John Ashcroft

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Why We Fight

Why We Fight

Jan 20, 2005
Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions.
Le monde selon Bush

Le monde selon Bush

May 27, 2004
Qui est George W. Bush ? Ce film raconte les mille jours de sa présidence, des attentats du 11 septembre au bourbier de la guerre en Irak. Il dresse un état des lieux de l'Amérique d'aujourd'hui et tente de comprendre comment un petit groupe d'hommes, sous l'influence des faucons néo-conservateurs, a pris le contrôle de la politique étrangère américaine.


Jan 01, 2003
Echolalia is the meaningless repetition of words or phrases associated with forms of dementia and aphasia. In the build-up to the war in Iraq certain phrases were endlessly repeated to the point where these empty rhetorical phrases were confused with concrete facts. I tried to record as many instances of people repeating the phrase “weapons of mass destruction” as I could stand and represent these statements in a way that draws attention to the deadening effect of their repetition, however emphatically they are expressed.
Fahrenhype 9/11

Fahrenhype 9/11

Oct 05, 2004
A documentary which refutes and debunks facts made by Michael Moore in his film "Fahrenheit 9/11".
Agent double

Agent double

Feb 12, 2007
Eric O'Neill est promu par le FBI dans le nouveau service de Robert Hanssen dédié à la protection des informations top secrètes du FBI. Son enthousiasme vire rapidement à l'angoisse quand il découvre la vraie raison de son étonnante promotion: Robert Hanssen, suspecté de vendre à l'ex-URSS des informations majeures, fait l'objet d'une enquête. Eric O'Neill va devoir utiliser la confiance grandissante de son chef pour révéler sa traîtrise. Pris au piège dans ce double jeu d'espion, il s'engage dans un combat acharné pour sauver sa vie, sa famille et son pays.
Top Priority: The Terror Within
Federal officer with the Department of Homeland Security discovers a national security breach related to the entry of 23 aliens from terrorist countries into the United States. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, former head of the DEA Robert Bonner can't afford any more media scrutiny, since his incompetence was already exposed in the NASA 'Challenger' disaster. To avoid the scandal, the full might of the government is unleashed against Julia Davis, her family and witnesses. This retaliation reaches an unprecedented magnitude, including four unexplained deaths, Hollywood and the Mafia, false imprisonments and the use of Blackhawk helicopters and airplanes for warrantless surveillance. Amidst many shocking revelations, this documentary provides a new insight into the deaths of well-known Hollywood figures unwittingly dragged into this scandal. The truth is no longer a secret.
Fahrenheit 9/11

Fahrenheit 9/11

Jun 25, 2004
Prenant pour point de départ l'élection controversée de 2000, Michael Moore retrace l'improbable ascension d'un médiocre pétrolier texan devenu maître du monde libre. Puis il ouvre la boîte de Pandore du Président et révèle les liens personnels et financiers qui unissent la famille Bush à celle de Ben Laden. Michael Moore y dénonce également les méfaits du Patriot Act et les souffrances provoquées par la guerre en Irak.
The World According to Dick Cheney
How did a college dropout who was arrested for a DUI twice in the same year become the single-most-powerful nonpresidential political figure in American history? Filmmakers R. J. Cutler and Greg Finton answer that question and others in what is sure to be the definitive film about the fascinating life and legacy of Dick Cheney.
Security Anthem

Security Anthem

Jan 31, 2003
An exercise in post-September 11th dementia, in which banal lines delivered by talking heads become increasingly sinister.