Mang Hoi

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Pedicab Driver

Pedicab Driver

Feb 11, 1989
Fat Tung est le chef d’une bande de chauffeurs de taxi en vélo. Alors qu’ils se disputent les meilleurs coins de la ville et les meilleurs clients, un ami de Fat Tung tombe amoureux d’une jeune femme, qui est en réalité une prostituée, dont le patron est un dangereux maquereau nommé Master 5.
The Hell's Wind Staff

The Hell's Wind Staff

Jul 05, 1979
Deux jeunes experts en kung-fu sont terrorisés par un seigneur de guerre maléfique dont l'arme est connue sous le nom de Hell's Wind Staff. Avec l'aide d'un ancien rival du seigneur de guerre, ils s'entraînent aux Mains du Dragon pour affronter le Bâton du diable.
First Mission

First Mission

Sep 14, 1985
Jackie Chan est un policier de Hong Kong qui rêve de devenir marin. Comme il vit avec son frère un jeune handicapé mental qui ne peut s'assumer seul, il ne peut évidemment pas réaliser son rêve. Un jour, un gang impliqué dans une affaire de vol de bijoux kidnappent Samo...
L'Héritier de la violence
Brandon entretient une amitié de longue date avec Michael. Mais ce dernier ne la mérite pas : il voudrait en effet que sa femme tombe dans ses bras. Il l'accuse même du meurtre d'un gangster du quartier. Brandon est mis en prison. A s sortie, celui-ci constate que sa femme et son fils ont été kidnappés. Une longue recherche commence...
Le Moine d'Acier

Le Moine d'Acier

Aug 25, 1977
Dans le sud de la Chine où ils se considèrent en pays conquis, les mandchous terrorisent les habitants d'un village, multipliant crimes et provocations. Chung Mai-lu, surnommé le "Broyeur" est un disciple doué mais farceur du monastère de Shaolin. Impatient d’en découdre avec les oppresseurs mandchous, il quitte Shaolin à la sauvette pour rejoindre un condisciple le moine martial San De. Ce dernier l’introduit à son propre élève Liang qui travaille a une teinturerie. Lorsque Liang, sa famille et la teinturerie deviennent les victimes d’une bande de crapules mandchoues, il revient à Chung et au moine San De de les venger dans une sanglante vendetta.
The Fatal Flying Guillotines
un jeune homme veut se venger de la mort de sa mère, tandis qu'un groupe de moines Shaolin cherche un manuel de kung-fu. Tous les chemins mènent à un vieux maître diabolique qui se bat avec deux guillotines volantes motorisées, décapitant quiconque le défiant.
Enter the Fat Dragon

Enter the Fat Dragon

Jul 13, 1978
Sammo Hung joue ici un gros fermier fan de Bruce Lee qui vient d’arriver à Hong Kong pour travailler dans le café de son cousin. Mais il est suivi par des personnes des nouveaux territoires qui lui en veulent.
L'Exorciste chinois 2

L'Exorciste chinois 2

Feb 09, 1990
Po est, depuis sa naissance, destiné à épouser la fille de Monsieur Chu, dont il est éperdument amoureux. Mais il n'est pas le seul. Sze, également sous le charme de la jeune fille est prêt à tout pour la conquérir et va même jusqu'à engager un sorcier dans le but d'évincer son rival. Mais Po s'avère être le fils d'un grand exorciste et il n'est pas disposé à se laisser faire...
Une Flic de Choc 2

