David Nibley

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Praise to the Man

Praise to the Man

Jan 01, 2005
With a divine answer to a humble prayer at age 14, Joseph Smith began to fulfill his inspired mission. He translated the ancient Book of Mormon and restored the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. Many flocked to the American frontier to worship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by the Prophet Joseph's dynamic and courageous example. Unstopped by his martyrdom at age 38, Joseph's legacy continues today in the dedicated lives of Saints throughout the world who still sing; "Praise to the Man who Communed with Jehovah!"
Les Hommes de mes rêves
Ethan Reed est un jeune écrivain en difficulté. Il rencontre Jesse, serveuse dans le café où il s'est arrêté, et tombe sous son charme. Après le départ d'Ethan, Troy Parker entre dans le café et est à son tour séduit par Jesse. La jeune femme semble avoir trouvé l'homme idéal deux fois dans la même journée...
The Best Two Years

The Best Two Years

Feb 20, 2004
Two pairs of Mormon missionaries from America live in a beaten-up apartment in the Dutch city of Haarlem. Their personalities are distinctly different. Elder Johnson is the District Leader and oversees their efforts. His companion, the vain Elder Van Pelt, seeks to become the assistant to the mission president (the top post available) as soon as possible. The capable Elder Rogers has become disillusioned and inattentive to his duties ever since a previous missionary companion returned to America and married Elder Roger's girlfriend. The three meet Elder Roger's new companion, Elder Calhoun, in the train station. This new elder is a nerdy but enthusiastic "greenie" that has just arrived from the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Utah. Unfortunately, his training did not give him much fluency in the Dutch language. But as luck would have it, the first person he approaches to proselytize is a fellow American named Kyle.
Saints and Soldiers : L'Honneur des paras
Deux mois après le débarquement allié en Normandie, le 517ème régiment des parachutistes américains s'apprête à sauter sur la Provence. Leur mission : protéger les troupes alliées en route vers Berlin. Seuls en territoire ennemi, ils rencontrent un groupe de résistants français décimé par l'armée allemande qui les supplient de leur venir en aide. Tiraillés entre le sens de l'honneur et leur devoir, ces soldats devront faire des sacrifices dont dépendra notre destin à tous
Friends for Life

Friends for Life

Nov 14, 2008
Still grieving over the loss of his wife, widowed lawyer Jim Crawford (Michael Flynn) discovers a pack of orphaned wolf cubs who face certain death unless he takes them in. Unprepared for the task, but unwilling to see them suffer, he takes them into his care and keeping...with the help of an offbeat angel. It is a daunting task with unintended...sometimes hilarious consequences. As the wolf cubs grow, so does Jim's love for them. But wolves are creatures of the wild, and Jim is faced with the excruciating decision to return his companions from whence they came. When a greedy real estate developer (David Nibley) plans threaten the wolves survival, Jim must protect them in their natural habitat...and in the courtroom. Friends For Life is a heartwarming 3D adventure appropriate for all ages
Un costume pour deux

Un costume pour deux

Apr 24, 2009
Pete est un lycéen timide, qui lutte pour se faire remarquer par les autres. Lorsque son meilleur ami, Poole, a besoin d'une pause comme mascotte de l'école à cause d'une réaction allergique au costume de poulet qu'il porte, il convainc Pete de le remplacer pendant un match de basket-ball. Une fois que Pete enfile son costume, sa timidité disparaît et un tout nouveau Pete apparaît plein d'humour qui captive l'école, mais aussi toute la ville. Poole bénéficie alors de tous les avantages des performances de Pete, y compris une petite amie pom-pom girl. Pete doit décider s'il veut que le monde sache qui il est vraiment derrière cette mascotte qui fait rêver l'école et la ville...
We Love You, Sally Carmichael!
Readers across the world are in love with author Sally Carmichael's series of romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl and a merman. But no one knows that Sally Carmichael is really Simon Hayes, a bitter, serious novelist - and Simon would like to keep it that way. When he is forced to meet a movie star about the movie adaptation, his life of anonymity starts to crumble.
High School Musical 2

