Edward Underdown

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Plus fort que le Diable
Un bateau navigue vers les côtes d’Afrique. A son bord, des passagers plus ou moins assortis veulent acquérir des terres pour en extraire de l’uranium.
Le train des épouvantes
Cinq étrangers à bord du train sont reliés par une diseuse de bonne aventure mystérieuse qui leur propose de lire leurs cartes de Tarot. Cinq histoires distinctes se déroulent: Un architecte retourne à son domicile ancestral pour trouver un loup-garou assoiffé de vengeance, un médecin découvre que sa nouvelle femme est un vampire, une plante envahie une maison, un musicien s'implique avec le vaudou, un critique d'art est poursuivi par une main désincarnée.
The Voice of Merrill

The Voice of Merrill

Dec 01, 1952
A convicted female blackmailer is found murdered in her flat and suspicion falls on three men, all of whom the police believe may have had reason to wish her dead
The Hand of Night

The Hand of Night

Aug 11, 1968
A tourist travelling through Morocco discovers an ancient curse and must choose between light and dark.
Trois des chars d'assaut
1941. David, Philip et O'Connor intégrent la Garde Galloise. Après avoir traversé les rudes épreuves d'entraînement, leur unité est affectée en Normandie. Après avoir réussi le débarquement, les trois amisse dirigent vers la Belgique occupée...
The Rainbow Jacket

The Rainbow Jacket

May 27, 1954
A champion jockey is banned from racing so spends his time helping a young lad to become the next champion.


Aug 01, 1953
A jeweller is killed in a gang robbery leaving the daughter as the only witness. When the police can't build a case against him she decides to go undercover to infiltrate the home of the killer's brother. Slowly she is drawn into the world of the rival gangs.
Street of Shadows

Street of Shadows

Oct 16, 1953
A saloon owner falls in love with the abused wife of a heavy gambler. He is snared into a web of intrigue when an ex-girlfriend is found murdered in his apartment.
Inspector Hornleigh

Inspector Hornleigh

Mar 07, 1939
When a landlady finds one of her tenants murdered, Inspector Hornleigh is sent to investigate. Inspector Hornleigh's assistant, Sergeant Bingham, soon finds an attaché case that had been stolen from the murdered man. When Hornleigh examines the case, inside it he finds a bag that was used to carry important government documents. The documents have been taken, and to make things even more confusing, a duplicate of the stolen bag soon turns up.
Brass Monkey

Brass Monkey

Dec 01, 1948
Carroll Levis, a radio variety host, gets involved in murder and theft.
Opération Tonnerre

Opération Tonnerre

Dec 11, 1965
L'organisation criminelle SPECTRE détourne un avion de l'OTAN transportant deux bombes atomiques et réclame une rançon au gouvernement britannique. L'agent secret James Bond est envoyé aux Bahamas à la recherche de Domino, la sœur du commandant Derval, qui pilotait le Vulcan. Celui-ci a en fait été tué et remplacé par un sosie. 007 découvre que l'instigateur de l'opération est un dénommé Emilio Largo, un homme riche et cruel passionné par les requins.
The Abdication

The Abdication

Oct 03, 1974
Queen Christina of Sweden abdicates and travels to Rome to embrace the Catholic church.
Le jour où la terre prit feu
Des explosions atomiques expérimentales font sortir la planète de son orbite, elle se rapproche désormais inévitablement du Soleil. Les autorités, dépassées, gardent le silence mais un journaliste, ami d’une standardiste bien placée, découvre toute la vérité. Pendant ce temps les nations unies tentent l’opération de la dernière chance.
Science Fiction


Jun 09, 1966
L'histoire a lieu en 1885, à la suite du massacre d'un régiment britannique dans le désert du Soudan par l'armée d'un résistant religieux, le Mahdi (signifiant en français, l'Attendu) qui lance une insurrection islamiste au Soudan contre l'occupant égyptien et son allié britannique. Le Premier Ministre britannique envoie le général Charles George Gordon, surnommé Gordon Pasha, à Khartoum pour assurer la protection des ressortissants britanniques encore présents.
Man in the Middle

Man in the Middle

Jan 27, 1964
In a remote jungle outpost in the Far Eastern theater of World War II, a hotheaded American soldier murders an allied British sergeant in cold blood. Stalwart American Lt. Colonel Barney Adams (Mitchum) is dispatched to defend him in the ensuing court martial. But when Lt. Adams starts encountering roadblocks in his search for evidence, and his key witnesses start disappearing one after another, he soon realizes he's merely a pawn in a mysterious conspiracy that could extend to the highest levels of military power.
The Woman's Angle

The Woman's Angle

Feb 12, 1952
The organising force of a family of musical prodigies, Robert Mansell is a frustrated composer in seach of one thing personal happiness. This search, however, has landed him in the divorce courts and the judge's summary does not paint him in a favourable light.
Tarka the Otter

Tarka the Otter

Nov 01, 1979
Set in the English countryside of the 1920s - when otter hunting was still legal - this film follows the life of Tarka the Otter from his birth into adulthood. We witness his close shaves, and his struggle with a man who tries to keep our furry hero as a pet.
The Dark Man