Une Flic de Choc 2

Apr 28, 1989
Lors du procès d'un trafiquant de drogue, le témoin principal est abattu et le suspect relâché faute de preuve. Convaincu que la loi doit être appliquée coûte que coûte, le jeune avocat de la défense démissionne et passe à l'action en supprimant le trafiquant. Ce qui n'est pas du goût du chef de la police qui envoie deux inspecteurs pour coincer le justicier hors la loi. Celui-ci est d'autant plus motivé qu'il s'avère être le cerveau du trafique de drogue et le commanditaire du meurtre.
Shen long xiao hu chuang jiang hu
Golden Sand City is filled with brothels and casinos funded by drug lord Yim Kung Ho (evil Mr. Yem) and policed by the iron fist of his henchman Panther (Leopard Head). Vigilantes Inspector Big Dragon (Bruce Liang), Little Mouse, and Black Cat plan to bring Yum Kung Ho and his evil empire to its knees, but face fierce opposition in the deadly Panther, who has the stolen pearls sought after by Big Dragon and his new ally Mei Ling.
Les Aventuriers de Shanghai
Un jeune homme de la campagne décide de monter à la ville afin de rechercher son frère qui s'est engagé dans l'armée. Là, il rencontre des bandits. Très vite, il est recherché par la police...
The Buddha Assassinator
Un combattant habile est employé par un Mandchou après l'avoir sauvé d'assassins Ming, mais sa loyauté est mise à l'épreuve lorsqu'il découvre que sa famille a été prise pour cible par les Mandchous.


Jan 09, 1987
Cousin Big returns home from the UK in order to find a wife and settle down. He has previously driven out his illegal immigrant friend Ma from the UK and the scores aren't settled. That is all cast aside when not only one, not two but three ghosts are to be dealt with and one is Cousin Big who has fallen in love with one of the ghosts.


Apr 20, 1972
After a career spanning more than forty years and dozens of films as director or writer, Yueh Feng used everything he learned on a final few martial arts epics, of which this is one of the most memorable. It's not easy to forget a hunchbacked, one-armed protagonist, nor the "Poisonous Dragon Sword" style, nor the luminous and lethal Shih Szu as the title swordswoman, who is out to avenge her father's death at the mid-autumn festival.
Mad mission 6 - new mad mission
à la mort de son père -qui n'a pas supporté de perdre au poker, au point de faire un arrêt cardiaque- le peu combatif Ho Sik hérite de sa place à la tête d'un clan mafieux -promotion qui ne l'enchante guère. Il est également mis en demeure, par le reste de la famille, d'abattre lui-même la femme responsable du décès de son père. Chargé de son éducation, Chiu Wai (Vodka Boum Boum en VF) dont les prodigieux réflexes sont dus à l'alcool qu'il ingurgite régulièrement... Tous deux se lancent aux trousses de leur cible, Li Lai-shen, que poursuit également un gang de petites frappes dont le chef -un tempérament artiste, ringard et caractériel- s'est fait plumer par la demoiselle au cours d'une transaction... Pour se simplifier la vie, Ho Sik est sous le charme de Li Lai-shen !


Jan 06, 1972
Instructor Lin who is home from training the imperial troops for several years. He meets his wife and runs into his brother who has become a monk at the local temple. His superior Lord Gao, strangely decides to rape Lin's wife in the temple but Lin interrupts the crime. His brother is enraged and tries to kill Gao but Lin stops him with the help of Lin's training brother and old friend Lu who works for Gao. Lin is loyal to the Commissioner and will not do anything to harm his son. Once back at the Commissioner's house, Gao and Lu hatch a plan to discredit and eventually kill Lin all with the Commissioner's approval. The plan is put into motion and Lin is unjustly arrested for trespassing on imperial property.
Shanghaï Express

Shanghaï Express

Jan 30, 1986
En Chine au début du XXe siècle, le Shangaï Express fait l'objet de nombreuses convoitises. Aventuriers, samouraïs, proxénètes locaux, tous ont un intérêt à prendre le contrôle du train.


Jan 01, 1972
Li Ching is the Seventh Sister, an angel who comes down from heaven to see what life in Hong Kong is like. In Hong Kong, she runs into Zili(Chin Feng), a reincarnated version of her deceased lover, Dong Yong. Zili, with help from cook Uncle Bull(the warm, portly Peng Peng), do their best to watch over homeless kids in an run-down orphanage. However, a heartless tycoon named Xu Caifa wants the land where the orphanage is and he's willing to go to extremes to get it. Armed with omnipotent powers, spirit, and help from her "celestial sisters", Seventh Sister works to defend Zili, Uncle Bull, and the orphans from Xu Caifa.


