Esther García

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Action mutante

Action mutante

Feb 03, 1993
Dans le futur, la société ne prend en compte que les personnes favorisées et marginalise tous les autres. Action Mutante, un groupuscule réunissant des personnes handicapés, décide de passer à... l'action. Emmené par Ramon Yarritu, le groupe kidnappe la fille d'un riche industriel...
El pecador impecable

El pecador impecable

Aug 13, 1987
Honorio Sigüenza is a man in his forties who has always lived under the yoke of his possessive mother. When his mother dies, he undergoes a radical transformation that will lead him to live numerous love affairs in the face of the disapproval of his cousin Veni, who wanted to marry him.
Parle avec elle

Parle avec elle

Mar 15, 2002
Benigno, un jeune infirmier, et Marco, un écrivain d’une quarantaine d’années, se rendent, chacun de son côté, à un spectacle de Pina Bausch, Café Müller. Ils sont assis l’un à côté de l’autre. La pièce est si émouvante que Marco éclate en sanglots. Apercevant les larmes de son voisin, Benigno aimerait lui faire part de son émotion, mais il n’ose pas. Quelques mois plus tard, les deux hommes se retrouvent dans d’autres circonstances, à la clinique El Bosque, où travaille Benigno. Lydia, la petite amie de Marco, torero professionnel, est plongée dans un profond coma suite à un accident survenu lors d’une corrida. Benigno, quant à lui, est au chevet d’Alicia, une jeune danseuse également dans le coma. Lorsque Marco passe à côté de la chambre d’Alicia, Benigno, sans hésiter, s’approche de lui. C’est le début d’une grande amitié quelque peu mouvementée.
Ma vie sans moi

Ma vie sans moi

Mar 07, 2003
Anne a 23 ans, deux petites filles, un mari au chômage et un boulot sans intérêt. Un bilan de santé va changer radicalement cette morne existence. Elle dresse la liste de ses priorités, de ses envies, de ses rêves. Maintenant, elle va prendre sa vie en main...
La piel que habito

La piel que habito

Aug 17, 2011
Depuis que sa femme a été victime de brûlures dans un accident de voiture, le docteur Robert Ledgard, éminent chirurgien esthétique, se consacre à la création d’une nouvelle peau grâce à laquelle il aurait pu la sauver. Douze ans après le drame, il réussit à cultiver une peau qui est une véritable cuirasse contre toute agression. Outre les années de recherche et d’expérimentation, il faut aussi à Robert un cobaye, un complice et une absence totale de scrupules. Les scrupules ne l’ont jamais étouffé. Marilia, la femme qui s’est occupée de Robert depuis le jour où il est né, est la plus fidèle des complices. Quant au cobaye…
Les amants passagers

Les amants passagers

Mar 08, 2013
Embarqués à bord d'un A340 de la compagnie Peninsula, des passagers hauts en couleur traversent les airs, direction Mexico. Parmi eux, un escroc, un don juan invétéré, une journaliste, deux jeunes mariés sortis tout droit d'une cité, une voyante et un Mexicain patibulaire occupent les rangs de la classe affaire. Lorsqu'ils apprennent qu'une manoeuvre d'atterrissage d'urgence est en cours, les voyageurs comprennent qu'ils vivent probablement leurs dernières heures. Cette proximité avec la mort provoque dans l'avion une catharsis générale. Totalement désinhibés, les passagers, qui traînent dans leurs bagages quelques secrets inavouables, se laissent aller aux confessions les plus folles pour tromper l'angoisse de la mort, tandis que les stewards, fantasques, s'efforcent de rendre le voyage le plus agréable possible...
Douleur et gloire

Douleur et gloire

Mar 22, 2019
Une série de retrouvailles après plusieurs décennies, certaines en chair et en os, d’autres par le souvenir, dans la vie d’un réalisateur en souffrance. Premières amours, les suivantes, la mère, la mort, des acteurs avec qui il a travaillé, les années 60, les années 80 et le présent. L’impossibilité de séparer création et vie privée. Et le vide, l’insondable vide face à l’incapacité de continuer à tourner.
El patio de mi cárcel
In Madrid, a petty thief who cannot adjust to life outside of jail puts together a theater troupe her friends -- a prostitute, a gypsy, and a Colombian immigrant -- in an attempt to make a go at a relatively straight life.
Étreintes brisées

Étreintes brisées

Mar 18, 2009
Harry Caine, un écrivain aveugle, se retrouve dans une situation où il doit surmonter les blessures qu'il a subies il y a 14 ans. Il était alors encore connu sous son vrai nom, Mateo Blanco, et réalisait son dernier film.
The Making of All About My Mother
A documentary from 2012 on the making of the film, featuring interviews with Pedro Almodóvar; Agustín Almodóvar; actors Penélope Cruz, Marisa Paredes, Cecilia Roth, and Antonia San Juan; production manager Esther García; and author Didier Eribon.


