Bibari Maeda

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La Planète des Monstres
Des scientifiques mènent des expériences climatiques sur l'île de Solgell, ce qui a pour effet de déclencher une tempête et de transformer les mantes locales en monstres géants : les Kamacuras. Alors que celles-ci découvrent un œuf géant et s'apprêtent à tuer le bébé, Godzilla arrive et lui sauve la vie avant d'entreprendre son éducation...
The 10th film in the Wakadaisho series, the Young Ace Yuichi Tanuma travels to Hawaii to train in deep-sea navigation. The Young Ace comes to the rescue of various women in peril, teaches a would-be restauranteur how to make sukiyaki, thwarts the romantic aspirations of his rival Ao Daisho, and competes in the finals of the Japan Judo Championship at the Nippon Budokan. Shot across various locations across Hawaii, Tahiti, Saipan, and Tokyo.


Aug 02, 2018
The long-awaited sequel to the much-talked-about “Haunted Investigation Room: Demon Scary!" While the crew was closely following a detective agency, the agency received a report that Misato Maeda, a member of the idol group “Snow Drops,” was being stalked by a stalker. In order to investigate the stalker, a hidden camera is installed.
Tap:The Last Show

Tap:The Last Show

Jun 17, 2017
Shinjiro Watari, a former tap dancer, plays the lead as a dancer who is forced into retirement following an accident while on stage. He tries his hand at Directing, but struggles to make the transition. Shinjiro turns to alcohol to cope with his plight. But when the manager of a theater being closed down turns to Shinjiro to direct its final performance, he works with a group young dancers and in the process learns a few things about himself. The movie is very well done and worth the price of admission. A view into the Japanese dancing world, as well as Japanese society.
Le Visage d'un autre

Le Visage d'un autre

Jul 15, 1966
Un homme d'affaires atrocement brûlé suite à l'incendie d'un laboratoire, décide de se faire faire un nouveau visage. Peu après l'opération qui est un succès, il réussit à séduire la femme du chirurgien. Mais peu à peu, un étrange sentiment l'envahit : le masque semble avoir une influence néfaste sur lui, comme s'il commandait sa volonté…
A mysterious code written with letters and numbers is found on a street in Kyoto. Yoshito Takuma (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) and Chinami Anekoji (Kaho Minami) begin to investigate. They discover that something happened at the place where the code was found on stickers and they also discover a dead body. A man known as "Writer" is suspected of being the culprit. To find the man known as "Writer," Yoshito Takuma infiltrates into Shiga central prison. --asianwiki
家裁調査官 山ノ坊晃
Tokyo Family Court judicial research official Akira Yamanobo is in charge of Tetsuo and Ayano Katase's divorce arbitration. Ayano, the wife, who works for a boutique company, insists her husband is involved with another woman. Supported by her employer Kotomi Saegusa, the company president, she demands a divorce as soon as possible. On the other hand, her husband Tetsuo, a trading professional, denies having a relationship with a woman. He says he will not agree to the divorce and does not plan to let his only son Kenta go, so the arbitration continues. According to Akira's investigation, Ayano gave birth to Kenta as a single mother five years ago when she was working as a hospital clerk, making him Tetsuo's stepson. Tetsuo loves Kenta as his own child, so Akira doesn't understand why Ayano is so insistent on getting a divorce. However, Tetsuo's insistence on not giving up custody of his stepson Kenta is also very unusual.
College student Yuuichi Tanuma is fired up for Nationals where his university Kyonan will face off against their rivals, Seihoku. Yuuichi has his sights set on winning football gold, but his father, who wants him to take over his sukiyaki restaurant, isn't too keen on this. Set in Kyoto, Hong Kong, and Macau, we follow Yuuichi as he falls in love and chases after his dreams.
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Né d'une mère humaine et d'un père vampire, D vit entre lumière et ténèbres dans un monde au bord de l'abîme. C'est le pire qu'il tente d'empêcher en se lançant sur la trace de Charlotte Elbourne, une jeune femme kidnappée par Meier Link, un puissant vampire que traque également le clan Markus. Mais, autant D que les Markus s'engagent au-delà de Meier Link, à affronter un adversaire nettement plus redoutable encore, la comtesse Carmilla qui, depuis son tombeau, attend que le sang d'une vierge la ramène à la vie.


Sep 27, 2024
The story centers on Kakeru Nishizawa and Mami Sakaniwa, two people who find each other through a dating app, and decide soon after to get engaged. After their engagement, Mami suddenly disappears. In trying to find her, Kakeru must confront a side of Mami's past that he might not have wanted to know.
本日も晴れ。異状なし 〜南の島 駐在所物語〜
A hot-blooded and meddlesome resident police officer, Ryō Shirase, is transferred to the southernmost manned island of Narumijima, where the Southern Cross can be seen. At first, it is thought that the peaceful island, in which people don’t even have to lock up their houses, does not need the resident police officer, but his personality and enthusiasm gradually change the minds of the islanders, who have been suffering from an aging population, a declining birthrate, and feeling of hopelessness…
Aino Hingo used to work as an associate professor of ethnology. He now works as the director of a matchmaking agency. His assistant is Sister Elizabeth. The high entrance fee at the matchmaking agency is two million yen, but the matchmaking agency has a 100% success rating for their clients getting married. They match customers based on the client's conditions. The secret behind their 100% marriage rate is Shingo Aino's counseling, relying on his knowledge in ethology.
Kori no Hana

Kori no Hana

Sep 07, 2008
Seno Kyoko est une pianiste qui reçoit un gros héritage, et commence à vivre opulente avec son mari. Mais un jour, elle reçoit un appel téléphonique d'une femme qui prétend être la maîtresse enceinte de son mari...
Iryu Sosa

Iryu Sosa

Sep 15, 2022
Satoshi Itomura est méticuleux sur les scènes de crime pour appréhender les auteurs de crimes. Il cherche la solution au travers des biens de la victime. Il es mal vu par ses collègues de la première division car il mène des enquêtes sans autorisation et en dehors de toute hiérarchie. Miyuki Oda, enquêteuse débutante, va découvrir par le détective scientifique une autre manière de résoudre des crimes.