire, et un étranger très distingué (Woland) rencontré dans le parc de l'Étang du Patriarche. Woland prédit à Berlioz qu'il ne se rendra pas à la réunion du MASSOLIT où il est attendu le soir même, et qu'il mourra la tête coupée. De fait, peu après, Berlioz glisse sous un tramway et est décapité. Témoin de toute la scène, le jeune poète Ivan Biezdomny (dont le nom signifie « sans-logis ») tente vainement de poursuivre et capturer Woland, qu'ont rejoint Fagotto et un chat noir géant, puis d'avertir les autorités de la nature diabolique du trio, mais ne parvient qu'à se faire jeter dans un asile de fous. À ce point apparaît le personnage du Maître, un auteur aigri, désespéré du rejet dont a fait l'objet son roman sur Ponce Pilate et le Christ, au point d'en avoir jeté au feu le manuscrit avant de se détourner du monde, y compris de son aimée Marguerite. Après une période de vagabondage, il se fait interner dans l'hôpital psychiatrique où échouera plus tard Biezdomny. Ladite maison de fous joue un rôle d'importance puisque, tout au long du roman, des victimes des farces de la troupe de Satan s'y trouveront enfermées.
The Voice (Kids : Russie)
The Idiot is a costume drama TV series produced by Russia TV Channel in 2003, based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel of the same title. The series' script is very close to Dostoevsky's original text, and the series features well-known Russian actors.
The Voice (Kids : Russie)
A Russian detective series, based on 8 works of Andrei Konstantinov ("lawyer", "Justice / Attorney-2", "The Thief / Journalist-2", "Writer", "Inventor / Writer-2", "The prisoner "," Cop "," Scavenger ") and four works by other writers.
Action & Adventure