High School Musical 2

Aug 17, 2007
Ce sont bientôt les vacances, les élèves d'East High sont prêts à passer un moment inoubliable. Mais pour l'instant, il faut trouver un job d'été...Troy et Gabriella passent l'été ensemble au Country Club de Lava Springs, appartenant aux parents de Ryan et Sharpay. Gabriella y est embauchée comme maître-nageur et Troy comme serveur. Les amoureux sont bientôt rejoints par toute la bande. Tous se mettent au travail et espèrent participer au concours des jeunes talents organisé par le club, qui sacrera les deux meilleurs chanteurs de l'année... Mais Sharpay compte bien conserver son titre ! Après l'humiliation qu'elle a subie lors de la dernière comédie musicale de l'école, elle est décidée à se venger de Gabriella... Que la compétition commence !
17 Miracles

17 Miracles

Jun 03, 2011
17 Miracles est la véritable histoire de la compagnie de diligence à bras mormonne Willie Handcart pionnière dans le transport des colons américains. En partance pour la vallée de Salt Lake, Frère Savage s’inquiète du fait que leur départ si tard dans la saison puisse se révéler dangereux. Ils apprendront en court de route, que pour chaque tragédie, il y a une multitude de miracles…
Church Ball

Church Ball

Mar 17, 2006
Dennis Buckstead has the hardest calling in his church. Not only has he been asked to coach a group of non-basketball players in his church but the bishop has demanded that he lead the team to the Basketball Championship. Word from the top is that this is the last season of church ball and Bishop Linderman isn't about to have his team lose for the 20th year in a row in the last season of church ball history! What was supposed to strengthen the body, invigorate the mind and cultivate brotherly love seems to bring out the worst in these church-going ball players. Dennis must find a way to bring his team together and build unity along the way to win the championship or go down in church ball history as the worst team that ever played.
The Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journey
The story of Lehi and his wife Sariah and their four sons: Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. Lehi leaves Jerusalem because he prophesied unto the people concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, and they sought his life. He journeys into the wilderness with his family. He sends Nephi and his brethren back to Jerusalem after the brass plates and the family of Ishmael. The sons and daughters of Lehi marry the sons and daughters of Ishmael. They take their families and continue into the wilderness. Ishmael dies in the wilderness. They come to the sea. Nephi's brethren rebel against him. He confounds them, and builds a ship. They cross the sea to the promised land in the Americas. Lehi dies in the promised land. Nephi's brethren rebel against him again. Nephi departs again into the wilderness.
Take A Chance

Take A Chance

May 02, 2006
Two brothers from Texas, Kirby and Corbin travel to Idaho in search of their dream girls. They pose as foreign exchange students and are welcomed into the home of a religious family. Unfortunately, one of girls they came for won't be home for a week. However, In their quest to conquer their dream girls, they eventually learn the true meaning of love.
We Love You, Sally Carmichael!
Readers across the world are in love with author Sally Carmichael's series of romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl and a merman. But no one knows that Sally Carmichael is really Simon Hayes, a bitter, serious novelist - and Simon would like to keep it that way. When he is forced to meet a movie star about the movie adaptation, his life of anonymity starts to crumble.
We Love You, Sally Carmichael!
Readers across the world are in love with author Sally Carmichael's series of romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl and a merman. But no one knows that Sally Carmichael is really Simon Hayes, a bitter, serious novelist - and Simon would like to keep it that way. When he is forced to meet a movie star about the movie adaptation, his life of anonymity starts to crumble.
The Chosen

The Chosen

Jun 30, 2024
Un pêcheur charismatique aux prises avec des dettes. Une femme troublée aux prises avec ses démons. Un comptable doué, mis au ban de sa famille et de son peuple. Voyez comment Jésus atteint chacun d'entre eux et bien plus encore, alors qu'il accomplit ses premiers miracles et se lance dans son ministère pour changer le monde. Découvrez-le à travers les yeux de ceux qui l'ont connu.