Apr 08, 2016
Julieta s’apprête à quitter Madrid définitivement lorsqu’une rencontre fortuite avec Bea, l’amie d’enfance de sa fille Antía la pousse à changer ses projets. Bea lui apprend qu’elle a croisé Antía une semaine plus tôt. Julieta se met alors à nourrir l’espoir de retrouvailles avec sa fille qu’elle n’a pas vu depuis des années et décide de lui écrire tout ce qu’elle a gardé secret depuis toujours.
Tout sur ma mère

Tout sur ma mère

Apr 16, 1999
Manuela, infirmière, vit seule avec son fils Esteban, passionné de littérature. Pour l'anniversaire de Manuela, Esteban l'invite au théâtre ou ils vont voir « Un tramway nommé désir ». À la sortie, Manuela raconte à son fils qu'elle a interprété cette pièce face à son père dans le rôle de Kowalsky. C'est la première fois qu'Esteban, bouleversé, entend parler de son père. C'est alors qu'il est renversé par une voiture. Folle de douleur, Manuela part à la recherche de l'homme qu'elle a aimé, le père de son fils.
Il était une fois… Tout sur ma mère
Tourné en 1999, "Tout sur ma mère" est le treizième long métrage de Pedro Almodóvar. Le réalisateur, qui fut une figure incontournable et turbulente de la Movida (le mouvement de renouveau culturel et de libération des moeurs de l'Espagne postfranquiste), y explore la société barcelonaise au tournant du millénaire par le biais de cinq destins de femmes (dont un travesti).
Nieva en Benidorm

Nieva en Benidorm

Dec 11, 2020
Peter has worked all his life at a Manchester bank. When he is awarded an early retirement, he decides to visit his brother in Benidorm, only to discover that he's disappeared.
La piel que habito

La piel que habito

Aug 17, 2011
Peter has worked all his life at a Manchester bank. When he is awarded an early retirement, he decides to visit his brother in Benidorm, only to discover that he's disappeared.
Les amants passagers

Les amants passagers

Mar 08, 2013
Peter has worked all his life at a Manchester bank. When he is awarded an early retirement, he decides to visit his brother in Benidorm, only to discover that he's disappeared.
La sainte fille

La sainte fille

May 06, 2004
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Madres paralelas

Madres paralelas

Oct 08, 2021
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Les Nouveaux Sauvages

Les Nouveaux Sauvages

Aug 21, 2014
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Action mutante

Action mutante

Feb 03, 1993
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
La Femme sans tête

La Femme sans tête

Aug 21, 2008
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Femmes au bord de la crise de nerfs
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Étreintes brisées

Étreintes brisées

Mar 18, 2009
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Le Clan

Le Clan

Aug 13, 2015
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Attache-moi !

Attache-moi !

Jan 22, 1990
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Les Nouveaux Sauvages

Les Nouveaux Sauvages

Aug 21, 2014
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Douleur et gloire

Douleur et gloire

Mar 22, 2019
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.


Apr 08, 2016
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
José e Pilar

José e Pilar

Oct 18, 2010
A deeply moving story about love, loss and literature, this documentary follows the days of José Saramago, the Nobel-laureate Portuguese novelist, and his wife, Pilar del Río. The film shows their whirlwind life of international travel, his passion for completing his masterpiece "The Elephant's Journey", and how their love quietly sustains them throughout.


Mar 07, 1986
A deeply moving story about love, loss and literature, this documentary follows the days of José Saramago, the Nobel-laureate Portuguese novelist, and his wife, Pilar del Río. The film shows their whirlwind life of international travel, his passion for completing his masterpiece "The Elephant's Journey", and how their love quietly sustains them throughout.


Mar 07, 1986
A deeply moving story about love, loss and literature, this documentary follows the days of José Saramago, the Nobel-laureate Portuguese novelist, and his wife, Pilar del Río. The film shows their whirlwind life of international travel, his passion for completing his masterpiece "The Elephant's Journey", and how their love quietly sustains them throughout.
La Fleur de mon secret
A deeply moving story about love, loss and literature, this documentary follows the days of José Saramago, the Nobel-laureate Portuguese novelist, and his wife, Pilar del Río. The film shows their whirlwind life of international travel, his passion for completing his masterpiece "The Elephant's Journey", and how their love quietly sustains them throughout.
Strange Way of Life

Strange Way of Life

May 26, 2023
A deeply moving story about love, loss and literature, this documentary follows the days of José Saramago, the Nobel-laureate Portuguese novelist, and his wife, Pilar del Río. The film shows their whirlwind life of international travel, his passion for completing his masterpiece "The Elephant's Journey", and how their love quietly sustains them throughout.