Apr 14, 1981
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Les Exécuteurs de Shaolin
Pai Mei, les troupes mandchous envahissent le temple de Shaolin d'où s'échappent miraculeusement, plusieurs patriotes chinois dont le célèbre Hung Hsi-kuan. Ce dernier fait, plus tard, la rencontre d'une experte en kung-fu, Fang Yung-chun, avec laquelle il se marie. Pour vaincre Pai Mei, le héros décide de pratiquer avec acharnement la technique du « Tigre », mais sa femme lui conseille également de s'exercer à celle de la « Grue » pour venir à bout du traître. Trop fier, Hung Hsi-kuan préfère ignorer ce conseil...
Hot Potato

Hot Potato

Apr 09, 1976
Martial-arts expert tries to rescue an ambassador's daughter who was kidnapped in Thailand.
Shui yue men

Shui yue men

Sep 13, 1978
A feudal lord from China sends his son off to kill a criminal who has murdered thirteen of his men and has stolen a large sum of gold. The son, played by David Chiang, abandons his duty (without the will to live an assassin's life anymore) and leaves the Criminal with his life in exchange for his daughter to wed. David Chiang runs off with the criminal's daughter, and is then faced with rising conflict and more destruction to his family after he had abandoned his post. David Chiang must pull himself together and fight for his life.


Nov 03, 1977
He's lost his memory, but not his skill: After a fierce battle with a local tong, Hoi is thrown over an embankment and left for dead. He survives the ordeal but has lost all of his memory, but not his kung-fu. His fateful meeting with a beggar leads to their teaming up for cleaning up that tong.
Ip Man : Le Combat final
Après la seconde guerre sino-japonaise, le maître légendaire de Wing Chun se retrouve une fois de plus, entraîné malgré lui au cœur de l’action. D’autres experts en arts martiaux décident de l’affronter pour comparer leurs styles de Kung Fu, mais très vite Ip Man atterrit dans le sombre et dangereux milieu des Triades. Pour sauver sa vie, il n’a pas d’autre choix que de se battre une dernière fois.
Kung Fu Jungle

Kung Fu Jungle

Oct 31, 2014
Un instructeur d’arts martiaux (Yen) à l’académie de police est emprisonné pour avoir tué un homme. Désirant sortir de prison, il offre ses services pour attraper un tueur en série (Wang Boaquang) dont les victimes sont toutes des pratiquants d’arts martiaux de haut niveau en échange de sa liberté…


Sep 07, 1984
To help his sister with her debts, John goes to a pawnshop when robbers rush in. John draws suspicion from the police and only escapes from them with the help of Bunny, who is a kid running out from an orphanage. John and Bunny, therefore, become good friends.


Nov 27, 1999
After Reiko moves from Japan to Hong Kong to start working for Jackie Chan, her boyfriend Daijiro, in a fit of jealousy, hops on a plane and heads for Hong Kong himself. He manages to land a job as a stuntman, but can't quite seem to win his girlfriend back. When a young woman from mainland China searching Hong Kong for her boyfriend shows up in Daijiro's apartment, an additional set of complications are added to the story. Will anyone find their true love?
Le Flic de Hong Kong 2
Alors qu'ils sont en vacances en Thaïlande pour fêter le succès de leur précédente affaire, les chasseurs de criminels doivent retourner de toute urgence à Hong Kong pour protéger un parrain de la drogue. Le détective Muscles qui donnait auparavant du fil à retordre au parrain doit maintenant le protéger.
The Gambling Ghost

