Megan Wilson

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A Good Band is Easy to Kill
After eight years, Beulah called it quits. In support of YOKO, their fourth and final album, the band embarked upon a twenty-three city tour in the fall of 2003. They journeyed eight thousand miles throughout the US and Canada, kicking off what would prove to be the last days of "the best band you never heard."
La Presseuse diabolique
Une simple machine peut-elle être possédée ? C'est la conviction que se forge peu à peu l'officier John Hutton, alors qu'il enquête sur une série d'accidents morbides dont le point commun est une presseuse à vapeur de la blanchisserie Blue Ribbon. Le temps lui est alors compté pour sauver la vie d'une jeune fille...
Falling Like This

Falling Like This

Sep 07, 2001
Falling Like This showcases compelling performances by two young actors, Brian Vaughan and Megan Wilson. Writer/Director Dani Minnick has crafted a compassionate examination of the ragged edge of suburban life as characterized by Boyd, a charming, vulnerable and inveterate juvenile delinquent whose love nearly derails the life of a middle-class teenage girl. The understated themes of adolescent rebellion, adult responsibility and the redemptive power of love are woven elegantly into this dream-like film.