Christian J. Pinto

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Harry Potter: A Spirit Conspiracy?
The Occult Agenda documentary series is designed to awaken the church and non-believers alike to the spiritual warfare happening in the world today. Part I focuses on the Harry Potter phenomenon that has swept the world since author J.K. Rowling introduced her best-selling book series. But is Potter-mania merely the result of imaginative writing and clever marketing? Or could there be a hidden power behind the craze that has cast a spell on adults and children alike?
L'œil du Phénix, les secrets du billet de 1 dollar - ses origines occultes
Secret Mysteries Vol. III se concentre sur le développement du nouveau monde en tant que "Les États-Unis d'Amérique". Cette vidéo démontrera que l'histoire du gouvernement américain, et de ses symboles officiels, est une histoire de sociétés secrètes. Examinez le fameux billet de dollar américain et les symboles qu'il porte. La maçonnerie moderne affirme que l'œil qui voit tout et qui flotte au-dessus de la pyramide n'est pas un symbole maçonnique. Mais qu'ont cru le président de la franc-maçonnerie Franklin D. Roosevelt et son vice-président maçonnique, Henry Wallace, lorsqu'ils ont attaché ce symbole à notre monnaie en 1935 ? Comment ces dirigeants américains ont-ils été influencés par le mystique russe, Nicholas Roerich ? L'œil qui voit tout représente-t-il le Christ maçonnique ? L'aigle était-il à l'origine un phénix ? Et que signifient tous ces symboles occultes ?
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers
The 'Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers' is perhaps the first and only documentary to go where no film has ever gone before: into the hidden faith of America's founding fathers. Many founders were involved in secret societies, and yet it is often claimed these men were Christians who were trying to build a Christian nation. But was their faith the true faith of the Bible? And is it possible, as some claim, that the exact opposite is true? What did the founders believe about the Person of Jesus Christ? Were they fighting for Christianity, or against it? Moreover, is it possible that the events of the American Revolution have a much darker significance in the pages of Bible prophecy than most church leaders are aware?
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers
The 'Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers' is perhaps the first and only documentary to go where no film has ever gone before: into the hidden faith of America's founding fathers. Many founders were involved in secret societies, and yet it is often claimed these men were Christians who were trying to build a Christian nation. But was their faith the true faith of the Bible? And is it possible, as some claim, that the exact opposite is true? What did the founders believe about the Person of Jesus Christ? Were they fighting for Christianity, or against it? Moreover, is it possible that the events of the American Revolution have a much darker significance in the pages of Bible prophecy than most church leaders are aware?
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers
The 'Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers' is perhaps the first and only documentary to go where no film has ever gone before: into the hidden faith of America's founding fathers. Many founders were involved in secret societies, and yet it is often claimed these men were Christians who were trying to build a Christian nation. But was their faith the true faith of the Bible? And is it possible, as some claim, that the exact opposite is true? What did the founders believe about the Person of Jesus Christ? Were they fighting for Christianity, or against it? Moreover, is it possible that the events of the American Revolution have a much darker significance in the pages of Bible prophecy than most church leaders are aware?
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers
The 'Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers' is perhaps the first and only documentary to go where no film has ever gone before: into the hidden faith of America's founding fathers. Many founders were involved in secret societies, and yet it is often claimed these men were Christians who were trying to build a Christian nation. But was their faith the true faith of the Bible? And is it possible, as some claim, that the exact opposite is true? What did the founders believe about the Person of Jesus Christ? Were they fighting for Christianity, or against it? Moreover, is it possible that the events of the American Revolution have a much darker significance in the pages of Bible prophecy than most church leaders are aware?
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume 1: The New Atlantis
Was the dream of a democratic empire envisioned by Queen Elizabeth I? Could this dream have been handed down through secret societies? Who was William Shakespeare - really? And could the new world have been modeled after his dream of a New Atlantis? Learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions, hidden within the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nation's infrastructure; symbols that for many represent the true intent of America's destiny.
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume 1: The New Atlantis
Was the dream of a democratic empire envisioned by Queen Elizabeth I? Could this dream have been handed down through secret societies? Who was William Shakespeare - really? And could the new world have been modeled after his dream of a New Atlantis? Learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions, hidden within the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nation's infrastructure; symbols that for many represent the true intent of America's destiny.
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume 2: Riddles in Stone - The Secret Architecture of Washington D.C.
This documentary explores the highly controversial subject of the design of America's capital. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of America's newfound freedom? Or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles in Stone interviews experts on both sides of the heated debate. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington, D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Was D.C. laid out according to the pattern of the stars? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington monument? And why is the city filled with zodiac symbols, mysterious faces, and various god and goddess images?
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume 2: Riddles in Stone - The Secret Architecture of Washington D.C.
This documentary explores the highly controversial subject of the design of America's capital. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of America's newfound freedom? Or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles in Stone interviews experts on both sides of the heated debate. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington, D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Was D.C. laid out according to the pattern of the stars? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington monument? And why is the city filled with zodiac symbols, mysterious faces, and various god and goddess images?
