Vytautas Paukštė

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Австрийское поле
About the incompleteness and insufficiency of the simplest senses: touch, sight, hearing. In cinema, this view traditionally denotes a collision between the authentic and the illusory. Truths and imaginary things are given in the film as images of feelings. “I love to forget time with you,” the heroine says to her blind lover and adds, "You are the most sighted of all the sighted."
Сломанная подкова
По мотивам повести Жюля Верна "Драма в Лифляндии". Французский аэронавт Жюль Ардан, путешествуя на воздушном шаре, случайно оказывается в Ревеле. Здесь он знакомится с доктором Петерсоном и его дочерью Лейдой. За женихом Лейды охотятся жандармы. В городе происходит убийство сына банкира. Подозрение падает на Петерсона. За расследование преступления берется Жюль Ардан.
Edeno sodas

Edeno sodas

Sep 04, 2015
Lithuania in the near future. The land is full of rich immigrants. Rich Lithuanians that were scattered throughout the world return to Lithuania to spend their golden years in luxurious nursing homes; and the laws that govern life and death provide a feeling of security... The residents of the Garden of Eden look upon this "global theatre of life" with tearful smiles and great wisdom.
Электронная бабушка
Agata is badly ill and nobody knows how to cure her. No doctor can help. Friends of Agata learn, that she is ill, because all children have Grannies but Agata does not. They go to the shop "Electronic Granny" and beg the dealer to sell them one Electronic Granny. The dealer warns them, that her electronic circuits are very sensitive - and this Granny will only work if loved. Agata get healthy and plays with her new Granny and other friends. Granny can invite new games and even fly with all children to the Moon. But later due to the jealousy and bad heabits children forget that they must love Granny, they begin to treat her just as a robot that "must do what they ask". As a result Granny dies. To resurect her Agata and friends must get off their ambitions, rudeness, jealousy and again become loving, cheerful and kind.


Dec 28, 1968
When a widowed fisherman moves in with his brother and sister-in-law to escape the collapsing Nazi forces, he finds himself caught up, like Lithuania itself, in perilous questions of collaboration and occupation, resistance and escape.
Kelionė į rojų

Kelionė į rojų

Jan 01, 1970
The rich widow Marta Anker, owner of a renowned trading company, loves the poor fisherman Ansą Balčiai. The locals keep the ongoings under close watch.


Jan 02, 1973
Reet loves her long-distance coxswain husband Rein, but the long separations have tortured her. It seems to her that the man cares more about his work than about her. Rein really loves his work, but his wife just as passionately. He does not understand how loneliness can overwhelm Reet, when women have always been waiting for men from far away. Their family friend Mart loves Reet and cannot see her suffer. It is in Marti's power to offer Reet a safe life, and the woman plagued by internal struggles makes a choice, but happiness seems to slip even further away.
Visa teisybė apie Kolumbą
The film is about the Colombian revolution, about the revolutionaries Pablo and Pedro, the bearers of freedom and the victims of this freedom, about the philosophy of the struggle for freedom.
Benjaminas Kordušas

Benjaminas Kordušas

Sep 18, 1986
The film tells about the life of the Lithuanian landed nobility in the period between the two wars, about the desire to live their old life. But new times dictate new conditions, new values ​​emerge, and loyalty to old ideals is doomed...
Žemaičių piemuo

Žemaičių piemuo

Feb 13, 1993
Teleplay about the personality and activities of Motiejas Valančiaus, a bishop of Žemaitsi and the problems of the Lithuanian nation in the 19th century.
Tema su variacijomis

Tema su variacijomis

Feb 25, 1983
About the feelings and responsibilities of people, about the attitude towards life of the older and younger generations. About the conflict between Dmitry Nikolaevich, who lived in dreams and letters and respect for the woman he met, and Igor Mikhailovich, who used someone else’s name and took advantage of the situation, about a intricately intertwined love story...
Herkus Mantas

Herkus Mantas

Dec 14, 1972
Historical epic about the uprising of the Prussians agains the Teutonic crusaders.
Ave, Vita

Ave, Vita

Dec 25, 1969
Film - Reflection. The characters are the people who survived the war, the horror of the fascist concentration camps and the danger of suffocation, as well as those whose parents past is known only theoretically
Il est difficile d'être un dieu
Un groupe de scientifiques est envoyé sur Arkanar, une planète placée sous le joug d'un régime tyrannique à une époque qui ressemble étrangement au Moyen-Âge. Tandis que les intellectuels et les artistes sont persécutés, les chercheurs ont pour mot d'ordre de ne pas infléchir le cours politique et historique des événements. Le mystérieux Don Rumata à qui le peuple prête des facultés divines, va déclencher une guerre pour sauver quelques hommes du sort qui leur est réservé…


Jan 01, 1992
Lithuania, 1968. After serving in the Soviet Army, Lukas comes back from Prague to his friends: Andrius, a state prosecutor's son, Julius, an unsuccessful artist, and Beatrice, who is attractive to all of her friends in her purity.
Ir jis pasakė jums sudie
Film based on Eduardas Cinzas novel Moris Bred’s Notes. After car crash Marius finds himself in the pension house, together with it\s weird inhabitants. Marius recovers his memory but he cannot return to his previous life.
Domas le rêveur

Domas le rêveur

Jun 03, 1974
Le petit Domas peut s'endormir n'importe où : la tête posée sur un bureau d'écolier, sur un banc public, ou même dans une cave sur une pile de matelas. C’est qu’il essaye par tous les moyens de retrouver dans ses rêves un mystérieux général qu’il a rencontré un après-midi au bord d’un lac. Ses camarades de classe, fascinés par l’histoire de ce général font tout pour lui faciliter le sommeil. Il se heurtera à un mauvais garçon qui ne cessera de lui jouer de mauvais tour.
Кремлёвские тайны XVI века
Spring of 1584. The Magi predict the death of King John within 24 hours. Warring boyars are rebelling and are ready to unite against Boris Godunov. The royal court is in turmoil. The already unstable moral principles become completely unbridled. Moscow is filled with violence, drunken orgies and the wild revelry of tsarist power.
Velnio sėkla

Velnio sėkla

Dec 05, 1979
In the Lithuanian village of Lietuvos, a farmer brings his sheltered nephew, Joni, to the rich Bani. By biting the prospective host's hand, the teenager gains the nickname of "the devil's seed."
Простая смерть...
When a middle-aged high-court judge in 19th-century Russia starts to experience a sharp pain in his side, he soon finds himself bedridden with an undiagnosed terminal illness. Face-to-face with his own mortality, he becomes increasingly introspective and emotional as he ponders the reason for his acute suffering and imminent death.


Jan 01, 1992
Private detective Sam Patrick (alias for Lew Archer) investigates the mystery of disappeared jewel-box in house of Garry Shtemmer. Trail of murders makes this case more and more embarrassed. Based on the novel "The Goodbye Look" by Ross Macdonald.
Karalių pamaina

Karalių pamaina

Oct 21, 2016
A rookie policeman is left alone in a private clinic to guard a comatose suspect of World War II crimes. His shift is long over, yet nobody comes to replace him. However, the youngster is determined not to leave his post until he gets permission from his authorities to do so. Lack of sleep, loneliness, hunger and the persistence to serve his duty turn the young man into a ticking time bomb at the very wrong time. He must decide how far he can go guarding this suspect who is hated to death by everyone.