Luděk Kopřiva

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Koncert pre pozostalých
A picture of generational confrontations between children and parents. A young and ambitious violin virtuoso, Peter, lives in long-lasting conflicts with his father. Only after his death Peter realizes how much he had been hurting his father. Still, not even the tragedy can make a change in his shallow life in stereotype.


Dec 06, 1968
Frank visits his friend Josef, who introduces him to his pedigree rabbits and his wife Mary. Frank is more interested in the slightly unsettling fact that Josef and Mary's garden fence is entirely made up of living people holding hands. Finally, Frank asks Josef how he manages to keep the fence together..
Signum laudis

Signum laudis

Oct 31, 1980
The trenches of World War I provide for a captivating backdrop to the drama of Corporal Hoferik. In his devotion to the Habsburg Monarchy, he fanatically carries out his military orders, but he ultimately suffers the Empire's disfavor.
Jak svět přichází o básníky
Inseparable friends Štěpán and Kendy are students in their final year of high school. When they are in the principal's office after the trouble with the rather scandalous song "On the Carpet", the school principal gives them the idea of ​​rehearsing a theater performance. They decide on Tyl's Forest Maiden in a rather unconventional version - with music, singing, and several unusual props. While Kendy sees the theater as not only an opportunity to enjoy himself, for Štěpán it is a chance to get closer to the charming Marcela Borůvková. What was originally just a student recession soon starts to get out of hand for both authors, not only because of the quirky cast but also because of information in the press, which is taken care of by the father of one of the classmates. The business is gaining in size, and even a television station is contacted, which shows an interest in making a program about the performance. At that moment, the disaster seems inevitable to Štěpán and Kendy.
La Fille sur le Balai

La Fille sur le Balai

Sep 08, 1972
Saxana, apprentie sorcière peu studieuse, pour échapper aux trois cents ans de « colle » qu'elle vient de se voir infliger, s'enfuit chez les humains. Elle ne dispose que de quarante-quatre heures avant d'être obligée de quitter ce monde si différent du sien. Ses recherches pour trouver des oreilles de sorcière et en faire une boisson qui lui permettra de fuir à jamais son univers féerique, attirent l'attention de trois jeunes voyous. Ces derniers comptent bien profiter de ses talents pour échapper aux sanctions disciplinaires qui les menacent...
Fandy ó Fandy

Fandy ó Fandy

Dec 01, 1983
Little kids, little worries, big kids, big worries, sighs many a parent often. This is no different for the mother of eighteen-year-old Frantisek, who has just graduated from high school without much glory and is about to start his first job. Fandy is still full of boyish dreams, yearns for a career as a rowing representative, competes with a friend for the favor of an admiring girl and is generally stubbornly opposed to taking life seriously.
Un Cas pour un Bourreau Débutant
Lemuel Gulliver trouve sur son chemin la dépouille d'un lapin tout habillé portant une montre à gousset et sur l'objet, une inscription dédiée au prince Mounodi. Lemuel se retrouve dans un pays mystérieux, Balnibarbi, où la logique des événements et des gens lui sont incompréhensibles. A l’Académie des Inventeurs, il devient un sujet d’étude... controversé...
Ostrov stříbrných volavek
The late summer of 1918. Paul, Willi and Heinrich from an age-old German town are good friends, although there is a great deal that divides them. Heinrich comes from an officer's family with an army tradition and is preparing to enter cadet college. Paul's father and grandfather are workers, and Willi, left to depend on himself, works as a hotel messenger. The last year of the war is hard for everyone, but while Paul and Willi know their own minds and do not hesitate to help the war fugitives Tony and Sepp, for Heinrich everything is more complicated.
Monsieur, vous êtes veuve !
Après qu'un soldat ait coupé le bras du cousin du roi, celui-ci décide de désactiver l'armée. Bien entendu, les généraux n'apprécient pas du tout cette décision et tentent de tuer le roi. L'assassin doit être un corps artificiel ayant la forme de l'actrice Evelina Keleti et le cerveau de la tueuse en série psychotique Fany Stubová. Ils parviennent également à tuer l'astrologue du roi, Stuart Hample, qui met en garde le roi. Par accident, le cerveau de Hample est implanté dans le corps de l'assassin, l'actrice Keleti est tuée et le chaos commence.
Science Fiction
Svatba upírů

