Yōsuke Kubozuka

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Oct 26, 2007
Oshima wakes up in the middle of a desert in South America with no memory. A woman named Coco is lying beside him. Coco tells Oshima that he was originally planning on crossing the desert with his girlfriend May to get to Snow Mountain, but May suddenly disappeared, leaving him at bay. Coco helped him out by chance, and now they're heading to Snow Mountain together.Perhaps May is already there...
Ping Pong

Ping Pong

Jul 20, 2002
Peco et Smile sont les deux meilleurs amis du Monde. Depuis leur plus jeune âge, ils jouent au ping-pong ; l’un conçoit ce sport comme une finalité, tandis que l’autre prend ça uniquement pour un jeu qui lui permet d’être près de son ami et modèle... Les deux enfants grandissent. Peco, malgré son arrogance, possède un don évident... même si une trop grande confiance en ses capacités l’empêche d’être le meilleur. Smile quant à lui, reste dans l’ombre de son ami et ne développe pas son jeu. ButterFly Joe, leur coach, sait que Smile est très doué et tente de lui faire comprendre qu’il peut devenir un champion... même si ce dernier montre un désintérêt alarmant pour le tennis de table..


Feb 28, 2002
A young man named Teru, mentally altered by a childhood injury, runs a laundry and falls for Mizue, a lonely young woman with internal scars.
Sweet My Home

Sweet My Home

Sep 01, 2023
Kenji Kiyosawa, sa femme et leurs deux filles emménagent dans leur nouvelle maison. Ils sont ravis de la maison, jusqu'à ce que des incidents bizarres s'y produisent.
Samouraï Resurrection
La Samouraï Amakusa Shiro est mort pendant la guerre de Shimabara. Cependant celui-ci réapparaît mystérieusement dans la partie pacifique d'Edo. Le samouraï a en effet appris la formule magique de résurrection. Mais Amakusa Shiro n'est pas revenu seul d'outre-tombe puisqu'il a ramené à la vie les plus grands samouraïs décédés afin de créer une armée...


Oct 20, 2001


GO raconte l'histoire de Sugihara, une histoire sur le devenir et sur la recherche de sa propre identité, mais c'est égalemant une histoire d'amour. Sugihara est un "Zainichi", un jeune Coréen ayant grandi au Japon. A cause de sa binationalité chaque jour de sa vie est un combat contre son environnement, le racisme et contre soi même. Et même alors qu'il a rencontré son grand amour, il doit combattre pour l'impossible. Il n'a qu'une seul réponse à ce défi. "GO for Freedom, GO for Love, GO to Fight!"
Ichi, la femme samouraï
Dans le Japon médiéval, Ichi est une jeune orpheline, aveugle de naissance, qui gagne sa vie en jouant de la musique de village en village. Mais derrière ses airs fragiles se cache un tempérament guerrier. La jeune fille possède notamment un talent exceptionnel dans l’art de manier le sabre, arme qu’elle dissimule dans son bâton de marche.
Tomie 3 Replay

Tomie 3 Replay

Feb 11, 2000
Dans un hôpital, une petite fille se fait opérer d’urgence. Une chose non identifiée semble grossir dans son ventre, une chose vivante qui terrifie toutes les personnes présentes. Quelque temps plus tard, l'hôpital se vide de son personnel ainsi que de ses patients. Dépressions, suicides, disparitions inexpliquées. Tous semblent effrayées par cette chose née de la petite fille et maintenue au sous-sol de l'hôpital.
Kamikaze : Assaut dans le Pacifique
1944. La guerre du Pacifique touche à sa fin, la défaite du Japon se profile. L'État-Major japonais décide de former des pilotes dont la mission sera de se sacrifier en jetant leur avion rempli de bombes sur les navires américains. Les Kamikazes sont nés…
Having abandoned modern civilization, Ryoichi lives an isolated, self-sufficient life on a snow-covered mountain and sends mail bombs to the CEOs of corporations and TV networks. One day, he encounters a mysterious creature in the forest. That night, his older brother, who had committed suicide, appears before him at his cabin. The apparition takes Ryoichi beyond a door, where Ryoichi learns the truth about his family.
Helter Skelter

