L'armée américaine propose au chasseur de primes Jonah Hex de le libérer s'il parvient à arrêter un terroriste prêt à déchaîner les enfers sur la planète...
Un transporteur est chargé de livrer une mallette à l'un des chefs de la pègre les plus dangereux du monde. Introuvable, inapprochable, la mission ne sera pas aisée...
Une jeune femme retourne voir sa famille juste après avoir terminé l'université. Ceux-ci vivent dans un bayou, au fin fond de l'Amérique. Peu de temps après son arrivée, ils découvrent ensemble une espèce d'alligators mutants très dangereuse. La famille entretient avec ses voisins une rivalité depuis des années qu'ils vont devoir surmonter afin de tous survivre...
Un homme désespéré qui croule sous les dettes est sur le point d'épouser la femme de sa vie. C'est alors qu'il reçoit un mystérieux coup de téléphone lui annonçant qu'il est filmé par des caméras cachées et qu'il doit accomplir 13 tâches pour recevoir une récompense de 5 millions de dollars. Les tâches à accomplir deviennent de plus en plus extrêmes...
Dans la ville d'Irish Channel en Louisiane, un terrible massacre s'est déroulé il y a 66 ans le jour de la Saint-Patrick. Les rumeurs parlent d'une forte tempête qui a ravagé la ville.
Nate Tanner, patron du bar le Black Pelican voit débarquer dans son bar Wild Bill, un dangereux trafiquant de drogue qui veut faire main basse sur le lieu. Ex-agent de la DEA et neveu de Nate, Shane Tanner, va alors s'opposer à eux pour protéger le bar. Aidé de la ravissante Beau, ils vont démanteler un réseau de drogue qui s'étend bien-au delà du bar...
Kantmiss Evershot se porte volontaire pour prendre la place de sa petite soeur manipulatrice lors des 75e Jeux de la faim. Elle devra abandonner Dale, son ami-mais-pas-amant, et faire équipe avec Peter, le fils nerd du boulanger.
A group of military prisoners must fight off a terrorist attack on their prison which, unbeknownst to them, is a cover for a secret drone control facility.
Alors que des requins ont envahi le Mississippi, le gouverneur demande à la population de s'éloigner du fleuve. Malheureusement, Big Bill refuse d'annuler son concours de pêche. Des jeunes prennent les choses en main en espérant l'aide de Jason London, héros des films "Shark Bite" 1 à 5 (sauf le 3, mais il est nul, le 3, on ne parle jamais du 3). Problème : l'acteur est imbu de lui-même et complètement crétin.
L'ancien champion de catch, Dillon Mc Cabe sort de prison après douze ans de détention. Il retrouve son meilleur ami Jake, qui doit de l'argent à la mafia russe. Dillon accepte de le sortir d'affaire en participant à un match de catch truqué : celui-ci doit se coucher lors du dernier round afin d'assurer des bénéfices à la mafia. Cependant, Dillon décide de renverser la vapeur...
Souhaitant profiter du week-end pour s'offrir une escapade en voiture, Don et Nancy vont vivre un véritable calvaire. Leur véhicule tombe en panne aux abords d'une petit ville rurale de Louisiane. Les habitants ne se montrent guère hospitaliers. Ils sont obligés de passer la nuit sur place dans un minable motel de proximité. En pleine nuit, un gang de criminels masqués débarque sur les lieux. Don et Nancy ne peuvent s'enfuir. Ils sont en passe de devenir les prochaines victimes du Terror Trap...
Un photographe de guerre vétéran qui souffre de stress post-traumatique voit dans les photos qu"il développe des morts imminentes. Sa santé mentale déjà fragile est menacée alors qu'il met en danger la vie de ses proches.
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.
The film follows "Dylan White" who works as a cook in Baton Rouge. He is also in a solid relationship with his girlfriend "Brandy". Things are great until strange events prompt him to seek out the truth about himself -- following clues, Dylan discovers a dark past in New Orleans. Can he right his past wrongs and find redemption for his sins?
The film follows "Dylan White" who works as a cook in Baton Rouge. He is also in a solid relationship with his girlfriend "Brandy". Things are great until strange events prompt him to seek out the truth about himself -- following clues, Dylan discovers a dark past in New Orleans. Can he right his past wrongs and find redemption for his sins?
The film follows "Dylan White" who works as a cook in Baton Rouge. He is also in a solid relationship with his girlfriend "Brandy". Things are great until strange events prompt him to seek out the truth about himself -- following clues, Dylan discovers a dark past in New Orleans. Can he right his past wrongs and find redemption for his sins?
Having recently escaped a brutal assault at the hands of psycho Frank, Rebekah Lakin finds herself a shadow of who she once was. The constant state of fear and anxiety she now lives in brings about frequent hallucinations, paranoia and insomnia.
Having recently escaped a brutal assault at the hands of psycho Frank, Rebekah Lakin finds herself a shadow of who she once was. The constant state of fear and anxiety she now lives in brings about frequent hallucinations, paranoia and insomnia.
Having recently escaped a brutal assault at the hands of psycho Frank, Rebekah Lakin finds herself a shadow of who she once was. The constant state of fear and anxiety she now lives in brings about frequent hallucinations, paranoia and insomnia.
Having recently escaped a brutal assault at the hands of psycho Frank, Rebekah Lakin finds herself a shadow of who she once was. The constant state of fear and anxiety she now lives in brings about frequent hallucinations, paranoia and insomnia.
Having recently escaped a brutal assault at the hands of psycho Frank, Rebekah Lakin finds herself a shadow of who she once was. The constant state of fear and anxiety she now lives in brings about frequent hallucinations, paranoia and insomnia.
Having recently escaped a brutal assault at the hands of psycho Frank, Rebekah Lakin finds herself a shadow of who she once was. The constant state of fear and anxiety she now lives in brings about frequent hallucinations, paranoia and insomnia.
Having recently escaped a brutal assault at the hands of psycho Frank, Rebekah Lakin finds herself a shadow of who she once was. The constant state of fear and anxiety she now lives in brings about frequent hallucinations, paranoia and insomnia.
Having recently escaped a brutal assault at the hands of psycho Frank, Rebekah Lakin finds herself a shadow of who she once was. The constant state of fear and anxiety she now lives in brings about frequent hallucinations, paranoia and insomnia.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
Clark has planned the perfect prom for his girlfriend Sharon. His plans are hijacked when Sharon invites her two best girlfriends, Neve and Heather, and their dates along on the perfect evening, but things only get worse. When all three are deserted by their dates at the beginning of prom, the trio go back out to their limo, where the driver has cleaned out the mini bar and takes them on a wild ride that lands them in a holding cell and ends with them crashing another school's prom.
In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him just the sway he needs to persuade law enforcement officials to treat his imprisoned son kindly.
In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him just the sway he needs to persuade law enforcement officials to treat his imprisoned son kindly.
In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him just the sway he needs to persuade law enforcement officials to treat his imprisoned son kindly.
In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him just the sway he needs to persuade law enforcement officials to treat his imprisoned son kindly.
In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him just the sway he needs to persuade law enforcement officials to treat his imprisoned son kindly.
In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him just the sway he needs to persuade law enforcement officials to treat his imprisoned son kindly.
In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him just the sway he needs to persuade law enforcement officials to treat his imprisoned son kindly.