The Gambling Ghost

Mar 02, 1991
Fat Bao vit avec son père et exerce un petit job de bagagiste dans un hôtel avec son ami Siu Hon. Rêvant de devenir riche, Fat Bao passe son temps à parier de l’argent et à jouer. Déjà pas très chanceux de nature, une de leur farce finit par mal tourner, et Siu Hon se fait enlever par des malfrats, et sera libéré contre la somme de 1 million de dollars. Alors qu’il rentre chez lui, Fat Bao se fait sévèrement passer un savon par son père qui lui reproche d’être malhonnête, lorsque soudain apparaît le fantôme de son grand-père. Ce dernier leur explique qu’il a été tué par son partenaire et réclame vengeance…
Le Combat des Maîtres
Fougueux mais inexpérimenté, le jeune Wong Fei-hung tente désespérément d'apprendre les arts martiaux contre l'avis de son père, qui possède pourtant l'une des plus prestigieuse école de Kung-fu à Canton. Après que cette dernière s'est faite humiliée par des rivaux, en partie par la faute de Fei-hung, lors d'un tournoi de "Pao", le jeune homme ne pense plus qu'à venger l'honneur des siens. L'officier Yuen Ching, qui décèle en lui un potentiel non négligeable, décide de le recommander au grand maître d'arts martiaux Lu Ah-tsai qui va assurer sa formation martiale durant deux ans...


Nov 06, 1970
Teddy plays some physically deformed musical genius named Wu Sheng who falls for a blind girl named Jui Fang (Chin Ping). Is love really blind? According to Wu Sheng, probably so, but when Jui Fang is on the verge of regaining her eyesight from an operation, Wu Sheng packs up and leaves the country for fear of Jui Fang disowning him once her eyes gets a look at Wu Sheng.
Daai baan taat yat chaan
Ricky aspires to be a famous chef. But rival restauranteur Dragon wants him to fail. So when Ricky's brother suggests that he combine Osaka wrestling with Hong Kong cuisine, his restaurant strikes gold and wins rave reviews, but Dragon swears revenge. Overview: Ricky is a canteen handyman, his goal was to be a famous chef. His boss, One-Eye Dragon, was really mean to him and wanted to kill Ricky. Ricky went to Osaka and looked for his brother Mike. Mike suggested that he wanted to match up Osaka wrestling with the food from Hong Kong. And Mike taught in person the techniques of Osaka wrestling. Famous eating expert Chau visited the restaurant. Mike made the steamed dumpling for Chau to taste and was highly praised. The steamed dumpling attracted all the older customer and the business boomed again. But jeopardy rose! Dragon decided to "do it all", and brought a time bomb into the restaurant...
Warriors Two

Warriors Two

Dec 28, 1978
L'homme d'affaire Mo complote pour régner sur la ville. M. Tsang, docteur et maître de Wing Chun, en est informé et essaye de contrecarrer ses projets avec l'aide de Fei Chun, un de ses élèves.


Dec 22, 1990
Tow truck driver Tin bears an uncanny resemblance to a psychotic, serial killer, taxi driver -- and now the cops are chasing the wrong man. He and his cousin Wawa must catch the killer on their own to prove their innocence.
La Mante religieuse

La Mante religieuse

Jun 28, 1978
Recruté par les mandchous sous la menace, un jeune lettré doit espionner une famille. Mais ce dernier tombe amoureux de leur fille, fini par l'épouser. N'en oubliant pas pour autant sa mission, il décide d'aller faire son rapport, mais se retrouve rapidement piégé par sa nouvelle belle-famille...
The Tantana

The Tantana

Jul 27, 1991
Un Lama Bouddhiste et un sorcier se batte pour la possession d'un Palais.
完全なる飼育 香港情夜
A lonely young Japanese student, Ai Narushima (Kana Ito) goes on a field trip with her school. At night she decides to take a taxi into the city. The Chinese taxi driver, Bo Tony Ho, is also a lonely soul and on a whim, decides to kidnap the young student. He takes her to the countryside and confines her in a room for days. The taxi driver doesn't abuse the student, but at night attempts to cuddle next to her. Eventually the lonely young Japanese student realizes he is as lonely as she is.
Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog
Crazy Frog est à la recherche de l’armure d’invincibilité (une cotte de maille ayant appartenu à un des compagnons de Marco Polo) qui lui a été ravie par une prostituée. Pour y arriver, il s’adjoint l’aide de Dirty Tiger, artiste martial émérite, qui envisage de la garder pour lui. Mais beaucoup d’aventuriers comptent bien s’en emparer avant eux...


