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Le Frère 2

Le Frère 2

May 11, 2000
En arrivant à Moscou, le vétéran tchétchène Danila (Sergei Bodrov Jr) rencontre Konstantin, un vieil ami qui lui dit que son frère jumeau a été contraint de signer un contrat tordu avec une équipe américaine de hockey sur glace. Peu de temps après cette rencontre, Danila découvre Konstantin mort et il entreprend de venger sa mort; un voyage qui le mène à Chicago et une toute nouvelle expérience.


May 26, 2005
Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head.
Сокровенный человек
On October 25, 1917, construction of a new world began in Russia. One of the foremost workers in this construction was the writer Andrei Platonov. But a bright and fair future, his art and literature were seen by everyone in different ways. Its truth became impossible, and the new world was not built in the way it was conceived. Demanding millions of lives for its existence, a brighter future took the life of the writer’s son, who was arrested at the age of fifteen, and then Andrei Platonov himself. The story of the creation and death of the new world in seven days.
Орёл и решка
To earn money for married life, a young engaged man takes a job as an engineer on a privately operated oil drilling rig in the far North of Russia. A friend's letter brings the sad news that his fiancée has already married someone else and in desperation he quits his job and flies back to Moscow. There all his vast efforts to win her back seem in vain...
Разбуди меня
After boyfriend's disappearance Zhenia develops an uncanny power for prophetic dreams. Using this gift she decides to escape fate and save her true love from Moscow's criminal underworld
Агитбригада 'Бей врага!'
World War II is raging on the Eastern front but the soldier Nikanor has been sent to Siberia: bot as a prisoner, but as the leader of a motley group of entertainers who travel from village to village giving concerts. Still, Big Brother is watching and when the entertainers encounter a strange man in the woods there is trouble brewing. One of the performers falls in love with the mysterious backwoodsman, but the secret service is after him, too.
Питер FM

Питер FM

Apr 20, 2006
Masha, who works for a radio station, and Maxim, a street sweeper with an architectural degree, cross paths with each other when they are at an indecisive point in their lives.


Sep 19, 2021
This is a story about a man and about a woman. Or rather, about male and about female. Two halves that search for each other and don’t coincide. He is an ordinary guy from a small mining town. She is a diva from the capital’s art world. Their meeting is accidental. Their relationship is doomed.


May 10, 2001
A movie about two sisters - thirteen year old Sveta, poor and abandoned by her father, who longs to go off and be a sniper in the army, and spoilt eight-year old Dina, doted on by her gangster father...


Nov 11, 2002
Based on Boris Akunin's novel 'Azazel' (English title 'The Winter Queen') set in Moscow in 1876. The novel started a long series quite popular in Russia. In 'Azazel' a young police officer - Erast Fandorin - investigates an odd suicide of some rich young man and finds a complex conspiracy, trying to take over most European countries - from Britain to Ottoman Empire - with the best intentions, of course.
1942 Major Toporkov, who escaped from captivity, makes his way to the partisan camp surrounded by the Germans. The major asks the commander of the detachment to give him a convoy with weapons in order to get through to the concentration camp: the prisoners are preparing an uprising.
Battlestar rebellion

Battlestar rebellion

Dec 18, 2008
Nous sommes en 2157. L'âge d'or de la civilisation humaine. Les pilotes du Free Search Group sillonnent l'espace à la recherche d'un vaisseau spatial russe piloté par Maxim Kamerrer, 22 ans, qui s'est écrasé sur Saraksh, une lointaine planète habitée. Après de longues années d'une guerre nucléaire, une crise environnementale règne sur la planète et la société en place doit faire face à de graves problèmes sociaux et à une paix fragile. Le vaillant cosmonaute va découvrir une mystérieuse terre régie par les Pères Inconnus, cinq gouverneurs anonymes manipulant la conscience des habitants par le biais d'émetteurs spéciaux. Ici, Maxim fera la connaissance de nouveaux amis, aura des ennemis, trouvera l'amour et, après avoir traversé de nombreuses épreuves, il prendra finalement la tête d'un mouvement rebelle visant à défier les cinq avides gouverneurs...
Science Fiction


Jan 24, 2012
A story based on love between Anton Chekhov and a young writer Lidiya Avilova.