The Dark Man

Jan 22, 1951
A killer called 'The Dark Man' commits double murder. This is witnessed by the young aspiring actress Molly Lester. The Dark Man tries everything to put Molly out of the way. Detective Inspector Viner of Scotland Yard investigates the murders.
The Third Alibi

The Third Alibi

Mar 15, 1961
A composer (Laurence Payne) is stuck in a middle-class marriage and finds that his affair with his wife's half-sister (Jane Griffiths) has resulted in a pregnancy. When his wife refuses to give him a divorce he hatches a murder scheme that is too clever by half.
The Woman in the Hall

The Woman in the Hall

Oct 27, 1947
Lorna Blake, (Ursula Jeans) is a widow with two daughters. She augments her slender income by using her children to extort money - visiting the houses of the rich to tell a pathetic story and beg for help. And Lorna makes a rich capture when Sir Halmar Bernard, (Cecil Parker), proposes to her. She tells him that she has only one daughter, Molly (Jill Freud, credited as Jill Raymond). When her other daughter, Jay (Jean Simmons), is arrested for forging a cheque, she refuses to help her.
Lucky to Me

Lucky to Me

Nov 08, 1939
Lucky to Me is a 1939 British musical comedy film directed by Thomas Bentley and starring Stanley Lupino, Phyllis Brooks and Barbara Blair. It was based on Lupino's own 1928 stage show So This is Love which he had co-written with Arthur Rigby. The film was made by ABPC at its Elstree Studios. It was the last film of Lupino who had made a string of successful musical comedies during the Thirties.
The Warren Case

The Warren Case

Jul 30, 1934
Chided by his boss for a conspicuous lack of sensational stories, Lewis Bevan takes matters into his own hands to revive his flagging career.
Doctor Who: Meglos

Doctor Who: Meglos

Oct 18, 1980
On the lush planet Tigella, two opposing factions are divided over the usage of the Dodecahedron, an ancient and powerful artefact which provides the entire planet's energy. The Doctor is summoned to arbitrate the conflict, but the power-crazed Meglos intercepts the call and impersonates him in order to steal the Dodecahedron.
Inspector Hornleigh Goes to It
Third and final film in the 'Inspector Hornleigh’ series of comedy-thrillers. Inspector Hornleigh (Gordon Harker), disappointed at not being handed an important spy case, is assigned by Scotland Yard to an army barracks to investigate the mundane thefts of supplies from the stores. This accidentally leads Hornleigh and Sergeant Bingham (Alastair Sim) to a nest of fifth columnists when his dim-witted assistant carelessly talks to a girl in the cafeteria – and that night, news of Hornleigh and Bingham’s arrival is embarrassingly transmitted back to Germany.
The October Man

The October Man

Aug 28, 1947
Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash, is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for the time she was killed.
Man on the Run

Man on the Run

May 20, 1949
An Army deserter, still a fugitive in Post-War Britain, wanders into a pawn-shop robbery and finds himself wanted for murder. He meets a war widow who helps him elude the police while he looks for the real criminals.
La Fantastique Histoire vraie d'Eddie Chapman
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Eddie Chapman, génial perceur de coffres emprisonné à Jersey, propose son aide aux services secrets allemands lorsque les troupes du Führer envahissent l'île. Après avoir fait ses preuves, il est chargé de faire sauter une usine en Angleterre. Chapman s'introduit discrètement dans la patrie de Shakespeare et met à profit son temps libre pour se tourner vers le contre-espionnage britannique. Il se verrait bien en agent double. La suggestion intéresse au plus haut point les services de Sa Majesté, qui vont même jusqu'à simuler la réussite de la mission de Chapman pour achever de mettre les Allemands en confiance...
Dr. Crippen

Dr. Crippen

Aug 07, 1963
A British physician stands trial for murdering his wife after he and his mistress are captured while fleeing to Canada.
Running Scared

Running Scared

May 01, 1972
When an undergraduate commits suicide, his best friend is sent down from university because he did nothing to prevent the death, which he felt was a choice his friend had a right to make.
Chef de réseau

Chef de réseau

Nov 17, 1958
Le général Alex Schottland est un officier défendant ardemment la cause nazie et pourtant, sous cette attitude fanatique, se cache un incomparable agent de l'Intelligence Service à Berlin. Seul, son chef Cornaz, qui cache ses activités en exerçant la profession d'antiquaire, connaît la vérité. Un jour, Cornaz est démasqué, torturé par la Gestapo et meurt. Sehottland, grâce à une petite annonce dont la teneur était prévue, peut prendre contact avec le nouveau chef de réseau...
The Promise

The Promise

Dec 12, 1952
A much loved Prison Missioner has died. His replacement struggles to live up to his predecessor's saintly reputation until he receives inspiration from the Holy Spirit.