Aug 09, 2018
A deeply moving story about love, loss and literature, this documentary follows the days of José Saramago, the Nobel-laureate Portuguese novelist, and his wife, Pilar del Río. The film shows their whirlwind life of international travel, his passion for completing his masterpiece "The Elephant's Journey", and how their love quietly sustains them throughout.
Retourne à tes fourneaux
A deeply moving story about love, loss and literature, this documentary follows the days of José Saramago, the Nobel-laureate Portuguese novelist, and his wife, Pilar del Río. The film shows their whirlwind life of international travel, his passion for completing his masterpiece "The Elephant's Journey", and how their love quietly sustains them throughout.
Manda huevos

Manda huevos

Sep 30, 2016
A look at the different masculinities portrayed in Spanish cinema through time. (A sequel to “Barefoot in the Kitchen,” 2013.)


Nov 15, 2007
Adaptation and unification in a single story of several stories by the writer Rubem Fonseca, where the theme of violence in contemporary society is explored.
Le silence des autres

Le silence des autres

Jan 25, 2019
Adaptation and unification in a single story of several stories by the writer Rubem Fonseca, where the theme of violence in contemporary society is explored.
El año de las luces

El año de las luces

Dec 05, 1986
April, 1940. Manolo, 16 years old, and Jesus, who is just 8, are taken by their older brother Pepe, a lieutenant in the Army, to a sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis, situated on the border with Portugal. Once in the sanatorium, Manolo, surrounded by boys all much younger than he is, feels a bit like the cock of the walk since the only other man around is the handyman Emilio who looks after the gardens and does whatever needs to be done about the place. His wife, Rafaela, is the cook. Manolo meets Irene, a falangist who runs the sanatorium, and the school teacher, Miss Transito, a crabby spinster. He has his first sexual experience, albeit as a voyeur, with his nurse Vicenta. When she has to leave, her place is taken by a girl from the village, Maria Jesus, with whom Manolo falls hopelessly in love. A relationship grows up between them which will mark them both for ever.
Douleur et gloire

Douleur et gloire

Mar 22, 2019
April, 1940. Manolo, 16 years old, and Jesus, who is just 8, are taken by their older brother Pepe, a lieutenant in the Army, to a sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis, situated on the border with Portugal. Once in the sanatorium, Manolo, surrounded by boys all much younger than he is, feels a bit like the cock of the walk since the only other man around is the handyman Emilio who looks after the gardens and does whatever needs to be done about the place. His wife, Rafaela, is the cook. Manolo meets Irene, a falangist who runs the sanatorium, and the school teacher, Miss Transito, a crabby spinster. He has his first sexual experience, albeit as a voyeur, with his nurse Vicenta. When she has to leave, her place is taken by a girl from the village, Maria Jesus, with whom Manolo falls hopelessly in love. A relationship grows up between them which will mark them both for ever.
L'Échine du diable

L'Échine du diable

Apr 20, 2001
April, 1940. Manolo, 16 years old, and Jesus, who is just 8, are taken by their older brother Pepe, a lieutenant in the Army, to a sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis, situated on the border with Portugal. Once in the sanatorium, Manolo, surrounded by boys all much younger than he is, feels a bit like the cock of the walk since the only other man around is the handyman Emilio who looks after the gardens and does whatever needs to be done about the place. His wife, Rafaela, is the cook. Manolo meets Irene, a falangist who runs the sanatorium, and the school teacher, Miss Transito, a crabby spinster. He has his first sexual experience, albeit as a voyeur, with his nurse Vicenta. When she has to leave, her place is taken by a girl from the village, Maria Jesus, with whom Manolo falls hopelessly in love. A relationship grows up between them which will mark them both for ever.
La Voix humaine

La Voix humaine

Sep 03, 2020
April, 1940. Manolo, 16 years old, and Jesus, who is just 8, are taken by their older brother Pepe, a lieutenant in the Army, to a sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis, situated on the border with Portugal. Once in the sanatorium, Manolo, surrounded by boys all much younger than he is, feels a bit like the cock of the walk since the only other man around is the handyman Emilio who looks after the gardens and does whatever needs to be done about the place. His wife, Rafaela, is the cook. Manolo meets Irene, a falangist who runs the sanatorium, and the school teacher, Miss Transito, a crabby spinster. He has his first sexual experience, albeit as a voyeur, with his nurse Vicenta. When she has to leave, her place is taken by a girl from the village, Maria Jesus, with whom Manolo falls hopelessly in love. A relationship grows up between them which will mark them both for ever.
Avisa a Curro Jiménez
Córdoba, Spain. Lord Killarney, representative of the British Museum, acquires an Arabic incunabulum at an auction; but he is murdered and the book disappears. All suspicions fall on El Lince, an antique dealer with a shady background, who asks his nephew to warn Curro Jiménez.
La Chambre d’à côté
Córdoba, Spain. Lord Killarney, representative of the British Museum, acquires an Arabic incunabulum at an auction; but he is murdered and the book disappears. All suspicions fall on El Lince, an antique dealer with a shady background, who asks his nephew to warn Curro Jiménez.

Nov 27, 2023

It follows Lucía an executive of a high-tech company who has fought to get as far away from her humble origins as possible. On the day of her promotion, she is accused of espionage and fired.