Anthony Powell

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Il était une fois... « Tess »
Ce documentaire relate l'histoire du film de Roman Polanski «Tess», réalisé en 1978, qui connut un succès mondial. Il explore la création de ce film, l'aventure à la fois intime, personnelle et collective qui mena à sa réalisation. Reflet d'une période historique charnière et d'un moment particulier de la vie et de l'oeuvre du cinéaste qui fuit les Etats-Unis pour se réfugier en France, «Tess» est un manifeste post-moderniste, au moment où les avant-gardes sont remises en cause dans tous les domaines de la culture, au profit d'un retour à une narration plus classique
Indiana Jones et le Temple maudit
L'archéologue Indiana Jones est obligé de fuir un cabaret de Shanghai après une négociation houleuse. En compagnie de la chanteuse Willie Scott et du petit Demi-Lune, il se retrouve sur un glacier himalayen, dans un village dont une secte a dérobé le diamant magique et enlevé les enfants afin de les sacrifier.


Oct 06, 1979
The Royal Hunt of the Sun
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Indiana Jones et le Temple maudit
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Miss Potter

Miss Potter

Dec 03, 2006
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Priest of Love

Priest of Love

Oct 11, 1981
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Les 101 Dalmatiens

Les 101 Dalmatiens

Nov 27, 1996
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Nicolas et Alexandra

Nicolas et Alexandra

Nov 29, 1971
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Le Convoi de la peur

Le Convoi de la peur

Jun 24, 1977
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Buffalo Bill et les Indiens
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
102 Dalmatiens

102 Dalmatiens

Oct 07, 2000
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Chapeau melon et Bottes de cuir
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.


May 15, 1987
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.


May 08, 1986
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Indiana Jones et la dernière croisade
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
Un film et son époque
"Un film et son époque" se compose de 10 volets documentaires sur 10 films mythiques, avec des entretiens exclusifs et des archives inédites. Les films, a fortiori les plus grands, sont toujours des documents exceptionnels pour témoigner d’une époque. Raconter leur genèse, leur fabrication, leur accueil, les replacer dans leur contexte historique et culturel, permet de mieux les comprendre mais aussi de mieux appréhender la période de leur création. Pour paraphraser le titre d’une célébrissime émission de la télévision d’autrefois : la caméra du documentaire «?Il était une fois…?» explore le temps du film…
Un film et son époque
A Dance to the Music of Time is a four-part adaptation of Anthony Powell's 12-volume novel sequence that aired on Channel 4 in 1997. The series is a sharp, comic portrait of upper-class and bohemian England, spanning almost a century, from the early 1920s to modern times.