Sarah Maldoror

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Sarah Maldoror ou la nostalgie de l'utopie
Sarah Maldoror ou la nostalgie de l'utopie is a Togolese short documentary film directed by Anne-Laure Folly. It was released in 1999. The film is a tribute to Sarah Maldoror of Guadeloupe, who made the classic film Sambizanga (1972). The film documents the constant political struggle in all her work for liberty, her affirmation of her négritude to the world, and her campaign for recognition of black poets.


Dec 26, 1976
Diffusée de 1977 à 1987 sur FR3, tous les dimanches matin, pendant 1h30, Mosaïque est une émission de variétés avec un plateau où se produisent des groupes de musique des pays d'origine de l'immigration, et qui diffuse des reportages sur ces pays et sur les immigrés qui vivent en France. À sa création, il visait à promouvoir les cultures d’origine des immigrés, mais aussi à mieux les faire connaître au reste de la population. Toutefois, le programme n'a jamais été financé par la télévision publique qui estimait qu'il s'adressait à un public précis et ne s'inscrivait donc pas dans une mission de service public. Elle a reçu le soutien financier du Ministère du Travail, à travers sa subvention à l'Office National pour la Promotion Culturelle des Immigrés, ONPCI (devenu plus tard Information Culture et Immigration, ICEI, en 1977, puis Agence pour le Développement des Relations interculturelles, ADRI). , en 1982).
Aimé Césaire, Un homme une terre
Portrait d'Aimé Césaire, poète, homme politique et chantre de la négritude, enraciné dans sa terre natale de Martinique, à travers une longue interview par Sarah Maldoror, entrecoupée de quelques scènes présentant Césaire dans sa vie publique sur l'île. Césaire parle de la Martinique du Nord et de sa relation avec sa poésie (Cahier d'un retour au pays natal). Il dit la nécessité de réveiller une culture populaire martiniquaise authentique, et de jeter les assises de la liberté. La réception de Léopold Senghor dans l'île par Césaire est l'occasion pour les deux hommes de discuter de la négritude ; entre des extraits de La Tragédie du roi Christophe, Césaire s'exprime sur la pièce et le personnage de Christophe. La visite d'un chantier des ateliers municipaux montre enfin l'homme politique local, qui dénonce aussi le statut colonial de l'île.
Sisters of the Screen - African Women in the Cinema
Exploring the extraordinary contributions of women filmmakers from Africa and the diaspora, Beti Ellerson’s engaging debut intersperses interviews with such acclaimed women directors as Safi Faye, Sarah Maldoror, Anne Mungai, Fanta Régina Nacro and Ngozi Onwurah with footage from their seminal work. With power and nuance, Ellerson also confronts the thorny question of cultural authenticity by revisiting the legendary 1991 FESPACO (Pan-African Festival of Cinema and Television of Ouagadougou), in which diasporian women were asked to leave a meeting intended for African woman only. This film is both a valuable anthology and a fitting homage to the pioneers and new talents of African cinema.
Voisins, voisines

Voisins, voisines

Jul 20, 2005
La Résidence Mozart abrite plusieurs "nouveaux propriétaires" de toutes origines : un nouveau concierge, Paco, d'origine espagnole, qui sort de prison, débarque à la résidence. Autour de lui, du hall et des boîtes aux lettres s'organise le "ballet" de la Résidence Mozart.
Et les chiens se taisaient
Enregistrement d'extraits de la pièce d'Aimé Césaire où le rebelle s'exprime dans un long poème douloureux face à la mère, criant sa révolte contre l'esclavage de son peuple. La Compagnie des Griots de Sarah Maldoror envisageait dès les années 1950 de mettre en scène ce poème tragique d’Aimé Césaire, finalement interprété dans ce court métrage par Sarah Maldoror et Gabriel Glissant au sein des réserves consacrées à la culture noire africaine du Musée de l’Homme à Paris. La Mère tente de sauver son fils rebelle, en révolte contre l’asservissement.
Tribu du bois de l'E

Tribu du bois de l'E

Jan 01, 1998
In this documentary about Reunion Island, Maldoror begins with a look at an exhibition by sculptor Alain Seraphine, with automated drumming machines and other installations. From there, she goes out into the island, showing a communal eco-stovetop program, art and music classes for children, and parts of the island’s animation industry, all creative outlets and opportunities for the people.
Regards de mémoire

Regards de mémoire

Jan 01, 2003
The filmmaker Sarah Maldoror films the writer Édouard Glissant at the Fort de Joux (in the Jura), in the cell where the Haitian general Toussaint Louverture was held prisoner until his death in 1803. She then talks to Aimé Césaire at Le Diamant in Martinique, in front of Laurent Valère's "Cap 110" memorial. The documentary also includes short interviews with Roland Suvélor and Madeleine de Grandmaison, and the reading of texts performed by Greg Germain.
Un carnaval dans le Sahel
Sarah Maldoror uses Carnival as her approach to the history of colonization and black culture. Carnival is understood here as a festivity during which the limits are transgressed, the world is circumnavigated, and the dominator becomes the dominated, in addition to being an explosion of music and sensations, a great collective performance in which the characteristics of négritude-identity comes forth.