Jan 22, 2015
Three old fiends decide to take vacation from the everyday life and join the archeological expedition.
My parents were vacationing in Bulgaria, my grandfather and I lived soul to soul and cooked not according to schedule, but only when we wanted to. I didn't have a girlfriend, I didn't work, I didn't study, I ate a lot of butter out of inertia. I read the "Fundamentals of Archaeology" by Professor Avdusin, copied out poems from a homemade notebook. It was the best June of my life...


May 29, 2008
The film takes place at the training base of the Russian national team. The eyes of the whole country are riveted to this place, our players train here in the remaining few days before the match. All those who help them win work here: coaches, administrators, doctors, watchmen and even cleaners. The fate of the decisive match depends on these people. All of them are selflessly devoted to football.
Leaving Afganistan

Leaving Afganistan

May 10, 2019
1988. Gorbatchev annonce le retrait des troupes russes d’Afghanistan. 1988-1989. Fin de l’invasion soviétique de l’Afghanistan. Alors que l’URSS organise le retrait de ses troupes, le pilote Alexandre Vassiliev est capturé par les moudjahidines après le crash de son avion. La 108ème division d’infanterie motorisée doit alors reporter le retour au pays pour remplir une dernière mission de sauvetage. Inspiré de faits réels, le récit de cette tragique retraite révèle l’horreur et la complexité de la nature humaine en temps de guerre.
Сохрани мою речь навсегда
This is the story of the poet Osip Mandelstam, recreated at the intersection of the arts and genres: puppet theater, design, computer graphics, documentary. The rebellious spirit of Mandelstam's poetry sounded a challenge to the authorities, and their author was destroyed by a state machine - he died in a transit camp. Much of what he wrote could not have been preserved had it not been for her husband Nadezhda, who taught his works by heart, copied manually-in anticipation of times when they could be published.
Un espion ordinaire

Un espion ordinaire

Jan 24, 2020
1960. Modeste représentant de commerce anglais, Greville Wynne se retrouve plongé au cœur de la guerre froide. À la demande du MI-6 et de la CIA, il noue une alliance aussi secrète que périlleuse avec le colonel soviétique Oleg Penkovsky. Objectif : fournir les renseignements nécessaires aux Occidentaux pour éviter un affrontement nucléaire et désamorcer la crise des missiles de Cuba. Il entame alors une série d'allers-retours entre Londres et Moscou en prenant de plus en plus de risques…
Портрет незнакомца
In a nostalgic Moscow of 1976, an unlucky actor meets a charismatic writer, a living classic of Soviet literature, who turns his life into a tragicomic farce with the artistic bohemia, foreign-currency prostitutes, the KGB staff and agents of the CIA.
Алексей Балабанов. Найти своих и успокоиться
His motto was laconic: "I promised - stay still." This is how Alexei Balabanov lived, raised his sons, was friends, and so filmed. A legendary director and an extraordinary person who made both "festival" and "mass" films with equal ease. He was a great father and a difficult husband, a loyal friend and an honest guy. Balabanov with his life, passions, losses, burning pain on the way to God in the memories of those closest to him - mother, sons, wife and friends. He seems to be telling the crew again: "Let's do it talentedly!"
Иосиф Бродский. Разговор с небожителем
The film is based on an interview in New York in 1993 between critic Solomon Volkov and poet Joseph Brodsky. Behind the scenes, the poet answers the questions of the journalist. The conversation, in the end, covers almost the entire life of Brodsky. We are faced with the dramatic story of a man who categorically refuses to dramatize it. The story of a poet who gained in full, but lost immeasurably more.
Плюс один

Плюс один

Aug 21, 2008
After a failed marriage, Masha retreats to the sanctuary of her humble profession as a translator of serious literature. Financial difficulties force her to accept an offer to interpret during a seminar held by an English puppeteer.


Sep 20, 2003
Today’s twenty-something Russians are the first generation in the country’s post-communist history to have grown up free. Their twenties are the age of freedom, of fast-changing events and intense emotions. Perhaps only at this age they can live a whole life in one day. A young girl and her two accident companions walk halfway around St.-Petersburg; they flirt and tease each other, and for ninety minutes they act out a real-time romantic drama. This stroll is full of laughter and tears against a backdrop of the hustle and bustle of the streets.