Helter Skelter

Jul 14, 2012
Lilico est un top model à l'apogée de sa carrière. Unes de magazines, plateaux de télévision, cinéma, tout lui réussit. Son incroyable physique entraîne cependant des spéculations sur ses origines, et la jeune femme fait tout pour maintenir le mystère. Mais la réalité est plus simple, et sordide... Sa beauté n’étant que le fruit de la chirurgie esthétique.


Aug 28, 2010
Men and one woman have drifted to an uninhabited island. The only woman will try to survive by taking advantage of her own sexual attractiveness.


May 14, 2002
A man serving a sentence in a minimum-security prison. Life in the jail is rigid and organized, eventually leading all of the cell-mates to abandon their individuality.
火の鳥 エデンの花
From time immemorial to the age of space colonization, there is one legend that has stayed unchanged in every history book—the tale of the immortal bird Phoenix. A being whose blood is said to grant eternal life or wisdom, the radiant figure ensures the continuation of sentient life in the universe as it oversees human civilizations and their development. Yet, mankind remains a slave to its habits; from happiness and sorrow, to wrath and love, a myriad of emotions continue to play an integral part of human life. Simultaneously, time and time again, certain beliefs and agendas persist over the centuries to disturb the fragile equilibrium of the world's preordained nature and principles. It appears that fate and its dynamic variables can manifest itself in many ways—and oftentimes exhibits a bizarre sense of humor...


Oct 10, 2009
After Japan's defeat in WWII, "Pandora no hako" follows a young man named Risuke (Shota Sometani) who has contracted tuberculosis. He travels to the countryside to a unique nursing facility to receive treatment for his disease. At the sanatorium all the patients and nurses go by nicknames and Risuke decides to reinvent himself as Hibari. During his stay, Hibari develops realationships with other patients and nurses. After Hibari's friend Tsuikushi (Yosuke Kubozuka) gets discharged from the nursing facility, Hibari writes to him about his relationships with Dakesang (Mieko Kawakami) the chief nurse and Mabo (Riisa Naka) another nurse that is bright and seems to like him.


Sep 05, 2011
Deux adolescents tourmentés dans le Japon post-tsunami s'embarquent dans une spirale de violence...
Knuckle Girl

Knuckle Girl

Oct 25, 2023
Ce film d’action coréen avec des acteurs japonais raconte l'histoire de Ran, une boxeuse qui affronte une mystérieuse organisation en participant à un combat à mort après avoir découvert que sa sœur disparue, Yuzuki, a été enlevée. Malgré les dangers, Ran doit troquer ses gants de boxe pour des poings américains. Parviendra-t-elle à sauver Yuzuki ?
Former college buddies Horaguchi and Okawa suddenly reunite on a whim after 15 years apart and try to resume their friendship by planning a trip together. Meanwhile, Okawa’s live-in girlfriend Kaede and the pair's old friend Kyoko get roped into joining them. Soon, the four head off on a trip together with the goal of sharing sukiyaki by the sea.


Nov 17, 2018
A documentary four years in the making that highlights the wondrous Ogasawara Islands, where 65-year-old Miyagawa Noritsugu resides. A surfer that draws in artists of all kinds to the beautiful island in which he resides.


