Josie Antello

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Filme de Amor

Filme de Amor

May 20, 2003
Le temps d'un week-end, Hilda, Matilda et Gaspar, trois amis issus de la banlieue, se retrouvent dans un petit appartement délabré du centre-ville. Ensemble, ils parviennent à fuir la morosité de leur quotidien. Peu à peu, ils commencent à vivre des vies différentes en laissant libre court à leur imagination.
Leme do Destino

Leme do Destino

Oct 07, 2023
Two women, long-time friends, embark on a love story. They are writers who do not write to publish but for themselves. Their mutual conversation, their desires, the risks and phantoms of existence, the privilege of the wounded and of condemnation, traverse their speech, are a confession.
Education sentimentale
Áurea, une enseignante solitaire, entame une singulière relation avec un jeune homme rencontré par hasard. Âme sensible, elle est attirée par son émouvante beauté qui la fait courir à sa perte. Les jours qui suivent leur première conversation, Áurea fait état de ses sentiments pendant ses cours, ce qui révélera une insolite histoire ancienne qui va transformer le présent.
Fazendo Meu Filme

Fazendo Meu Filme

Feb 14, 2024
Everything changes in Fani's life when the opportunity arises to do an exchange program and live in another country for a year. The revealing conversations by phone or MSN and the constant notes during the class turn to another subject: the upcoming trip.


Aug 12, 2015
Inspired by Jorge Luis Borges’ The Disinterested Killer Bill Harrigan, Garoto follows a young couple who find themselves in an enchanted place where they experience an amorous and spiritual adventure.
A Longa Viagem do Ônibus Amarelo
For this behemoth, Bressane took his opera omnia and edited it in an order that first adheres to historical chronology but soon starts to move backwards and forward. The various pasts – the 60s, the 80s, the 2000s – comment on each other in a way that sheds light on Bressane’s themes and obsessions, which become increasingly apparent and finally, a whole idea of cinema reveals itself to the curious and patient viewer. Will Bressane, from now on, rework The Long Voyage of the Yellow Bus when he makes another film? Is this his latest beginning? Why not, for the eternally young master maverick seems to embark on a maiden voyage with each and every new film!


Sep 02, 2007
The great battles are the backdrop for the unfolding of the Egyptian Queen's personal life. The strategy of Cleopatra is to seduce the Roman General Julius Caesar and Mark Antony to protect their civilization.
Sob Pressão

Sob Pressão

Nov 17, 2016
Over a tense day in the emergency hospital, we follow the surgeon's work Evandro and staff in three cases that require risk surgery: a drug dealer, a military police officer and a rich family child, all injured during a shootout in a slum next to the hospital.
Xuxa e os Duendes

Xuxa e os Duendes

Dec 14, 2001
Kira is a botanist with magical abilities, though the origins of her powers remain unknown to her. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her friend Nanda discovers an elf named Damiz trapped in her room. They soon learn that Damiz is the prince of the elves and has been captured by Gorgon, a greedy executive who seeks to purchase the house where Nanda’s family lives. In order to help defeat Gorgon, Kira decides to venture into the world of the elves, where she uncovers hidden secrets about her past.
Chacrinha: O Velho Guerreiro
The story of José Abelardo Barbosa, narrated from the time of his youth, when he was at medical school, and dropped everything to become a radio announcer. After that, we follow the transformation of his life and the creation of his alter ego, Chacrinha.


Nov 27, 2019
The film is a rendition of Resurrection, Tolstoy’s last novel. It begins with a reading of the beginning of the first part in Naples, in September 2012. It moves on to Berlin, Locarno 2013, Oneglia, Paris, Casalborgone, and it ends in Milan with the beginning of the second part. The places and times change, and so do the people doing the reading. But also, in the middle, real people and voices surface, like Adamo Vergine at his home and Jean François Neplaz in Marseilles. The film searches for the possible faces of Tolstoy’s two protagonists in Oneglia, Procida, and Casalborgone.
Capitu e o Capítulo

Capitu e o Capítulo

Jul 27, 2023
“If you had to choose between me and your mother, who would it be?” Capitu asks provocatively of her problematic lover. Elsewhere, they dance to inaudible music with their friends, each couple keeping to a rhythm of their own. At times, this depiction of the memories we see one Dom Casmurro commit to paper with a flamboyant pen seems to be an interplay of conflicting emotions – particularly when jealousy raises its head. Adapted from the Brazilian classic novel 'Dom Casmurro' (1899) by Machado de Assis as an ironic/philosophical essay on poetry and jealousy, and featuring fragments of Bressane’s previous works.
Sob Pressão

Sob Pressão

Jul 07, 2022
Inside a chaotic emergency room in Rio de Janeiro, a team of doctors are torn between their internal personal conflicts, the difficulties of the profession and the surprising dramas behind each patient‘s history, in a heroic attempt to save lives...See more
Au rapport !

Au rapport !

Sep 06, 2023
Timide et inexpérimenté, Suzano prend la tête d'un commissariat et doit prouver à sa nouvelle et intrépide équipe qu'il a la carrure de l'emploi.
Tour de Babel

Tour de Babel

Jan 15, 1999
José Clémentino a passé 20 ans en prison à cultiver sa haine envers son accusateur, le puissant César Toledo. Pendant sa détention, il a minutieusement planifié sa vengeance : l'explosion de la majestueuse tour du Centre Commercial appartenant à César Toledo. Mais, à sa sortie de prison, Clémentino tombe amoureux de Clara.
Eu, a Vó e a Boi

Eu, a Vó e a Boi

Nov 29, 2019
The story of an enmity that spans decades. Waging a war without truce, the neighbors go to the last consequences to make each other's lives miserable.
L'ombre du mensonge

L'ombre du mensonge

Jan 31, 2014
L’histoire débute lors d’un voyage au Pérou qu’effectuent les Khoury, riche famille brésilienne de médecins propriétaire d’un hôpital, afin de célébrer un événement important de la vie de leur fille, Paloma : son entrée en école de médecine.  C’est là que démarrent les tensions au sein de la famille. Félix, le fils aîné, a mis au point un plan machiavélique pour nuire à sa sœur. Persuadé qu’elle a été adoptée, il compte devenir le seul héritier de la fortune familiale.  Lorsque Paloma découvre ce que Félix affirme être la vérité, elle décide de tout plaquer. Elle fait alors la rencontre de l’aventureux Ninho, dont elle tombe amoureuse et avec qui elle s’enfuit. Mais une grossesse imprévue l’oblige à retourner au Brésil. 
Sítio do Picapau Amarelo
The series exhibited several stories based on folklore and mythology , with characters such as Cuca, Saci Pererê and Iara from Brazilian folklore and then later with several characters from fairytales, fables, literature and greek mythology. The residents of Sítio, Emília, Narizinho, Pedrinho, Dona Benta and Tia Nastacia live several adventures with a lot of the mystery and dangers that haunt the remote town of Arraial do Tucanos.