Mar 01, 1973
Unicorn travels to a village troubled by gangsters in search of revenge for the murder of his parents years before. The task is made more complicated when he befriends a middle-aged woman and her son who begin to admire and depend on him.
Opération Dragon

Opération Dragon

Aug 17, 1973
Une compétition d'arts martiaux est organisée par un mystérieux Han, derrière lequel se cache un redoutable trafiquant de drogue. Lee, agent de renseignements occidental et spécialiste de kung-fu, tente de démanteler l'organisation criminelle.
The Art of Action: Martial Arts in the Movies
Hosted by Samuel L. Jackson, this in-depth documentary offers viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the history of the martial arts film -- from the genre's rebellious beginnings to high-flying modern epics. Jackson takes you through the best moments of 100 movies, including Charlie's Angels and Oscar winner Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Interviews with martial arts film veterans Sammo Hung, John Woo and Ang Lee round out the video.


Mar 30, 1977
Chia Ling portrays a tough kung fu kicking Hong Kong cop who comes up one of the toughest criminal syndicates in Asia, with her tough skills and quick mind she manages to bring the gang to justice.
Ze wang

Ze wang

Sep 22, 1973
Fary, a French banker in Tientsin, is victim of an hold-up. Wang Yue-Cheng robs a pagoda statue that is a priceless jewel, and part of China's national heritage. Fary informs the French authorities, who declare themselves unable to help him out. Meanwhile, Fary's daughter, Louise, is abducted. A Chinese detective, Tchao Tchun, is then called upon, to try to rescue the jewel and the girl before something untowards happens to them.
The Shaolin Plot

The Shaolin Plot

Apr 06, 1977
Lorsqu'un terrible maître de kung-fu recherche divers manuels d'arts martiaux de toute la Chine pour se rendre encore plus maléfique, il doit en venir aux mains avec un étudiant du Wu Tang envoyé pour l'arrêter.
He Lan Du ren tou

He Lan Du ren tou

May 24, 1978
When two Hong Kong buddies become rivals for the same woman, their friendship ends, and they join rival tong gangs. Later, a tong boss cleverly conspires to use a motion picture company to cover illegal drug trafficking: Actresses are sent to Amsterdam for film roles not realizing that they carry cocaine shipments. Once in Holland, the actresses are sold into prostitution. Soon the faux film company shanghais the woman who put the two friends at odds. To save their beautiful damsel, the two ex-buddies must join forces and go on the offense. Written by Neva Friedenn
Stunt woman

Stunt woman

Oct 10, 1996
Ah Kam est cascadeuse. A force de montrer de la bonne volonté, elle finit par s'intégrer à l'équipe de Tung, un chorégraphe réputé dans le monde du cinéma...


Dec 09, 1975
World War II Japan...the Japanese military learn that the Chinese government has stolen some secret military plans and that they will attempt to send them to Hong Kong via Macau. When a respected Chinese officer is ambushed, he must rely on his old friend (played by 'Bruce Liang' ) to help him overthrow the Japanese and successfully send the plans to Hong Kong.


Sep 07, 1985
Disco jockey Piggy Chan, mechanic Sapi and cousin Hayden are good friends. They three form a trio-Lovebursters. Some day, Piggy met a girl Jane Yu and fell in love at first sight with her. He tears down all obstacles to win her heart but after that, he resumes his inclination to flirt around. On the other hand, Sapi and Piggy’s sister Mable are deeply in love. Piggy is very furious when he discovers their love affair. However. He finally decides not to intervene because Sapi has a fatal disease. With the mounting pressure from friends and relatives, Piggy realizes his true affection towards Jane but she rejects him. The Loverbusters then step in and salvage the couple’s relationship.
L'Incroyable maître du kung fu
Surpris en train de voler des grappes de raisin par le vigneron Chan, Su Hua Tzu et Fan Ta Pei, deux jeunes orphelins, sont forcés par ce dernier de travailler dans sa distillerie pour le dédommager de leur délit. Ayant remarqué leurs dons naturels, Chan décide de leur inculquer le Kung Fu. Yuen Hu, chef du milieu à Shan Chang envoie ses brigands piller les villageois des alentours. A son retour, Chang assiste, horrifié au spectacle de la désolation et de la mort.


