Brian Imada

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Gagner ou mourir

Gagner ou mourir

Aug 23, 1985
Lane Myer vient d'être quitté par sa petite amie, sous prétexte qu'il n'est pas assez populaire. En pleine déprime, le jeune homme doit également supporter sa mère, son voisin envahissant et se préparer pour une compétition de ski qui pourrait lui permettre de reconquérir l'élue de son coeur.
City of crime

City of crime

Mar 14, 1997
A la demande de son frère cadet, Roy Egan participe au braquage d'une grand bijouterie de Palm Springs. Le hold-up réussit. Mais, au moment du partage, un des membres du gang abat froidement ses coéquipiers, a l'exception de Roy qui parvient a s’échapper. Il n'a alors plus qu'une obsession, venger son frère.
Double Dragon

Double Dragon

Nov 04, 1994
Los Angeles 2007. "The Big One" a eu lieu, ce terrible tremblement de terre tant redouté. Aujourd'hui les tours de Downtown sont au bord de l'océan. Des décombres est née une nouvelle ville, New Angeles, aux mains des gangs et du diabolique Koga Shuko. Ce mégalomane possède un fragment du Double Dragon, un antique médaillon chinois doté de pouvoirs surnaturels. Pour lui tenir tête: Jimmy et Billy Lee, deux adolescents qui ne manquent pas de ressources.
Au dessus de la loi

Au dessus de la loi

Apr 08, 1993
Transportant des voitures de sport volées, Wellman Santee est témoin du meurtre d'un policier et de son complice par un lieutenant ripoux : Frank Severance. Blessé et arrêté, Santee s'échappe en prenant en otage Rita Marek, de la police elle aussi. Severance doit absolument l'éliminer. A travers le désert, la chasse à l'homme commence...
Inside Edge

Inside Edge

Nov 02, 1993
For months, Richard Montana has been giving drug lord Mario Gio hell. But it's only when he meets Gio's leggy blonde girlfriend, nightclub singer Lisa, that things get personal. And after Montana and Lisa have been in bed, things get absolutely deadly. Especially because the headstrong beauty has her own plans. Because only she is the key to Gio's next big deal. And Lisa wants the drugs, the dollars and Montana all to herself. And because that's the case, all hell breaks loose and Gio's killers go on the hunt!
L'Arme parfaite

L'Arme parfaite

Mar 15, 1991
For months, Richard Montana has been giving drug lord Mario Gio hell. But it's only when he meets Gio's leggy blonde girlfriend, nightclub singer Lisa, that things get personal. And after Montana and Lisa have been in bed, things get absolutely deadly. Especially because the headstrong beauty has her own plans. Because only she is the key to Gio's next big deal. And Lisa wants the drugs, the dollars and Montana all to herself. And because that's the case, all hell breaks loose and Gio's killers go on the hunt!
Le Corrupteur

Le Corrupteur

Mar 12, 1999
For months, Richard Montana has been giving drug lord Mario Gio hell. But it's only when he meets Gio's leggy blonde girlfriend, nightclub singer Lisa, that things get personal. And after Montana and Lisa have been in bed, things get absolutely deadly. Especially because the headstrong beauty has her own plans. Because only she is the key to Gio's next big deal. And Lisa wants the drugs, the dollars and Montana all to herself. And because that's the case, all hell breaks loose and Gio's killers go on the hunt!
Le Ninja de Beverly Hills
For months, Richard Montana has been giving drug lord Mario Gio hell. But it's only when he meets Gio's leggy blonde girlfriend, nightclub singer Lisa, that things get personal. And after Montana and Lisa have been in bed, things get absolutely deadly. Especially because the headstrong beauty has her own plans. Because only she is the key to Gio's next big deal. And Lisa wants the drugs, the dollars and Montana all to herself. And because that's the case, all hell breaks loose and Gio's killers go on the hunt!
Ghosts of Mars

Ghosts of Mars

Aug 24, 2001
For months, Richard Montana has been giving drug lord Mario Gio hell. But it's only when he meets Gio's leggy blonde girlfriend, nightclub singer Lisa, that things get personal. And after Montana and Lisa have been in bed, things get absolutely deadly. Especially because the headstrong beauty has her own plans. Because only she is the key to Gio's next big deal. And Lisa wants the drugs, the dollars and Montana all to herself. And because that's the case, all hell breaks loose and Gio's killers go on the hunt!


Jan 30, 1998
For months, Richard Montana has been giving drug lord Mario Gio hell. But it's only when he meets Gio's leggy blonde girlfriend, nightclub singer Lisa, that things get personal. And after Montana and Lisa have been in bed, things get absolutely deadly. Especially because the headstrong beauty has her own plans. Because only she is the key to Gio's next big deal. And Lisa wants the drugs, the dollars and Montana all to herself. And because that's the case, all hell breaks loose and Gio's killers go on the hunt!


Mar 12, 2004
For months, Richard Montana has been giving drug lord Mario Gio hell. But it's only when he meets Gio's leggy blonde girlfriend, nightclub singer Lisa, that things get personal. And after Montana and Lisa have been in bed, things get absolutely deadly. Especially because the headstrong beauty has her own plans. Because only she is the key to Gio's next big deal. And Lisa wants the drugs, the dollars and Montana all to herself. And because that's the case, all hell breaks loose and Gio's killers go on the hunt!
Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire

Aug 21, 1992
For months, Richard Montana has been giving drug lord Mario Gio hell. But it's only when he meets Gio's leggy blonde girlfriend, nightclub singer Lisa, that things get personal. And after Montana and Lisa have been in bed, things get absolutely deadly. Especially because the headstrong beauty has her own plans. Because only she is the key to Gio's next big deal. And Lisa wants the drugs, the dollars and Montana all to herself. And because that's the case, all hell breaks loose and Gio's killers go on the hunt!
Agence Matrix

Agence Matrix

Jan 29, 2004
Chaque matin, le Président des États-Unis reçoit un rapport nommé "Threat Matrix". Ce rapport contient des informations sur les menaces qui planent sur le pays. Il est rédigé par les membres de l'Agence Matrix. Cette agence est composée de membres d'origines diverses et variées dont le but premier est de surveiller et d'éradiquer toutes les menaces d'origines terroristes ou autre. L'équipe est sous les ordres de John Kilmer, un agent spécial du FBI et est composée de Frankie Ellroy-Kilmer, membre de la CIA spécialiste en interrogatoire et profiler et ex-femme de John, de Mohamed dit "Mo" un ex-agent de la CIA, d'Anne Larkin une brillante scientifique, de Tim Vargas un ancien agent de la D.E.A et de Jelani, un génie en informatique qui se fait épauler par la jeune Holly Brodeen. L'Agence Matrix dispose des dernières technologies pour mener à bien leur mission et ne doivent de comptes à personne d'autre qu'au Colonel Roger Atkins, leur agent de liaison avec la Maison Blanche.