Vera Altayskaya

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Le Père Frimas

Le Père Frimas

Mar 24, 1965
Une belle histoire hivernale tirée de contes russes où se croisent les personnages traditionnels du folklore slave . La belle et gentille Nastienka est chassée de sa maison par sa méchante marâtre. Mais elle sera hébergée et récompensée de sa bonté par Morozko. L’amour, l’amitié, la paresse, l’égoïsme… autant de thèmes universels évoqués dans ce film.
Le Magic Tisserand

Le Magic Tisserand

Jun 07, 1959
Un vieux soldat aide un jeune garçon retrouver sa mère, qui a été kidnappé dans le royaume sous-marin magique dans un lac russe à distance.
Снежная сказка
New Year's Eve. The boy Mitya, who loves to fantasize, jokingly tells his comrades at school that his children's toy watch with painted hands is magical and can stop all the clocks in the world, stop time, or even revive a snowman.
Tsvetnye kinonovelly

Tsvetnye kinonovelly

Aug 22, 1941
The composition includes two short stories: "The Swineherd" (based on the fairy tale by H.C. Andersen) and "Heaven and Hell" (based on the short story by P. Merime).
Жила-была девочка
Woven around the daily lives of two children, nine-year-old Nastenka and five-year-old Katia, this is a story of the 17 months' siege of Leningrad and of the people and families shattered by the war, their homes bombed and destroyed, their lives in a constant anticipation of the advancing German army and air raids.
Светлый путь
Tanya Morozova, an illiterate but industrious textile factory worker, finds happiness through her education and the Stakhanovite movement. She becomes a shock labourer and ascends through the Party ranks, ultimately being elected as a member of the Supreme Soviet.


Apr 03, 1961
On the outskirts of the provincial town, Yevdokim and Yevdokiya live, raising foster children. Yevdokim works at a factory, Yevdokiya is a housewife. The family seems to be safe and happy: the only trouble is that Yevdokiya cannot forget the love of her youth. This Yevdokim cannot stand and offers Yevdokiya freedom, while he will remain with the children. But all these contradictions are drowned in mutual love for children and for each other.
Дом с мезонином
A famous painter lives in idleness in the estate of the landlord Belokurov. Once he meets a family of Volchaninov's living in the neighborhood, in which there are two daughters: the eldest (Lydia), a serious and strict girl with convictions, who tries to help ordinary people and doesn't like the artist very much for his idleness, and the youngest (Zhenya or Misyus), which soon takes a great interest in the artist. The painter also falls in love with Zhenya, but Lydia destroys their happiness ...
Большая земля
August 1941. Residents of the Ural town escorted to the front of men. Left alone, women take on the most difficult cases, showing outstanding organizational skills and will. Together with the evacuated plant, refugees arrive in the town. The heroine of the Film Anna takes to her house a woman with children — her example is followed by the rest…
Так начиналась легенда
The film tells about the childhood of Yuri Gagarin, about that time of life, which, in his own words, played an important role in shaping his character: war, the occupation of their villages by the Germans, famine, the theft of the elder brother and sister to Germany, the expulsion of the Nazis from Smolensk, moving family in the city of Gzhatsk.
Наш корреспондент
The journalist of the village newspaper Tatyana Nikitina was published in a large metropolitan newspaper, but no one from the villagers believes her, because the article itself was published under her creative pseudonym. Tatyana, offended at everyone, packed her things and left for Moscow, where she was willingly hired for a job in a central newspaper. Traveling throughout the country, she writes feuilletons and notes, finds friends and enemies, finds and does not lose loved ones...


Apr 10, 1942
À la veille de la guerre en Finlande, une jeune télégraphiste rencontre un chauffeur de taxi. Ils se retrouvent au front, où elle s'est engagée comme infirmière.
Le Poète

Le Poète

Feb 09, 1957
Durant la guerre civile, dans une ville portuaire, des soirées de poésie sont organisées. Deux amateurs locaux de poésie y brillent particulièrement, Orlovski et Tarasov. Pris dans des événements dramatiques, Orlovski se range du côté des Blancs, tandis que Tarasov combat aux côtés des Rouges et intègre le régiment de cavalerie de Kotovski. Il participe à la libération de la ville et tombe amoureux de Olga Danilova.
Птицы над городом
Andryusha and his fifth-grade comrades in a pile of scrap raw materials found poorly bound typewritten pages with the inscription "Attack." The guys enthusiastically read this collection of frontline stories. Their author Bukin, it turns out, lives nearby, in the next quarter. The man is middle-aged and sickly; however, he does not succumb to the blows of fate. He devotes all his strength to the preservation of forest wealth, and in his free time from these worries he continues to write stories, recalling certain episodes of a rich front-line life ...
Серая болезнь
One day, doctors Speransky and Nikulin made an outstanding scientific discovery: they discovered the bacillus of indifference and ignorance. To describe its action, one of them selflessly instills it in himself.
Zolotye Roga

