Jonathan Readwin

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Jul 14, 2009
Quaid, étudiant en philosophie, se lance avec deux camarades dans la réalisation d'un film pour étayer sa thèse sur les peurs les plus profondes de l'être humain. Ce projet va faire ressurgir chez lui des traumatismes liés à son passé.


Sep 03, 2010
Sophie is a troubled young girl, haunted by the abuse she suffered as a child and harbouring a deep fascination with the unexplained. In the hope of satiating her obsession with the latter, she instigates a trip to the Welsh countryside with four friends, aimed at tracking down the legendary Beast of Bodmin. It seems the mythical creature – often thought to be a large wildcat or fox – has caught the public's attention once more thanks to a spate of attacks on livestock and one local farmer. Armed with a video camera and a case of beer, the group head off into the woods but they soon uncover much more than they bargained for, with Sophie falling foul of a mysterious madman who locks her away in an apparent attempt to protect her from some unnamed terror.


Mar 11, 2006
Il ya bien longtemps, à l'Âge de Fer, une ombre planait sur un village solitaire. Depuis des générations, les jeunes du village sont régulièrement enlevés à leurs familles et livrés en sacrifice à un monstre mythique - le Minotaure - qui se cache dans un labyrinthe souterrain. Theo, hanté par la perte de son aimée offerte précédemment en sacrifice, est convaincu que la bête n'est pas réelle et que son amour vit encore comme un esclave dans le palais. Son père Cyrnan, le chef du village, essaie de persuader Theo de ne pas s'y rendre, mais aveuglé par la rage Theo élabore un plan : avec un groupe d'autres jeunes en pleurs, il est emmené à son tour pour le sacrifice...
Stoner Express

Stoner Express

Aug 19, 2016
Jack comes to Amsterdam to find his father and, through a momentary magical encounter, finds the secret weapon that could turn around his father's ailing marijuana coffee shop.
School of Life

School of Life

Jun 01, 2004
Stanley is a student who turns down his friend Gordon's invitation to cut class, saying that maybe today they'll learn something, maybe today the school will teach something. Sure enough, once Stanley's teacher gets the attention of the unruly class, she tells them that this lesson is the most important one they'll ever study - the meaning of life. She passes out a pamphlet, but runs out as she gets to Stanley, telling him that his surly seat mate, Garth, will have to share the booklet with him. She leaves, and Garth hordes the material. What's Stanley to do?
Skater Girl

Skater Girl

Jun 11, 2021
Lorsqu'une adolescente de l'Inde rurale se découvre une passion pour le skateboard qui va changer sa vie, elle doit faire face à une route difficile pour réaliser son rêve de compétition.
Rock & Chips

Rock & Chips

Apr 28, 2011
Period comedy drama and prequel to Only Fools and Horses, following the exploits of the Trotter family in sixties Peckham.
Londres Police Judiciaire
Plongée dans les coulisses du système judiciaire britannique, entre la police qui mène l'enquête sur le terrain et les avocats qui traitent l'affaire devant les tribunaux.
Robin des Bois

Robin des Bois

Jun 27, 2009
Après 5 ans de croisades, Robin de Locksley rentre enfin chez lui pour découvrir avec effroi que les tyrannique Shérif de Nothingham et Guy de Gisbourne y règnent en maîtres absolus. Pour la population, tout n'est que désolation et misère... Afin de rétablir un ordre plus juste, Robin et ses compagnons Will Scarlett, Allan A Dale et Petit Jean investissent la forêt de Sherwood et deviennent des hors-la-loi... La légende de Robin des Bois est née.
Echo Beach

Echo Beach

Mar 21, 2008
Echo Beach is a British teen drama series that aired on ITV in 2008. Set in the fictional Cornish coastal town of Polnarren, it ran for twelve weekly episodes from 10 January to 21 March 2008. The show was created by Tony Jordan and produced by Kudos for ITV.


Mar 25, 2007
Les destins de deux soldats romains et de leurs familles alors que la République Romaine est en train de s'effondrer en laissant peu à peu la place à un Empire.
Action & Adventure
White Heat

White Heat

Apr 12, 2012
In 1965, seven students meet and, despite being an assorted mix of people, become friends while they share a flat together in London. As time passes, their lives intertwine with each other as they feel the impact of political developments and the outbreak of war and disease.
Holby City

Holby City

Mar 29, 2022
Le quotidien professionnel et personnel des médecins, infirmières et patients qui se retrouvent, pour diverses raisons, dans les couloirs du Holby City General Hospital.
Holby City

Holby City

Mar 29, 2022
Le quotidien professionnel et personnel des médecins, infirmières et patients qui se retrouvent, pour diverses raisons, dans les couloirs du Holby City General Hospital.
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.