Feb 01, 2025
Rosuke, a monk, has gone missing. His lover, Nonoka, takes the assassin Shinno to a religious facility in search of Rosuke. There, they meet a sorcerer called Ajari. Meanwhile, Rosuke is on a spaceship heading to the unknown planet named Kelman. There, he meets a strange old man. And then...a battle...
One Third

One Third

Feb 08, 2014
Shuu, le directeur du “Honey Bunny” club et ses partenaires, un garçon du club nommé Koji et un régulier du club du nom de Ken-san, parviennent à réussir un braquage. Chacun est censé avoir une part égale de l’argent, mais, leur cupidité prend progressivement le dessus, dès qu’ils commencent la négociation et tentent de s’arnaquer les uns les autres. C’est alors qu’une quatrième personne entre en scène avec l’intention de prendre l’argent des trois partenaires…


Nov 20, 2010
Former high school teacher Kazuo Hatano (Toru Nakamura) reunites 12 years later with Masako Tezuka (Manami Konishi). Masako Tezuka was his former high school student whom he married after her graduation. Their marriage became a scandal & the couple divorced ...


Oct 19, 2002
Yamaguchi, Ichikawa and Kosuge dress in white military-style uniforms to "clean" the streets of Shibuya from bad elements. After rightist gang boss, Aota takes an interest in the three, the boys gradually become influenced by him, but start to go their different ways.
源氏物語 千年の謎
"Genji Monogatari" focuses on the love and hate relationships surrounding Genji Hakaru. Lady Fujitsubo is Genji's first love. Ryokuzono Miyasutokoro is obsessed with Genji and eventually becomes a spirit. Yu Kao, who is from the lower class, give comfort to Genji's emotional wounds. Writer Murasaki Shikibu is jealous of Genji and is eventually ordered by Seime Abe to write a work ...
物陰に足拍子 より MIDORI
Midori is a coming-of-age drama set amongst the heady high school world of peer rivalry and sexual awakening, featuring an emotionally-detached high-school girl who, her parents dead, lives with her brother and his overprotective wife. After being sent out of class due to a dizzy spell, she becomes acquainted with Shun, a boy in the class below, in the school sanatorium. As the two begin feigning illness together on a regular basis, their uncomfortable flirtations soon blossom into a full sexual relationship.


Feb 03, 2001
When corporate executives are blackmailed into public displays of nudity on the busy streets of Shinjuku, the big guns are called out to locate "Oboreru Sakana". The "big guns" are a misfit duo of ethically questionable characters who must infiltrate a gay nightclub and "fit in" while they search for clues. What ensues is both hilarious and action-packed. Oboreru Sakana is a rather ambitious and often hilarious contemporary crime thriller. Its narrative swings from the grisly to the humorous and pulls in as many pop culture elements as it can manage.


Sep 12, 1998
An unhappy housewife regains her passion for life by taking over a failing bath house.
Onaji Tsuki Wo Miteiru
Une nuit, le jeune Gen Minashiro s'évade d'une maison de redressement avec pour seul témoin, la lune. Des années plus tôt, Gen, surnommé Don-chan, passe ses journées en compagnie de Tetsuya. Inséparables, les deux enfants se moquent de la faculté de Don-chan à deviner les pensées des gens, et à les représenter en dessins. Et puis vient le jour ou ils rencontrent M. Coldman, leur mystérieux voisin �étranger, et sa fille, Emi. Cette dernière, malade, devient très vite l'amie des deux garcons ...
Kohei Miyazaki (Naoto Takenaka), a former railroad worker, has become obsessed with locating the ancient country of Yamatai. His obsession sprouted from a day when he discovered ancient ceramics while repairing railroad tracks. Now completely blind, Kohei relies on his wife (Sayuri Yoshinaga) to guide him through the country and read the maps in their pursuit of Yamatai.
Love's Whirlpool

Love's Whirlpool

Mar 01, 2014
De minuit à 5h du matin, des personnes se réunissent dans un appartement haut de gamme à Roppongi, pour y entretenir des relations sexuelles sans amour.
Tokyo Tribe

Tokyo Tribe

Aug 30, 2014
Dans un Tokyo futuriste, une immense guerre des gangs fait rage et divise la ville en quatre clans qui veulent imposer leurs règles. À la tête de deux bandes, deux anciens amis rivalisent et les rancoeurs et sentiments personnels viennent se mêler aux affrontements des hommes dans un chaos toujours grandissant.