Sep 24, 1976
After the son of a wealthy family is kidnapped by a group of ruthless criminals, a group of policeman and a Chinese waiter desperately try to solve the crime.


Dec 28, 1989
A young man wants to be a Hong Kong police officer but is too short to qualify. However, he doesn't let that stop him: he goes around impersonating an officer, investigating crimes and busting criminals. One day, he interrupts a bank robbery (by three men in drag), gets shot in the process and dies. When the case is assigned to a female investigator, he returns as a ghost to lend a hand at solving the robbery.


Sep 12, 1998
Director Alfred Cheung (Her Fatal Ways) skewers contemporary Hong Kong in the hilarious satire The Extra! Alfred Cheung stars as an unemployed film extra who considers employment in a bawdy Category III film to make ends meet. The truth is he'd rather not participate in something so sordid, but with the Asian Financial Crisis casting a threatening shadow over 1998 Hong Kong, a guy has to do what's necessary just to survive! And if that means sacrificing a little pride - or even baring some skin - then so be it! Thanks to its uncommon script, The Extra manages to take Hong Kong film industry and use it as a springboard for an intelligent and satirical take on the greater problems facing average Hong Kong citizens. Plus it makes time for laughs, and features a galaxy of familiar Hong Kong Cinema names, including Christine Ng, Simon Lui, Law Ka Ying, Almen Wong Pui Ha, and Francis Ng.
Dragon Lord

Dragon Lord

Jan 21, 1982
Les nouvelles aventures de Dragon et de son meilleur ami, Cow-boy, dans la Chine impérialiste. Les deux amis font la connaissance d'un jeune homme, Tiger, poursuivi par les Gardes impériaux. En effet, celui-ci avait prévu de voler et de revendre à l'étranger des objets de valeur provenant de la Cité Interdite. Mais ayant fait échouer la transaction, il est contraint de se cacher des gardes mais aussi du terrible Capitaine des Gardes impériaux. Dragon et Cow-boy acceptent de le cacher, mais il est rapidement découvert, et le trio s'attire la colère du Capitaine...
Crazy Sword, Blind Fist and Queer Strikes are three kung fu fanatics who team up with Mung, the debonair master in white. Together the four real friends smash a massive kung fu gang led by Moose Face, Tsai Hung. Once smashed the girls are freed from vice and valuables returned to their rightful owners. A kung fu rare classic from Goldig Films.
Za ma

Za ma

Aug 24, 1978
Chan Wai Man plays the super-assassin with a penchant for overengineered weapons and causing grief and mayhem wherever he and his asssitants Crab & Shrimp find themsleves. A young kung fu fantaic is taught by a beggar and a grumpy old Shaolin monk so that he can beat the killers and restore peace to the region.


May 07, 1988
Cheung Sheung and Tze Ngor are twin sisters. Tze Ngor is a lunatic and stays in a mental hospital. But out of a madcap incident, Cheung Sheung is "cheated" into the hospital, exchanging identity with her insane sister. The mad house is lived by all kinds of weirdos. The "game" is that Cheung Sheung will stay in the hospital only for a while. But strangely enough, she gradually becomes more and more ease with the way of life in the hospital until one day, she's forgotten what life is like...


Jun 28, 1974
Bruce Liang plays a Chinese Kung Fu movie star, who during his free time carries on a one-man crusade against drug dealers. The villains trick Liang into signing up to appear in a new martial arts movie. The plan is to kill Our Hero while the cameras are running, and make it look like an accident.


Jan 04, 2025
Anyone who has anything to do with the film industry in Hong Kong, must have heard of a film buff called Lil’ Kim. He knows everything there is to know about filmmaking. Whether it’s on the set, at the movie premiere or at a press conference, he always shows up uninvited. Nobody knows where he came from and why he showed up… Ginger Keung is the producer of a reality show who suspects Lil’ Kim is in fact a film critic who pans movies to extort advertising dollars from film companies. She zeroes in on Lil’ Kim as her next target and decides to dig into his elusive past…


Apr 14, 1981
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.


