Grasie Mercedes

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Magic Carpet Rides

Magic Carpet Rides

Jun 15, 2023
Phone-addicted influencer with anxiety, Callie, meets Leo, a carefree rebel, disconnected from the modern world. In a dysfunctional attempt to change each other, they end up changing themselves.
A Darker Reality

A Darker Reality

Jun 30, 2008
A group of women wake up in a cold cement basement. Drugged and terrified they find themselves captive to a depraved psychopath whose blood-lust and insanity knows no bounds. Police Detective Balasco and psychiatrist Dr. Metcalfe team up in a desperate attempt to locate the girls and their soon to be murderer - a serial killer known as Ghost (Daniel Baldwin). But time is running out as Ghost's sick experiments begin to leave the girls tortured beyond recognition. To survive, the girls must band together in a last attempt to save themselves from a fate far worse than death.
Bad Grandpa

Bad Grandpa

Oct 22, 2013
Le vieux Irving Zisman, quatre-vingt-six ans, parcourt les Etats-Unis avec un improbable compagnon : son petit-fils de huit ans, Billy.
Just The Two of Us

Just The Two of Us

Jan 01, 1970
JUST THE TWO OF US is a comedic short film with heart that is entering the film festival circuit for 2021. After weeks of dating, Walton and Jess are back at his place and ready to have sex together for the first time. But before they can, Jess has to share a secret about her anatomy that may just scare Walton away.


Jun 24, 2024
Haunted by the past, a brilliant tech-addicted developer faces an impossible dilemma: recreate her ex-girlfriend in virtual reality or hold onto the crumbling relationship with her current one.
Science Fiction
Romeo Robot

Romeo Robot

Feb 07, 2017
A heartbroken artist wanting to move on from his last relationship crosses paths with a robot designed for love.
Just The Two of Us

Just The Two of Us

Jan 01, 1970
JUST THE TWO OF US is a comedic short film with heart that is entering the film festival circuit for 2021. After weeks of dating, Walton and Jess are back at his place and ready to have sex together for the first time. But before they can, Jess has to share a secret about her anatomy that may just scare Walton away.
Just The Two of Us

Just The Two of Us

Jan 01, 1970
JUST THE TWO OF US is a comedic short film with heart that is entering the film festival circuit for 2021. After weeks of dating, Walton and Jess are back at his place and ready to have sex together for the first time. But before they can, Jess has to share a secret about her anatomy that may just scare Walton away.
Miss Patti

Miss Patti

Jan 02, 2023
A woman cleans the home of hipsters. Then she reveals her secret profession.
Grand Crew

Grand Crew

Apr 28, 2023
Un groupe de jeunes professionnels de L.A. naviguant dans les hauts et les bas de la vie et de l'amour. Lorsqu'ils sont prêts à tout déballer, ils se retrouvent dans leur bar local préféré pour un « vin à boire ».
Masters of Sex

Masters of Sex

Nov 13, 2016
Dans les années 1950, le troublé et taciturne Dr William Masters s'associe avec une jeune mère de famille, l'indépendante et libérée Virginia Johnson, afin de mettre au point une étude complexe et détaillée sur le comportement humain et son rapport à la sexualité. Endossant le rôle de véritables pionniers dans ce domaine encore considéré tabou pour l'époque, ce duo hétéroclite va devoir braver les obstacles qui vont se mettre en travers de leur chemin. C'est sans compter sur leurs vies privées qui vont s'entremêler avec le temps : Masters doit gérer sa relation tumultueuse avec son épouse, la délicate Libby, tandis que Virginia doit jongler entre son statut de figure maternelle célibataire et ses dilemmes aussi bien professionnels qu'amoureux.


Nov 21, 2024
Du service d'appels d'urgences 911 aux pompiers, secouristes ou policiers, tous ces intervenants sont constamment sous pression, confrontés quotidiennement à des situations stupéfiantes, effrayantes, et parfois même choquantes. S'ils ont pour mission de voler au secours des personnes en danger, ces héros de l'ombre doivent aussi trouver le temps de résoudre les problèmes de leurs propres vies...