Dec 10, 2011
Kazuya is an aimless photographer in Paris who attempts suicide while visiting the city. He goes to see his half-brother Satoshi who lives there, but finds his two roommates instead and they seem to be hiding something.


Sep 27, 2014
Genius scientist Kikuo Himura (Yosuke Kubozuka) succeeds in developing a miracle cure for the cold virus. There are now people who are after Kikuo Himura's cold vaccine. Doctor Ichinose (Akira Emoto) is jealous of Kikuo Himura and tries to get the formula which is only in Kikuo Himura's head. Dougen (Chris Peppler) is a high-ranking member of a secret organization. Him and his subordinate try to get the vaccine source by any means necessary. Meanwhile, a mysterious woman, Sakurako (Manami Konishi) approaches Kikuo Himura.
Z アイランド

Z アイランド

May 16, 2015
Hiroya Munakata is the leader of the yakuza group Munakata-gumi. After 10 years since the big fight, Hiroya Munakata's non blood-related younger brother Takashi is released from prison, but Takashi’s daughter, Hyuga says she does not want to meet her father and runs away from home. Hiroya, Takashi and Hiroya’s subordinate Shinya go to Zeni Island where Hyuga is headed to. Something they never expected is waiting for them.
Sin Clock

Sin Clock

Feb 10, 2023
In order to turn their lives around, three taxi drivers living at the bottom rung of society hatch a plan to steal an invaluable art piece. Their plan was supposed to be perfect, but as coincidences pile up it becomes clear that nothing is going to go according to plan.
GTO Revival

GTO Revival

Apr 01, 2024
Onizuka, un ancien membre d'un gang de motards devenu professeur de lycée, est affecté à une académie privée remplie d'élèves en difficulté. Le problème de ce lycée tourne autour d'un influenceur qui a près de 2 millions de followers et qui se spécialise dans l'exposition et la propagation de rumeurs, provoquant des controverses et des remous, que les personnes impliquées soient des célébrités ou des gens ordinaires. Plusieurs professeurs et élèves de l'académie ont été exposés jusqu'à présent, et du fait d'être pris pour cible si fréquemment, des rumeurs circulent au sein de l'école selon lesquelles il pourrait y avoir un coupable se faisant passer pour l'influenceur. En conséquence, les élèves vivent leur vie scolaire en observant constamment les expressions des uns et des autres, devenant de plus en plus méfiants et paranoïaques.
Norifumi "KID" Yamamoto was a national star who led the Japanese martial arts world in the 2000s and was called the “Son of God.” "Yamamoto KID's Love and Dream ~IT WAS ALL A DREAM~", will explore his life and life based on interviews from the time and testimonies of those involved. Follow the legendary matches. In addition, some unreleased footage from over a decade is also included. Among them, his last interview before his death, filmed in 2018, contains the last precious glimpses of KID Yamamoto talking about his family and love for martial arts even while battling illness. The dreams drawn by martial artist KID, the truth that can only be spoken about now, and the intense way of life of a man who influenced many people and is still loved by many, are told by his ally Yosuke Kubozuka.


Dec 23, 2016
XVIIème siècle, deux prêtres jésuites se rendent au Japon pour retrouver leur mentor, le père Ferreira, disparu alors qu’il tentait de répandre les enseignements du catholicisme. Au terme d’un dangereux voyage, ils découvrent un pays où le christianisme est décrété illégal et ses fidèles persécutés. Ils devront mener dans la clandestinité cette quête périlleuse qui confrontera leur foi aux pires épreuves.