Apr 14, 1981
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.


Apr 14, 1981
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Le Sens du devoir 2

Le Sens du devoir 2

Nov 30, 1985
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
First Mission

First Mission

Sep 14, 1985
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
First Mission

First Mission

Sep 14, 1985
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
The Blade

The Blade

Dec 21, 1995
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Le Sens du devoir

Le Sens du devoir

Jun 26, 1986
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Une Flic de Choc 2

Une Flic de Choc 2

Apr 28, 1989
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Fight Back To School 3
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Pedicab Driver

Pedicab Driver

Feb 11, 1989
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Kung-Fu Contre Yoga

Kung-Fu Contre Yoga

Jun 21, 1979
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
The Tantana

The Tantana

Jul 27, 1991
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
The Tantana

The Tantana

Jul 27, 1991
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
The Gambling Ghost

The Gambling Ghost

Mar 02, 1991
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.
Une flic de choc

Une flic de choc

Nov 27, 1986
A country bumpkin arrives to help his brother's rice business. Things get out of hand while a rival company becomes corrupt. The bumpkin, an ace martial artist, fights off the rivals. Angered, the rivals hire a martial arts expert to fight the hero, only to get beaten up himself. The expert send his teacher to hurt the hero and succeeds. The hero is sent to a temple where he learns a new style of kung fu. Now with the skills, our hero is ready to get even.


Dec 15, 1983
A young woman has a tragic accident, slipping on a skateboard and falling off the roof of a tall building. Koo Chi Ming, an insurance investigator, is sent to determine whether the girl's death is an accident or a suicide and he recognizes the young woman from an earlier chance encounter.


Dec 15, 1983
A young woman has a tragic accident, slipping on a skateboard and falling off the roof of a tall building. Koo Chi Ming, an insurance investigator, is sent to determine whether the girl's death is an accident or a suicide and he recognizes the young woman from an earlier chance encounter.
Fight Back To School 3
A young woman has a tragic accident, slipping on a skateboard and falling off the roof of a tall building. Koo Chi Ming, an insurance investigator, is sent to determine whether the girl's death is an accident or a suicide and he recognizes the young woman from an earlier chance encounter.


Jan 08, 1994
A young security man must prove himself worthy by defending the one object wanted by all the masters of the Martial Arts world - the Magic Lyre!
Sans Sommation

Sans Sommation

Apr 07, 1990
A young security man must prove himself worthy by defending the one object wanted by all the masters of the Martial Arts world - the Magic Lyre!
Karaté Tiger

Karaté Tiger

May 02, 1986
A young security man must prove himself worthy by defending the one object wanted by all the masters of the Martial Arts world - the Magic Lyre!
Une Flic de Choc 2

Une Flic de Choc 2

Apr 28, 1989
A young security man must prove himself worthy by defending the one object wanted by all the masters of the Martial Arts world - the Magic Lyre!


Jan 28, 1977
In the late Ming dynasty, the son of an anti-Qing general, Yuan Chengzhi, seeks revenge for his father's death. He learns martial arts from the Golden Snake, falls in love with his daughter, and becomes a skilled fighter. Along with his companions, Chengzhi travels to find a safe haven, encountering danger and hardships along the way. He gains a following and becomes a respected leader, but ultimately decides to leave the chaos of the world behind and find peace on a remote island.


Dec 13, 1996
Zhang Tian-shi's 18th generation disciple, Mao Xiao-fang, heads south to Hong Kong to track down the zombie king. Along the way, he meets Yang Fei-yun, a master of numerology and fortune-telling. Mao gains recognition for his exceptional Taoist abilities, which attracts jealousy from the head of the Seven Sisters Hall, Chung Kwan. Chung is bitter enemies with Mao, but her younger brother Chung Pong, a prodigious student, takes Mao as his teacher. Mao is unaware that Yang is a cunning and treacherous scoundrel. Yang tricks him into a trap, and eventually becomes the Great Demon King. Chung Pong sacrifices his relationship with his lover, Yuh Pak-sum, to become a great Taoist and help Mao defeat Yang.