Heather Gordon

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Short Drop

Short Drop

Jan 01, 2017
An elderly man gets mistaken for a taxi driver while on a drive through the busy streets of Port-of-Spain. What follows is a long day of reckoning with memories, friendships and revelations.
Seducing Charlie Barker
Dark satire of the Manhattan entertainment industry in which a gifted actor (Charlie Barker) begins his fall from grace as he encounters a chameleon-like social climber.
Sky Force 3D

Sky Force 3D

Sep 13, 2012
The small plane Tinny dreams of becoming a hero, but in a friendly team of inveterate planes he does not get recognition. One day, despite the captain Ben's ban, he sets off to save people from fire, but his life gets in danger, and the captain saves him at the cost of his own life. Out of misery, guilt and fear to take off Tinny leaves the team and starts working at mine. But suddenly the raging fire makes him recollect past times and he rushes to the aid of his friends without fear.
Le justicier braque la mafia
Le commandant Paul Fein, un policier, enquête sur l'assassinat d'un prêtre. Une seule piste semble l'intéresser, celle des tueurs de la mafia russe. Mais son opiniâtreté commence à agacer les parrains du milieu, qui décident d'organiser la contre-attaque. Intimidations et menaces ne parviennent pas à faire fléchir le justicier, qui campe sur ses positions. Les malfrats enlèvent alors toute sa famille et la détiennent en otage. Fein hésite, entre ses devoirs professionnels et les inquiétudes naturelles du père de famille qu'il est. Habilement, il essaie de jouer sur les deux tableaux...