Jul 15, 2017
A depressed ex-boxer (Yosuke Kubozuka) self-medicating for the injuries that ended his career finds a stray cat that brightens his day, but she is snatched up by a comical grungy mechanic (Kenji Furuya). Calling each other by the competing names they gave the cat, Maru and Lily, the odd pair is abruptly sucked into a political conspiracy with Saeko (Yui Ichikawa) and her son at the center. Witnessing another injustice in which the economic and social elite prey on the vulnerable, the two strays set off on the road to redemption, or at least peaceful cat ownership. (Fun fact: in addition to acting together in Alley Cat, Yosuke Kubozuka and Kenji “KJ” Furuya released the single “Soul Ship” in 2017. Kubozuka performs as Manji Line and Furuya in the band Dragon Ash.) -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film


Nov 01, 2019
Rintaro (Sometani Shota) returns home for the first time in a while to prepare for and attend his father's funeral. He and his sister are surprised to find that their mother has canceled the catering order, and instead will be making the food herself in accordance with her late husband's will. The first dish she brings out is simply sunny side up eggs, and the attendees are at a loss. Rintaro recalls that this was the first meal his father had cooked for him and his sister.
When Mio was young, she lost her parents in a great flood and also became separated from her best friend Noe. Afterwards, Mio found her talent in cooking and eventually became a cook. Meanwhile, Noe has become an oiran (high-ranking courtesan).
The Day of Destruction
il y a sept ans, un mystérieux monstre a été découvert au fond d'une mine de charbon rurale. Depuis lors, des rumeurs de peste se sont répandues dans la petite ville et les habitants souffrent d'une maladie mentale inexplicable. Un jeune pratiquant du Shugendo disparaît pour refaire surface transformé, avec l'intention d'exorciser le monde des monstres qui le hantent.


Feb 21, 2021
A university student has the usual dreams and aspirations. It turns out to be a pipe dream and so she murders her own flesh and blood. The usual media heads seek an answer in order to sell copy. A psychologist is writing a book about the character and incident. Her research for the subject matter turn the psychologist inward and things come out of the shadows that perhaps are better left buried deep in the shadows of the psyche.


Aug 20, 2021
A man is tasked with assisting in the ritual suicide of a samurai who won't die without condemning the corrupt powers that be.


Oct 01, 2021
"DIVOC-12" is a project by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. to produce an omnibus consisting of 12 short films, aiming to enable creators, production staff, and actors affected by the coronavirus infection to continue to engage in creative activities.


May 02, 2025
A paranormal investigator is caught up in an unusual criminal revenge case – the guilty one is always a goldfish. One death follows another, always different and very violent. The causes lie far back in human history.


Jun 13, 2025
In February, 2020, a luxury cruise ship carrying 3,700 people arrives in Yokohama Port. One passenger, who disembarked in Hong Kong, was confirmed to have the new coronavirus. The coronavirus has since spread rapidly on the cruise ship. More than 100 passengers complain of symptoms. The DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team) is called to the port to respond. DMAT is specialized in responding to natural disasters like earthquakes and floods. They do not have experience or training in dealing with new virus outbreaks. Hideharu Yuki, who is a leader in DMAT, and government official Nobutaka Tatematsu command the cruise ship situation at the headquarters. Doctor Yukiyoshi Sendo and members of DMAT, including Haruto Sanada, decided to board the ship to deal with the situation.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Makoto qui vit dans le parc Ikebukuro West Gate, une zone connue pour la délinquance juvénile et les gangs. L'ami de Makoto, Takeshi, est le chef d'un de ces gangs, appelé les G-Boys. Makoto tout en essayant de résoudre le mystère de la mort d'un ami, se retrouve un peu malgré lui à aider les habitants de l'IWGP. Pendant ce temps, la tension monte entre le gang de son meilleur ami (que Makoto refuse de rejoindre) et un nouveau gang, les "Black Angels".
Long Love Letter

Long Love Letter

Mar 20, 2002
Nous sommes le 7 janvier, juste après le début de la nouvelle année. Des cours de rattrapage sont organisés pour les étudiants en difficulté. Asami Akio, un enseignant, retrouve avec Misaki Yuka, une femme qu'il a rencontrée il y a longtemps et avec laquelle il avait perdu le contact. Avant qu'il ne puisse expliquer leur rupture, un tremblement de terre secoue l'école.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Omiai Kekkon

Omiai Kekkon

Mar 21, 2000
Nakatani Setsuko a quitté son emploi d'hôtesse de l'air pour épouser son petit ami de l'époque, Hiroshi. Mais cela n'a pas marché, et les parents de Setsuko, inquiets que le temps passe, décident de la présenter à quelqu'un par un Omiai - une coutume traditionnelle japonaise - dans l'espoir qu'elle se marie. Elle rencontre Hirose Koutaro. Au début, les deux ne sont manifestement pas intéressés, mais peu à peu, ils commencent à se respecter mutuellement.


