Kate Loustau

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May 17, 2001
Take 6 gorgeous guys and 6 gorgeous girls, place them together in halls of r4esidence and watch the sparks fly! Luke likes Mel who likes David who likes Nicole. Jack and Cass keep splitting up (but only at the end of each term). Steph faces some major lifestyle decisions, Beth thinks that everyone is after her body and NOBODY seems to be doing any work! Inbetweeners covers all the important issues; namely sex, love, temptation, identity and friendship...and how to steal a traffic cone!


May 17, 2001
Take 6 gorgeous guys and 6 gorgeous girls, place them together in halls of r4esidence and watch the sparks fly! Luke likes Mel who likes David who likes Nicole. Jack and Cass keep splitting up (but only at the end of each term). Steph faces some major lifestyle decisions, Beth thinks that everyone is after her body and NOBODY seems to be doing any work! Inbetweeners covers all the important issues; namely sex, love, temptation, identity and friendship...and how to steal a traffic cone!


May 17, 2001
Take 6 gorgeous guys and 6 gorgeous girls, place them together in halls of r4esidence and watch the sparks fly! Luke likes Mel who likes David who likes Nicole. Jack and Cass keep splitting up (but only at the end of each term). Steph faces some major lifestyle decisions, Beth thinks that everyone is after her body and NOBODY seems to be doing any work! Inbetweeners covers all the important issues; namely sex, love, temptation, identity and friendship...and how to steal a traffic cone!
Hôtel Paradiso, une maison sérieuse
Le "Paradiso" est le pire des hôtels que l'on puisse trouver. Ses extérieurs lui donnent des allures de ruine : façade terne, murs et fenêtres vermoulus, les gouttières claquent au moindre souffle de vent.L'intérieur est pire encore : les cafards pullulent, la poussière s'accumule, la cuisine n'est plus qu'un amas d'immondices où évolue un cuisinier crasseux et saoul à longueur de journée. Comble de l'horreur, le "Paradiso" se situe à moins d'une centaine de mètres d'une centrale nucléaire qui crache, nuit et jour, une abominable fumée toxique…Au milieu de ce capharnaüm, Richie Twat et son acolyte Eddie Elizabeth Ndingombaba s'unissent et se désunissent. Les deux inséparables se frappent, s'injurient mais ne peuvent se séparer… Burlesque au rendez-vous…