Francesco Cabras

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Sep 04, 2010
Grigorij Efimovic Rasputin (1869-1916) the mystic and self-proclaimed holy man. The saint-demon and the simple peasant. About the plot against Rasputin, hated and feared at the highest levels of government because of his surreal influence on the Tsar.
Capitaine Corelli

Capitaine Corelli

Apr 18, 2001
En 1941 sur une île de Grèce, les habitants croient échapper à la guerre mondiale qui embrase l'Europe. Ils sont si loin du monde, et chez eux le climat est si doux...L'histoire les rattrape pourtant lorsque les soldats italiens débarquent pour occuper l'île. Entre le capitaine Corelli et la jolie Pelagia, déjà fiancée au pêcheur Mandras, les sentiments naissent peu à peu. Même si la jeune femme ne veut pas trahir son peuple et son fiancé dont elle n'a plus de nouvelles depuis qu'il est parti au front...


Jan 01, 2012
An Indian woman is looking for vengeance.
La Passion du Christ

La Passion du Christ

Feb 25, 2004
Les douze dernières heures de la vie du Christ. Rendu au Mont des Oliviers, Jésus prie après avoir partagé un dernier repas avec ses apôtres. Il résiste maintenant aux tentations de Satan. Trahi par Judas, Jésus est arrêté et emmené à Jérusalem, où les chefs des Pharisiens l’accusent de blasphème et lui font un procès qui a pour issue sa condamnation à mort…


Dec 06, 2002
Dans les années 2070, dans la citadelle de Libria, les émotions n'existent plus, supprimées par l'absorption quotidienne de Prozium. Cette drogue anti-anxiété rend les gens plus heureux et plus productifs. Les individus ont ainsi accepté de mettre de côté leur liberté pour vivre en harmonie avec leur dirigeant spirituel connu sous le nom de Père. Les personnes qui refusent de prendre leur dose sont considérées comme des rebelles et vivent en retrait de la ville. S'ils sont pris à jeun, c'est la peine de mort assurée. John Preston travaille au service de Père et applique la loi à la lettre. Un jour, celui-ci brise le flacon de sa dose et n'a pas le temps de s'en procurer une de rechange. Il est alors submergé par toute une gamme d'émotions. Victime d'un revirement spirituel qui le confronte à ses supérieurs hiérarchiques, il mène l'enquête sur ce nouvel état de vie.
The Big Question

The Big Question

Feb 25, 2004
Although it was shot on the set of director Mel Gibson's controversial epic The Passion of the Christ, this thought-provoking documentary is not about the making of the movie. Rather, filmmakers Francesco Cabras and Alberto Molinari delve into the nature of divinity and spiritual beliefs through revealing interviews with Gibson and members of his cast and crew -- including stars Jim Caviezel and Monica Bellucci.
The Akram Tree

The Akram Tree

Jan 20, 2011
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
The Akram Tree

The Akram Tree

Jan 20, 2011
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
The Akram Tree

The Akram Tree

Jan 20, 2011
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
The Akram Tree

The Akram Tree

Jan 20, 2011
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
The Akram Tree

The Akram Tree

Jan 20, 2011
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.