L'œil du Phénix, les secrets du billet de 1 dollar - ses origines occultes
This documentary explores the highly controversial subject of the design of America's capital. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of America's newfound freedom? Or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles in Stone interviews experts on both sides of the heated debate. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington, D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Was D.C. laid out according to the pattern of the stars? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington monument? And why is the city filled with zodiac symbols, mysterious faces, and various god and goddess images?
L'œil du Phénix, les secrets du billet de 1 dollar - ses origines occultes
This documentary explores the highly controversial subject of the design of America's capital. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of America's newfound freedom? Or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles in Stone interviews experts on both sides of the heated debate. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influence of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington, D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Was D.C. laid out according to the pattern of the stars? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington monument? And why is the city filled with zodiac symbols, mysterious faces, and various god and goddess images?
The True Christian History of America
The True Christian History of America is a powerful documentary, showing the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back to England and the great Reformation. For many tears, Americans have been taught in our schools and universities that the founding of our Republic was the result of the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment first declare no taxation without representation? Or trial by jury? were they the champions of free speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare that the "reign of political Protestantism" would commence, just before signing the Declaration of Independence?
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible
Throughout the Middle Ages, the Papal Inquisition forbade biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who disobeyed. Learn the stories of valiant warriors of the faith, such as John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, the ancient Waldenses, Albigenses and others who hazarded their lives for the sake of sharing the Gospel light with a world drowning in darkness. Once the common people were able to read the Bible, the world was turned upside down through the Protestant Reformation.
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible
Throughout the Middle Ages, the Papal Inquisition forbade biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who disobeyed. Learn the stories of valiant warriors of the faith, such as John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, the ancient Waldenses, Albigenses and others who hazarded their lives for the sake of sharing the Gospel light with a world drowning in darkness. Once the common people were able to read the Bible, the world was turned upside down through the Protestant Reformation.
Harry Potter: A Spirit Conspiracy?
The Occult Agenda documentary series is designed to awaken the church and non-believers alike to the spiritual warfare happening in the world today. Part I focuses on the Harry Potter phenomenon that has swept the world since author J.K. Rowling introduced her best-selling book series. But is Potter-mania merely the result of imaginative writing and clever marketing? Or could there be a hidden power behind the craze that has cast a spell on adults and children alike?
Megiddo: The March to Armageddon
Megiddo: The March to Armageddon explores Bible prophecy concerning the last days empire prophesied in the Old and New Testaments. This documentary features never-before-seen interviews with some of the leading researchers on the subject. Megiddo reveals how God uses prophecy to prove His existence and to separate Himself from all others that claim His authority. This informative documentary also chronicles startling quotes from powerful men of history who have spoken of the need for world government to further the cause of peace. But what does the Bible say about “world peace” and its consequence for mankind? Seen through the lens of prophecy, what is the significance of World War I and II? Were these birth pangs to prepare the nations for World War III and Armageddon?
Megiddo: The March to Armageddon
Megiddo: The March to Armageddon explores Bible prophecy concerning the last days empire prophesied in the Old and New Testaments. This documentary features never-before-seen interviews with some of the leading researchers on the subject. Megiddo reveals how God uses prophecy to prove His existence and to separate Himself from all others that claim His authority. This informative documentary also chronicles startling quotes from powerful men of history who have spoken of the need for world government to further the cause of peace. But what does the Bible say about “world peace” and its consequence for mankind? Seen through the lens of prophecy, what is the significance of World War I and II? Were these birth pangs to prepare the nations for World War III and Armageddon?
The Kinsey Syndrome

The Kinsey Syndrome

Apr 30, 2008
Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America's original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine - the "soft" approach to porn - which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation and Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet."
The Kinsey Syndrome

The Kinsey Syndrome

Apr 30, 2008
Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America's original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine - the "soft" approach to porn - which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation and Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet."
The Kinsey Syndrome

The Kinsey Syndrome

Apr 30, 2008
Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America's original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine - the "soft" approach to porn - which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation and Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet."
The Kinsey Syndrome

The Kinsey Syndrome

Apr 30, 2008
Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America's original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine - the "soft" approach to porn - which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation and Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: "The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet."
Megiddo 2: The New Age
The “lie of the serpent” is the second part of the controversial Megiddo series, which next focuses on the highly influential New Age movement. But is the New Age really new? Or does it represent the ancient doctrine taught by the serpent to Eve in the Garden of Eden? The answer will startle and amaze you as you learn the influence of the serpent’s teaching through the spiritual explosion of occult activity in the 19th and 20th centuries.