Jan 22, 2015
Three old fiends decide to take vacation from the everyday life and join the archeological expedition.
Сохрани мою речь навсегда
This is the story of the poet Osip Mandelstam, recreated at the intersection of the arts and genres: puppet theater, design, computer graphics, documentary. The rebellious spirit of Mandelstam's poetry sounded a challenge to the authorities, and their author was destroyed by a state machine - he died in a transit camp. Much of what he wrote could not have been preserved had it not been for her husband Nadezhda, who taught his works by heart, copied manually-in anticipation of times when they could be published.
Питер FM

Питер FM

Apr 20, 2006
Masha, who works for a radio station, and Maxim, a street sweeper with an architectural degree, cross paths with each other when they are at an indecisive point in their lives.


Feb 11, 2018
McMafia nous plonge dans le monde complexe du crime organisé. Elle suit une famille russe vivant en exil à Londres et met au jour un obscur réseau de blanchisseurs de capitaux à Dubaï, de cybercriminels en Inde, d'acteurs du marché noir à Zagreb, de narcotrafiquants colombiens ou d'oligarques russes à Londres.


Mar 10, 2002
The main character, an official of the 14th grade, Erast Petrovich Fandorin, serves as a clerk in the Detective Department and secretly dreams of becoming a detective. By the will of circumstances, he finds himself involved in the investigation of a mysterious suicide.


Nov 22, 2017
The series of shocking murders are forcing two absolutely opposite detectives to unite. Working as a team helping them to solve the crime but they understand that winning the war never means that war is over.


Mar 02, 2013
When the investigation comes to a dead end, a private detective Leaf (Kirill Pirogov) comes to the rescue. His method is an interrogation disguised as a sincere conversation or a casual conversation between two" accidentally " strangers who happened to be nearby. The leaf does not press. It does not threaten. It is not covered by the law. He prefers a confidential tone, and for meetings he mainly uses the most ordinary spaces: apartments, offices, corridors, car salons; any places where it is more convenient for a person to speak. Leaf is a chameleon who can present himself as anyone: a former TV presenter who has sunk to the bottom, a labor teacher, a clown, a trolleybus driver, a groom from whom the bride ran away...
Дневник убийцы
Graduate students in the Historical Museum find a diary dated 1919. In the diary, the author confesses to the murder of five people. The terrible deeds of the past are the key to unraveling a number of crimes committed in our day.


Jul 03, 2001
A stylish arrangement in a modern way of a number of classic love stories – "Carmen", "Orpheus and Eurydice", "Don Quixote", "Cyrano de Bergerac", "Hamlet". Each episode is a complete story with its own characters, they are united only by the place of action – the city of Rostov–on-Don. It is always summer here, women are beautiful and men are courageous, there is a high sky and a blue river, everyone is happy here or could be happy…
Alexander Maximov is a brilliant psychologist and the best negotiator in Russia. But even an ideal, it would seem, employee makes mistakes. In the past, while negotiating with the terrorists who had taken over the school, Maximov suffers a defeat when his daughter is killed. Unable to look his wife and son in the eyes, Alexander leaves the family. Years later the hero again faces the perpetrator of that tragedy - it turns out that during an explosion at that school the intruder did not die and now throws Maksimov a new challenge.


Jan 01, 1970
Julia's son dies during a hike in the mountains. However, after the funeral, she receives a mysterious video in the mail in which she sees her son alive. Everything indicates that he is being held somewhere on Sakhalin, in the area of the Severnaya-2 drilling station. Julia goes to Sakhalin in search of her son. Her ex-husband Andrey flies there after her. Parents will have to search for their son for a long time in a dying snow-covered village, in a harsh region where strangers are not welcome.


Nov 09, 2017
Les pages de la vie d'un homme qui a changé le monde mais l'a remboursé avec tout ce qu'il avait. Léon Trotsky est interviewé à Mexico, en 1940, par le journaliste canadien Frank Jackson. Pendant huit jours, ils ont huit séances d'interview qui révèlent le vrai visage du camarade Trotsky.


Oct 03, 2024
Yug Kipen is a tight—lipped, modest boy raised by his grandmother. Yug's mother died when he was three years old, and he never saw his father. Everything changes when, on his 14th birthday, Yug discovers the money his father sent in his grandmother's closet. From this moment begins the story of the great journey of the South in search of his father. Potential fathers are scattered all over Russia. The South will have to cross the whole country to meet everyone. He will visit the most beautiful corners of our country, and of course, he will see the main attraction of Russia — people! It is not easy for a 14-year-old teenager to make such a journey, in principle, and even more difficult for the South, because he has a bunch of phobias that he will have to overcome every time.