Patrick Moore

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Les Seigneurs de la mer
Depuis l'enfance, Rob Stewart se passionne pour les requins. À tel point qu'il est devenu biologiste et photographe sous-marin afin de pouvoir nager avec eux, décrypter leur mystère et déconstruire le mythe du requin mangeur d'hommes. Ce mythe, entièrement fabriqué, serait selon lui responsable de l'indifférence qui entoure, un peu partout dans le monde, le massacre de la population de requins à des fins commerciales. Du Costa-Rica aux Îles Galapagos en passant par le Guatemala, Stewart et l'équipage de l'activiste des mers Paul Watson tentent de dénoncer et de mettre en échec les braconniers à la solde de mafias asiatiques soutenues par des gouvernements corrompus. Il y va de l'équilibre écologique de la planète.
Eco-Pirate: The Story of Paul Watson
"Eco-Pirate" tells the story of a man on a mission to save the planet and its oceans. The film follows professional radical ecologist, Captain Paul Watson as he repeatedly flouts the law, so that he may apprehend what he sees as the more serious law-breakers: the illegal poachers of the world.
Pirate for the Sea

Pirate for the Sea

Aug 30, 2008
A documentary on Paul Watson, who takes the law into his own hands on the open seas, confronting, by any nonviolent means necessary, the hunters who indiscriminately slaughter whales, seals and sharks, along with complicit governments and environmental organizations. Written by Anonymous "Pirate for the Sea" is a biographical film of Captain Paul Watson, the youngest founding member of Greenpeace Canada. He organized early campaigns protesting the killing of seals, whales, and dolphins. Greenpeace ejected him for being too much of an activist. Starting his own organization, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, he went on to sink illegal whaling ships, stopped Canadian seal hunts for ten years, permanently halted sealing in British Isles, killing of dolphins on Iki Island, Japan, etc. This documentary witnesses his latest campaigns and explores the personal and environmental history of this controversial marine conservationist. Written by R.C.