Svatba upírů

Sep 29, 1993
Young English gentleman Richard travels with his uncle Archibald to Prague, Czech kingdom. There he meets a beautiful girl Olivia, a young noblewoman with a secret. They fall in love with each other but he doesn't know Olivia is a companion of evil count Kronberg, ruler of pack of Prague vampires.
Slunce, seno, jahody

Slunce, seno, jahody

Sep 01, 1984
A Czech agricultural student, Šimon Plánička, arrives at the small South Bohemian town of Hoštice, and joins the local JZD (agricultural co-op) with the intention of trying out his experiment regarding the "Milk yield of cows in regards to a cultured environment". He runs into difficulty with the directorship of the JZD, but he finds them eager to help once they hear he's the son of the local agricultural commissioner, as his last name is also Plánička. Blažena Škopková is given the task of finding out how things are looking. However everything is complicated by the jealousy of Blažena's boyfriend Venca.
Slunce, seno a pár facek
For a second time this film leads us to the village in South Bohemia. We meet again Konopnik family and Skopek family. Venca Konopnik is marrying Blazena Skopek but there is another woman Milada who is very jealous and she is spreading gossips about Venca Konopnik. Those gossips are so powerful that they lead to big fights between Konopnik and Skopek families. You will also see what a progress on milk-yielding-cows-project has been made.
The Last Butterfly

The Last Butterfly

Jan 01, 1991
Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le mime français Antoine Moreau est arrêté par la Gestapo parce que son amant a collaboré avec la résistance antinazie. Les unités SS veulent l'utiliser pour répéter une représentation théâtrale idyllique pour enfants, qui convaincrait l'inspection de la Croix-Rouge internationale du contentement et du bonheur de la vie dans le ghetto de Terezin. D'abord réticent, Moreau apprend peu à peu la vraie nature du camp, notamment le sens des « transports » sur lesquels les gens partent. Avec un orchestre de classe mondiale (composé de juifs internés dans le camp) et une troupe d'enfants, Moreau met en scène un spectacle pour clore tous les spectacles. Et là, Antoine inclut des informations pour les invités choqués sur la réalité : la sorcière de conte de fées jette des hordes d'enfants dans le four… Ce spectacle, que le monde entier verra alors, sera une cruelle parabole des atrocités dont il a été témoin.
O zatoulané princezně
Princess Julia doesn't want to marry an old prince Hubert so she runs away from home. She meets two old magicians and join the circus, where she meets lovely Franta Kuldan and evil devil performer.
Lásky mezi kapkami deště
Set in Prague during the years leading up to World War II, this family saga tells the story of a cobbler named Vincenc Bursik (Vladimir Mensik), who uproots his clan from the country to the city, only to suffer the loss of his wife and the failure of his shoe business within months. When his daughter moves away to go live with a wealthy businessman as his mistress, Vincenc is left to take care of his two sons, who spend their days in a secret garden vying for the affections of a teenage girl.


Feb 21, 1981
Arabela était une série télévisée pour enfants produite en Tchécoslovaquie qui a été diffusée de 1979 à 1981. La série compte 13 épisodes et est en langue tchèque.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Des Christoffel von Grimmelshausen abenteuerlicher Simplizissimus
The boy Simplizissimus grows up with simple farmers in the Spessart region. But the idyll is abruptly destroyed by the Thirty Years' War. Simplizissimus is sent to the besieged fortress of Hanau. When the lansquenets there play crude jokes on him, he flees with his friend Herzbruder to the Croats. But even here he does not fare much better.
Action & Adventure
Monsieur Rosée

Monsieur Rosée

Feb 04, 1979
Pan Tau always had a gentle expression and a friendly smile, he was elegantly dressed in a stroller, with an umbrella and a white carnation in the lapel. Foremost, he was famous for his magic bowler hat. By tapping on his hat, Pan Tau was able to change his appearance into a puppet, to conjure up miscellaneous objects or to do other magic. His most characteristically behavior is that he would help children who were experiencing some sort of difficulties in-between their dreams and reality, like finding a place for skiing, settling family problems on Christmas, and even give a boy a good time at a fair when he is supposed to have piano lessons. To adults, he usually remained invisible.
30 případů majora Zemana
Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is a Czechoslovak action-drama television show intended as a political propaganda to support the official attitude of the communist party. The series were filmed in the 1970s. Each episode encompasses one year, and investigations are stylized to that year. Most are inspired by real cases. The series follows the life of police investigator Jan Zeman during his career from 1945 to 1975.