Zolotye Roga

Jan 01, 1973
Il y a longtemps, un splendide cerf aux bois dorés vivait dans les bois, protégeant toujours les pauvres et les faibles et méprisant le mal. Dans un petit village proche de la forêt, la veuve Yevdokya vivait avec ses filles jumelles Mashenka et Dashenka, son fils et son vieux père. Un jour, les filles observent des voleurs qui chassent le cerf. Peu après, elles sont attirées dans les bois par les esprits de la forêt. Furieuse de leur présence, la sorcière Baba Yaga les transforme en faons. Pendant ce temps, Yevdokya cherche ses filles. Pour avoir protégé la biche des voleurs, elle obtient un anneau magique qui la protège du danger. Le cerf lui conseille de partir vers le soleil rouge ou la lune claire. Mais tous deux ne peuvent atteindre le bois magique avec leur lumière. Finalement, le garçon accompagné de son chat part à la recherche de ses sœurs et de sa mère.
Мужской разговор
Sasha Larionov, is in the eighth grade and still doesn't know that his mother has left the family. Sasha's father, a decent and very honest person, was used to telling people only the truth. But here he doesn't now how to tell his son that the mother left them for another man and therefore explains her long absence from a long business trip. However, soon Sasha finds out the truth and decides to go after his mom, hoping to get her back
Ищу мою судьбу
There were three sisters — Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov. Vera, having survived unhappy love, goes to the monastery, where she gives birth to a child. The child dies, Vera commits suicide. Lyuba and grandmother attend church and maintain relations with priest Aleksandr. To Nadezhda that condemns their religiosity, it seems that Lyuba is in love with father Aleksandr. She comes home to him and demands that he stop dating Lyuba. However, it turns out that Aleksandr is in love with Nadezhda. Knowing him better, she reciprocates him, facing a difficult choice, Aleksandr breaks with religion.
Дочь моряка

Дочь моряка

Feb 03, 1941
Together with other graduates of the Maritime Institute, Irina Zakharova returns to her native Odessa. At the distribution commission, she seeks the appointment of the first assistant to the captain on the infamous Pobeda vessel, with the most loosened crew. Carrying a personal example of sailors, Irina successfully fights for a turning point in the mood of sailors, and when the ship gets into a storm, she shows the outstanding qualities of a real sailor. Against the background of these events, the theme of lyrical relationships between Irina and the navigator of the red-flagged ship "Abkhazia" Vasily in love with her is unfolding.
По ту сторону
Based on the novel of the same name by Viktor Kin. 1921, Far East. Two Komsomol members, Matveyev and Bezais, must cross the front line near Khabarovsk to give the partisans money and a coded message. In Khabarovsk, Matveyev wants to meet a girl, Liza, with whom he is in love, but a serious injury disrupts his plans...
Les soirées du hameau près de Dikanka
La veille de Noël est particulièrement agitée dans ce hameau enneigé de l'Ukraine profonde. Les hommes du village s'apprêtent à sortir guincher, les jeunes préparent leurs koliadki (tradition dans laquelle ils chantent des cantiques sous les fenêtres des gens pour recevoir de la nourriture), Solokha la sorcière vole dans la nuit sur son balai en attendant l'arrivée de ses divers courtisans et, plus original, le diable vole la lune pour empêcher le cosaque Chub de sortir, espérant ainsi empêcher le forgeron Vakoula de se rendre auprès d'Oksana, fille de Chub. C'est que le diable a développé une certaine animosité à l'égard de Vakoula...
Barbara la fée aux cheveux de soie
Il était une fois un tsar nommé Eremeï qui partit faire un voyage d’un an afin de vérifier l’état de son royaume. Mais de quel royaume s’agissait-il ? Un jour, comme il se penche pour boire l’eau d’un puits, il est kidnappé par le tsar sous-marin Choudo Youdo. Sa famille reçoit bientôt une demande de rançon pour sa remise en liberté. Et là commencent les véritables aventures et les intrigues.