Robert MacBeth

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Moscou à New York

Moscou à New York

Apr 06, 1984
La troupe du Cirque de Moscou part en tournée à New York. Alors que son ami clown, qui souhaiatait profiter de l'occasion pour demander l'asile politique, se défile, le saxophoniste Vladimir Ivanoff s'enfuit en plein grand magasin. Poursuivi par le KGB et le FBI, il est protégé par l'agent de sécurité de l'établissement, et tombe amoureux d'une vendeuse...
A Little Piece of Sunshine
Sunshine, an idyllic and almost forgotten island under British rule, is shortly to become independent. But a few days before this event is to take place, the British governor of the island is shot. Her Majesty's secret service is called in and Sam McCready asks Desmond Hannah of Scotland Yard to take charge of the case.
Harlem Theater

Harlem Theater

Apr 22, 1969
HARLEM, USA: in the aftermath of Martin Luther King’s murder, German filmmaker Klaus Wildenhahn turned his 16mm camera on the New Lafayette Theatre as its players rehearsed scenes, ran public workshops and conducted exercises in uptown Manhattan. New Lafayette (or NLT) had been founded by actor-director Robert Macbeth the previous year, with the aim of producing theater for black people, by black people, to reflect the experiences and vernacular of the Harlem community. Within the Black Arts Movement, NLT would become a significant institution: it published the journal Black Theatre, and employed a host of talents – including the Black Panthers’ Minister of Culture, Ed Bullins, and the great pianist Junior Mance, both of whom appear in Wildenhahn’s film as resident collaborators.
Chasseurs de primes

Chasseurs de primes

Mar 08, 2002
Bucum, un chasseur de primes, se rend à Miami pour traquer Reggie, un détenu en cavale. Leur course-poursuite les amène dans un entrepôt qui se trouve être, à leur insu, la cible d'une bande de cambrioleurs à la recherche de diamants. Les deux hommes vont alors unir leurs forces pour faire échouer le plan des gangsters.