Russell Thorndike

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Oct 01, 1923
A sailor returns from 'death' to find his wife has remarried for the sake of her crippled child.


Jan 01, 1922
Macbeth is a black and white 1922 film adaptation of the William Shakespeare play Macbeth. It was the last silent film version of that play produced, and the eighth film adaptation of the play. It was directed by H. B. Parkinson and produced by Frank Miller.
The Roof

The Roof

Jan 01, 1933
Inspector Darrow investigates the death of a wealthy man.


Dec 10, 1948
A Elseneur, le spectre du roi défunt révèle à son fils, le prince Hamlet, avoir été assassiné par Claudius, son propre frère, qui s'est ainsi emparé de sa couronne et de sa femme. Hamlet décide de simuler la folie afin de confondre le coupable et de préparer sa vengeance...
Puppets of Fate

Puppets of Fate

Jan 10, 1933
'Escaped convict blackmails murderous doctor into helping him.' (British Film Catalogue)
A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark

Nov 03, 1933
The relatives of a millionaire - the victim of a mysterious murder - get together at his house to search for his will, which he recorded on a record. However, one of them is actually the person who killed him, and will let nothing - or no one - stand in the way of finding that record.
Henry V

Henry V

Nov 24, 1944
Biographie du roi Henri V d'Angleterre relatant ses prétentions à la couronne de France et la bataille d'Azincourt contre Charles VI de France.
Human Desires

Human Desires

Nov 01, 1924
In Paris an actress divorces a jealous impresario and weds the officer who once saved from from suicide.
Richard III

Richard III

Dec 13, 1955
Le bossu Richard, duc de Gloucester, complote pour ravir la couronne royale de son frère Edouard IV. Après avoir épousé de force lady Anne, la veuve de l'héritier de la maison de Lancastre, Richard persuade Édouard que leur frère Clarence est un traître et parvient à le faire enfermer à la Tour de Londres, puis exécuter. Le roi Édouard meurt de maladie peu de temps après. La voie ainsi libérée, Richard n'attend plus que son couronnement pour pouvoir régner en tyran...
Whispering Tongues

Whispering Tongues

Sep 24, 1934
When his father commits suicide a gentleman sets out to avenge the death on those who swindled him out of a fortune.
César et Cléopâtre

César et Cléopâtre

Dec 11, 1945
Au premier siècle av. J.-C., Jules César, à la poursuite de son rival Pompée, débarque en Égypte à la tête d'une armée. Appelé à prendre parti dans les rivalités entre le souverain égyptien et sa jeune sœur, Cléopâtre, il finit par faire de celle-ci la reine d'Égypte.
Fiddlers Three

Fiddlers Three

Oct 01, 1944
Two British soldiers and a WREN take refuge at Stonehenge during a thunderstorm, they are struck by lightning and transported back to ancient Rome.
Doctor Syn

Doctor Syn

Aug 25, 1937
A highly respected clergyman is actually a former pirate who exacts vigilante justice in this British production.

Aug 26, 1990

Walt Disney Productions has produced an anthology television series under several different titles since 1954. The original version of the series premiered on ABC, Wednesday night, October 27, 1954. The show, which was hosted by Walt Disney until his death and then from 1996 to 2002 by then-CEO Michael Eisner (with one-off hosts or no hosts during other periods) has since aired continually as either a weekly program or an irregular series of specials on several networks and streaming services, most recently on ABC and Disney+. The show is the second longest showing prime-time program on American television, behind its rival, Hallmark Hall of Fame. However, Hallmark Hall of Fame was a weekly program only during its first five seasons, while Disney remained a weekly program for more than forty years.
Action & Adventure