Jun 28, 1999
Hayakawa Ai commet un crime qui l'amène dans un centre de correction pour mineurs. Elle y rencontre quatre autres délinquants, se lie d'amitié avec eux et tombe amoureuse de l'un de ses gardiens, Ariake Yu, un artiste aux multiples secrets....
私立探偵 濱マイク
Mike Hama, Private Detective, is a chain-smoking, wisecracking tough guy with a weakness for the ladies and a soft spot in his heart, especially for his kid sister Akane. Mike's so down on his luck he'll take any case, from finding a lost pet to spying on cheating spouses. But every now and then, along comes a client with dubious and dangerous case… and that's when Mike shows his stuff.


Sep 13, 2023
Dans l'âge de l'exploration spatiale, Romi et George fuient la Terre en quête d'un nouveau monde.
Great Teacher Onizuka

Great Teacher Onizuka

Sep 22, 1998
Onizuka Eikichi, diplômé d'une université de 3ème catégorie et leader d'un gang de « Biker », souhaite devenir professeur. Après avoir été engagé par la directrice d'un lycée privé, le lycée Seirin, alors qu'il ait frappé le vice-principal, il prend en charge la classe 2-4, une classe ayant dégouté leurs anciens professeurs. Onizuka va alors commencer à enseigner avec sa méthode très peu conventionnelle, mais cela va lui permettre de se démarquer des autres enseignants que ces élèves ont déjà eu.
Tokyo Vice

Tokyo Vice

Apr 04, 2024
À Tokyo, le reporter américain Jake Adelstein, âgé de 24 ans, intègre le service police et justice du « Yomiuri Shimbun », le plus grand quotidien japonais. Alors qu’il collabore avec la police locale, il est contacté par la mafia. Il devient un interlocuteur des yakusas tout en continuant d’être un informateur de la police. Mais cette position ambivalente n’est pas sans danger.
Hoshi Shinichi is the "God of Short Stories" who published more than 1001 short stories during his lifetime, some of which are included in textbooks and continue to be read today. His stories often feature mystery, science fiction, or fantasy elements. A sometimes "humorous" and sometimes "cynic" look at society and mankind. Always short, but always surprising and unpredictable. Is it a poisonous allegory or a wake-up call? See some of his greatest gems come to life in this 2022 live-action adaptation
Giri / Haji

Giri / Haji

Dec 05, 2019
Un homme de loi part à Londres chercher son frère tueur à la solde de la mafia alors qu'une guerre entre Yakuza menace Tokyo. À qui faire confiance ?


Jun 29, 1998
ATHENA (アテナ) is a live action drama series based on Athena: Awakening from the Ordinary Life game originally broadcasted from April 7, 1998 to June 30, 1998 on TV Tokyo.[1] The series was starred Kei Ishibashi as Athena. A VHS collection including unreleased scenes was released in 6 volumes on Japan. The opening theme Lavender Dream (ラベンダドリーム), is performed by Yuki Ishii.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Jan 10, 2025
Kubozuka Yosuke and Kamenashi Kazuya play the roles of an avenger duo tied to their dark past. They are not champions of justice, moral teachers, or preachers. Instead, they are professional avengers. Behind the facade of running a small and ordinary old bookstore, Kamo and Tora seek revenge for victims and their families against villains who have escaped legal justice. But why? What drove them to become avengers? The duo targets ruthless murder cases by a rapist, a child abuser, and a family manipulator.