Apr 01, 1974
Colditz est une série télévisée américano-britannique en 28 épisodes de 50 minutes. Cette série met en scène la vie quotidienne des prisonniers de guerre incarcérés au Château de Colditz durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.
Chapeau melon et Bottes de cuir
John Steed, un agent des services secrets britanniques, flanqué d'accortes acolytes nommées Cathy Gale, Emma Peel ou Tara King, combat le crime et résout des mystères souvent mâtinés d'énigmes surnaturelles. Sans se départir de son flegme et ponctuant ses actions de citations tirées de Shakespeare ou Wilde, il affronte des criminels plus flamboyants et mégalomaniaques les uns que les autres...
Action & Adventure


Jun 08, 1977
Survivors est une série télévisée de fiction post-apocalyptique britannique conçue par Terry Nation et produite par Terence Dudley à la BBC de 1975 à 1977. Elle concerne le sort d'un groupe de personnes qui ont survécu à une peste libérée accidentellement - appelée "The Death " – qui tue presque toute la population humaine de la planète.


Dec 16, 1999
Doomwatch is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC, which ran on BBC 1 between 1970 and 1972. The series was set in the then present-day, and dealt with a scientific government agency led by Doctor Spencer Quist, responsible for investigating and combating various ecological and technological dangers. The series was followed by a film adaptation produced by Tigon British Film Productions and released in 1972, and a revival TV film was broadcast on Channel 5 in 1999.
One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond

Jul 04, 1961
Produite en même temps que Twilight Zone, cette série a nourri l'intérêt croissant pour le paranormal d'une manière différente. Plutôt que de créer des histoires fictives avec des rebondissements surnaturels, ce programme cherchait des histoires réelles/surnaturelle, y compris des fantômes, des disparitions, des monstres, et les recréait pour chaque épisode. Aucune solution à ces mystères n'a jamais été trouvée, et les téléspectateurs ne pouvaient que se demander, et si c'était vrai ?
No Hiding Place

No Hiding Place

Jun 22, 1967
No Hiding Place is a British television series that was produced at Wembley Studios by Associated-Rediffusion for the ITV network between 16 September 1959 and 22 June 1967. It was the sequel to the series Murder Bag and Crime Sheet, all starring Raymond Francis as Detective Superintendent, later Detective Chief Superintendent Tom Lockhart.
L'Homme à la valise

L'Homme à la valise

Apr 17, 1968
Richard Bradford est McGill, un ancien agent de la CIA qui est "désavoué" après avoir été nommé bouc émissaire d'une mission ratée. Il voyage en Europe et travaille comme enquêteur pour compte d'autrui. McGill entre souvent en conflit avec les personnes qui l'engagent en raison de son sens de l'honneur et de son intégrité sans compromis.
Action & Adventure
The Regiment

The Regiment

May 04, 1973
The Regiment was a British television drama series produced by the BBC. First broadcast on BBC One in 1972 it starred Christopher Cazenove and followed the story of a British Army regiment from the view of two families.
Maîtres et Valets

Maîtres et Valets

Dec 21, 1975
A l'étage : les riches et aristocratiques Bellamys. En bas : leurs fidèles et vifs serviteurs. Pendant près de 30 ans, ils partagent une maison de ville à la mode au 165 Eaton Place dans le quartier chic de Belgravia à Londres, survivant aux changements sociaux, aux bouleversements politiques, aux scandales et aux horreurs de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre
Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre [French title: Le comte Yoster a bien l'honneur] is a TV series which followed the adventures of the title’s amateur gentleman detective. It was a success in particular in Germany and in France. Originally the show was a German production in black-and-white but it evolved into a European co-production in colour.
The Main Chance

The Main Chance

Jul 11, 1975
The Main Chance was a British television series which first aired on ITV between 1969,1970,1972 and 1975. A drama, it depicts the sudden transformation in the life of solicitor David Main who relocates from London to Leeds.
Days of Hope

Days of Hope

Oct 02, 1975
Days of Hope is a BBC television drama serial produced in 1975. The series dealt with the lives of a working-class family from the turmoils of the First World War in 1916 to the General Strike in 1926. It was written by Jim Allen, produced by Tony Garnett and directed by Ken Loach.
Le Saint

Le Saint

Feb 09, 1969
Surnommé « le Saint » en raison de ses initiales, Simon Templar est un détective amateur au charme irrésistible qui traque les criminels à travers le monde.
Action & Adventure


May 28, 1976
Hadleigh was a British television series made by Yorkshire Television which originally ran from 1969 to 1976. Developed by Robert Barr, it was a sequel to the writer's earlier Gazette for the same company. The theme music was composed by Alan Moorhouse and, from series 3, Tony Hatch. James Hadleigh played by Gerald Harper, was "the perfect squire, paternalistically careful of his tenantry's welfare, beloved in the village, respected in the council." A "knight in a shining white Aston Martin V8, he sets about correcting local injustices." His wife, from a lower-class background, was played by Hilary Dwyer. The series attracted around 17 million viewers at its peak.
Destination Danger

Destination Danger

Jan 12, 1968
John Drake (Patrick McGoohan), solitaire et non violent, jamais armé, préférant utiliser son intelligence. Néanmoins, tout comme James Bond, il est équipé de gadgets mis au point par le service pour lequel il travaille. Très apprécié par ses supérieurs pour son efficacité, il lui arrive cependant de s'opposer à eux et d'aller à l'encontre de leurs ordres, quand il estime qu'ils ont tort.
Action & Adventure