Johnny Yune

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Appelez-moi Bruce

Appelez-moi Bruce

Nov 10, 1982
Venu aux U.S.A pour y trouver la liberté, Bruce, un jeune Chinois qui rève de devenir un nouveau Bruce Lee, est employé comme cuisinier dans un restaurant Italien de la côte ouest tenu par des parrains de la mafia dont la principale activité ne réside pas dans la fabrication de spaghettis, mais bel est bien dans l'import-export de la poudre blanche. Bruce rêve de gagner le coeur de la belle Anita. Pour ce faire, il décide d'apprendre les arts martiaux. Il se retrouve mêlé à un trafic de drogue qui va le mener dans bien des aventures, poursuivi par le FBI et la mafia, il triomphera et deviendra malgré lui un héros national grâce à son innocence et à son Kung-Fu...
Rien en commun

Rien en commun

Jul 29, 1986
Jeune et brillant publicitaire, David Basner apprend avec stuppeur, à la veille de signer un contrat important, que ses parents s'apprètent à divorcer après 34 ans de mariage. Il se trouve soudain dans l'obligation de les materner et d'arbitrer leurs conflits. A ces problèmes familiaux, s'ajoutent bientot des complications sentimentales, et David se sent partagé entre son devoir filial et sa soif de réussite...
They Still Call Me Bruce
Bruce Won arrives in America in search of an American G.I. who saved his life in the Korean War. He meets an orphan boy and together they land themselves in a string of outrageous situations. This high-strung farce culminates when a case of mistaken identity leads a gang of thugs to think Bruce is a karate master. They arrange a nationally-televised match which pits our hero against a monstrous brute, and Bruce is beaten to a bloody pulp...
L'Équipée du Cannonball
Dans ce film, Burt Reynolds est un aventurier qui décide de participer à une course de voiture illégale à travers tout le pays. Leurs coureurs devront tout faire pour surmonter les difficultés (y compris la police) et gagner la course.
Gidget's Summer Reunion
Former beach bunny/girl surfer Francine “Gidget” Lawrence is an adult and married to her long-term beau Jeff “Moondoggie” Griffin. She deals with a variety of marital spats, as well as running her own travel agency, running interferences with her teenage niece, and trying to arrange a reunion of her husband’s old surfing friends. Meanwhile, Jeff works as an architect and must fend off romantic advances from his beautiful and lascivious boss. Gidget’s niece wants to learn how to surf and gets too much when she sneaks out to see a suave, self-serving beach bum behind the back of her nerdy boyfriend.
They Still Call Me Bruce
Bruce Won arrives in America in search of an American G.I. who saved his life in the Korean War. He meets an orphan boy and together they land themselves in a string of outrageous situations. This high-strung farce culminates when a case of mistaken identity leads a gang of thugs to think Bruce is a karate master. They arrange a nationally-televised match which pits our hero against a monstrous brute, and Bruce is beaten to a bloody pulp...
They Still Call Me Bruce
Bruce Won arrives in America in search of an American G.I. who saved his life in the Korean War. He meets an orphan boy and together they land themselves in a string of outrageous situations. This high-strung farce culminates when a case of mistaken identity leads a gang of thugs to think Bruce is a karate master. They arrange a nationally-televised match which pits our hero against a monstrous brute, and Bruce is beaten to a bloody pulp...
They Still Call Me Bruce
Bruce Won arrives in America in search of an American G.I. who saved his life in the Korean War. He meets an orphan boy and together they land themselves in a string of outrageous situations. This high-strung farce culminates when a case of mistaken identity leads a gang of thugs to think Bruce is a karate master. They arrange a nationally-televised match which pits our hero against a monstrous brute, and Bruce is beaten to a bloody pulp...
Appelez-moi Bruce

Appelez-moi Bruce

Nov 10, 1982
Bruce Won arrives in America in search of an American G.I. who saved his life in the Korean War. He meets an orphan boy and together they land themselves in a string of outrageous situations. This high-strung farce culminates when a case of mistaken identity leads a gang of thugs to think Bruce is a karate master. They arrange a nationally-televised match which pits our hero against a monstrous brute, and Bruce is beaten to a bloody pulp...
The Mike Douglas Show

The Mike Douglas Show

Nov 30, 1981
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much of its first two years on the air. It then went into syndication in 1963 and remained on television until 1982. It was distributed by Westinghouse Broadcasting and for much of its run, originated from studios of two of the company's TV stations in Cleveland and Philadelphia.
The Tonight Show avec Johnny Carson
Le 1er octobre 1962, Groucho Marx accueillit Johnny Carson comme le nouveau présentateur du The Tonight Show. L’émission a été filmée à New York pendant pratiquement les dix premières années, avec Johnny Carson en tant que présentateur. Puis à partir de mai 1972, le plateau déménagea au Studio One à Burbank en Californie pour le reste de son « mandat » .
La croisière s'amuse

La croisière s'amuse

Feb 27, 1987
Le capitaine Stubing et son équipage, le barman Isaac, le docteur Adam, la directrice de croisière Julie et Gopher, accueillent chaque semaine sur leur paquebot, le Pacific Princess, des passagers pour une croisière exceptionnelle.