Riccardo De Torrebruna

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Mar 22, 1989
The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty.


Sep 14, 1990
The story of a young Calabrian widow who initially reclusive, must come to terms with her loss and live her life.


Apr 24, 1987
Lors d'une visite touristique dans les catacombes de Rome, un sarcophage est découvert et profané. Il s'agirait d'un sarcophage maudit dénommé Malum. La légende voudrait qu'une fois exhumé, une malédiction s'abatte sur la ville. Un terrifiant démon serait libéré. Une équipe d'archéologues va tenter de contrer le Mal...
Affittasi Vita

Affittasi Vita

Nov 19, 2019
The Italian Painter Michele is forced by his rich girlfriend to move to a new house in Trieste, abandoning his privileged life. He finds himself in a new world full of extravagant neighbors and unusual situations that will eventually change his values and prospective of life.
Carmela Campo

Carmela Campo

Jan 01, 1989
At the start of the 20th century many left the Feudal and impoverished Southern Italy looking for a brighter future in the Americas. Carmela and Giacomo set off from their home land never to return. After many years, Carmela's son,now a middle aged man, visits his parents village only to find it derelict and abandoned
The Tourist

The Tourist

Dec 08, 2010
Pour se remettre d’une rupture amoureuse, Frank, simple professeur de mathématiques, décide de faire un peu de tourisme en Europe. Dans le train qui l’emmène de Paris à Venise, une superbe femme, Élise, l’aborde et le séduit. Ce qui commence comme un coup de foudre dans une ville de rêve va vite se transformer en course-poursuite aussi énigmatique que dangereuse.
Le Sicilien

Le Sicilien

Oct 07, 1987
Appréhendé par les carabiniers en 1943 alors qu'il transporte du blé de contrebande, Salvatore Giuliano abat l'un d'eux et se réfugie dans les montagnes. Sa tête est mise à prix, des centaines de policiers sont à ses trousses mais il réussit à défier la loi pendant 7 ans, entouré d'une petite armée. Idéaliste, émule de Robin des bois, rançonnant les riches pour donner aux pauvres, il est abattu en Juillet 1950, victime d'une traitrise…
Le Diable au corps

Le Diable au corps

Apr 22, 1986
Transposition du célèbre roman de Radiguet dans les milieux modernes italiens, dont les Brigades rouges
Cha cha cha

Cha cha cha

Jun 20, 2013
À Rome, à la sortie d’une boite de nuit, un adolescent trouve la mort dans un accident de voiture. Tout laisse à penser qu’il s’agit d’une simple collision, mais Corso, ancien flic devenu détective privé, est persuadé du contraire. Michelle, la mère du jeune homme et ancienne maîtresse de Corso, est à présent avec un homme de pouvoir, l’influent avocat Argento. Au cours de l’investigation s’ajoute la découverte du cadavre d’un ingénieur, apparemment proche de l’avocat. Corruption, écoutes téléphoniques, espionnage, règlements de compte : l’enquête va s’avérer difficile pour Corso, qui tente de faire éclater la vérité sur la mort du fils de Michelle.
Il lungo silenzio

Il lungo silenzio

Mar 19, 1993
Carla Aldrovandi, a gynecologist, and her husband Marco Canova, a magistrate live on the front line of criminal and political powers in Italy. She is surrounded by terror and threats.
Il grande Blek

Il grande Blek

Apr 01, 1988
Waiting for the train that will take him away, a man goes back over moments of his small-town upbringing: the relationship with his family, his involvement in the protests of 1968 and a childhood friend died too soon.
Il mio giorno

Il mio giorno

May 28, 2015
A man throws a party for his last day before his planned suicide.
Makaroni Blues

Makaroni Blues

Sep 04, 1986
When Italian Vincenzo comes to Norway to open a restaurant, Norwegian drinking habits and alcohol politics are seen with southern European eyes. Vincenzo dies trying, and his brother seeks revenge.
Frau Berta Garlan

Frau Berta Garlan

Jan 01, 1989
The adaption of Arthur Schnitzler's brilliant study of the moral illusion and reality in a small town near Vienna at the end of the century. - After the famous radio adaption by Max Ophüls in 1954.
Tout l'Argent du Monde
Rome, 1973. Des hommes masqués kidnappent Paul, le petit-fils de J. Paul Getty, un magnat du pétrole connu pour son avarice, mais aussi l'homme le plus riche du monde. Pour le milliardaire, l'enlèvement de son petit-fils préféré n'est pas une raison suffisante pour qu’il se sépare d’une partie de sa fortune. Gail, la mère de Paul, femme forte et dévouée, va tout faire pour obtenir la libération de son fils. Elle s’allie à Fletcher Chace, le mystérieux chef de la sécurité du milliardaire et tous deux se lancent dans une course contre la montre face à des ravisseurs déterminés, instables et brutaux.
Fuori dal mondo

Fuori dal mondo

Mar 26, 1999
The rumpled owner of a dry-cleaning firm joins forces with a nun to care for an abandoned baby.
Il sole buio

Il sole buio

Feb 04, 1990
After the death of his mother a man returns to his hometown Palermo in southern Italy in order to get hold of the legacy. Once there he is forced to participate in various crimes commited by the mafia.
Il punto di rugiada

Il punto di rugiada

Jan 18, 2024
25-year-old carouser Carlo is sentenced to one year of community service after crashing his car while drunk and on cocaine. He has to serve his sentence at the Villa Bianca nursing home, along with other non-violent felons. He initially lives it as yet another nuisance, but spending time with Villa Bianca's residents — especially Dino, a cultured and sarcastic 80-year-old who has attempted suicide several times — will make Carlo change his outlook on the world and on life itself.
Tre tocchi

Tre tocchi

Nov 13, 2014
Several actors are members of a amateur soccer team. They followed in their preparations for a particular audition and in their personal life. With about 6 actors this delivers a broad picture of Italian life in which the question what it means to be a man is posed in the challenging circumstances of familily life, sex relationships, sport, cross gender roles and mafia.
Tre tocchi

Tre tocchi

Nov 13, 2014
Several actors are members of a amateur soccer team. They followed in their preparations for a particular audition and in their personal life. With about 6 actors this delivers a broad picture of Italian life in which the question what it means to be a man is posed in the challenging circumstances of familily life, sex relationships, sport, cross gender roles and mafia.
Il punto di rugiada

Il punto di rugiada

Jan 18, 2024
25-year-old carouser Carlo is sentenced to one year of community service after crashing his car while drunk and on cocaine. He has to serve his sentence at the Villa Bianca nursing home, along with other non-violent felons. He initially lives it as yet another nuisance, but spending time with Villa Bianca's residents — especially Dino, a cultured and sarcastic 80-year-old who has attempted suicide several times — will make Carlo change his outlook on the world and on life itself.
Le Gorille

Le Gorille

Jun 23, 1991
Géo Paquet dit "Le Gorille" est un agent des services secrets français qui nous entraîne dans de nombreuses aventures en France, Vénézuela, Allemagne, Italie, Espagne, République Tchèque et au Maroc. Un homme puissant, espiègle, charismatique, un séducteur au coeur tendre, avec des poings de fer et vivant dangereusement. Sa spécialité : infiltrer des réseaux de drogue, des organismes de contrebande de hightech et d'autres syndicats, en semant les graines de la destruction à l'intérieur des gangs. Son chef, Berthomieu n'est jamais loin et le surveille comme un père. Sa collègue Béatrice complète le trio...