Apr 26, 1973
Sarah Maldoror uses Carnival as her approach to the history of colonization and black culture. Carnival is understood here as a festivity during which the limits are transgressed, the world is circumnavigated, and the dominator becomes the dominated, in addition to being an explosion of music and sensations, a great collective performance in which the characteristics of négritude-identity comes forth.
Des fusils pour Banta

Des fusils pour Banta

Jan 01, 1970
Guns for Banta is the first feature-length film by Sarah Maldoror. Shot in Guinea-Bissau, Guns for Banta follows the life and untimely death of Awa, a countrywoman involved in the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC).
Portrait d'une femme africaine
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.


Apr 26, 1973
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.
Eia pour Césaire

Eia pour Césaire

Nov 19, 2009
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.


Jan 01, 1968
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.


Jan 01, 1968
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.
Un dessert pour Constance
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.
TV Movie
Rencontre avec Assia Djebar
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.


Apr 27, 1966
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.
Et les chiens se taisaient
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.
Festival Panafricain d'Alger
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.
La Bataille d'Alger

La Bataille d'Alger

Sep 08, 1966
After an interview whose theme is Senegalese immigrants in France, a piece by Sarah Maldoror appears. This is about the role of African women in social organization, founded on ideals of community solidarity.
Léon G. Damas

Léon G. Damas

May 02, 1995
Léon G. Damas (1912–1978) was the first poet to “live Négritude”, according to the Senegalese poet, politician and cultural theorist Léopold Sédar Senghor. Cosmopolitan and always in transit, his writing is a chorus of melodies and imagery imbued with angst and melancholy and strongly influenced by jazz and blues. Punctuated by images of the landscapes of French Guiana and the voice of the artist, the film exemplifies the poetic documentary form to which Maldoror frequently returned.
Aimé Césaire, Un homme une terre
Léon G. Damas (1912–1978) was the first poet to “live Négritude”, according to the Senegalese poet, politician and cultural theorist Léopold Sédar Senghor. Cosmopolitan and always in transit, his writing is a chorus of melodies and imagery imbued with angst and melancholy and strongly influenced by jazz and blues. Punctuated by images of the landscapes of French Guiana and the voice of the artist, the film exemplifies the poetic documentary form to which Maldoror frequently returned.
Toto Bissainthe

Toto Bissainthe

May 15, 1984
A portrait of Haitian singer Toto Bissainthe, whose musical journey is marked by her desire to disseminate creole singing.
Miró, peintre

Miró, peintre

Jul 10, 1979
Short piece for the TV series Aujourd'hui en France [Today in France]. The review of an exhibition by Miró at the Maeght Foundation offers the opportunity to approach the surrealist artist from the filmmaker's central themes: the theatre, the interrelationship between the arts and the transformation of the childhood experience through art. The ensemble is like a work by Joan Miró translated into real life. This is its first screening after its television premiere in 1980. Translated with (free version)
Scala Milan AC

Scala Milan AC

Jan 14, 2005
Some teenagers sign up for the contest: "Describe your neighborhood", whose first prize is a trip to Milan. As the youngsters are football fans and fans of Milan AC, they decide to describe the neighbourhood with a rap song, and record a video. Archie Shepp, who also lives in the neighbourhood, watches them and decides to give them a hand.
Le Passager du Tassili
Some teenagers sign up for the contest: "Describe your neighborhood", whose first prize is a trip to Milan. As the youngsters are football fans and fans of Milan AC, they decide to describe the neighbourhood with a rap song, and record a video. Archie Shepp, who also lives in the neighbourhood, watches them and decides to give them a hand.
Fogo, l'île de feu

Fogo, l'île de feu

Jan 01, 1979
Documentary about Cape Verde and the island of Fogo produced by the revolutionary government of the new country. A culture learning to live without tutelage.
Louis Aragon, un masque à Paris
There is a gap separating the surrealism from the Interwar period and that of the post-war era, and that is the way this movement would understand racial difference. At first, the other or "primitive" was the opposite of the bourgeois subject. In this documentary, Sarah Maldoror interviews one of the most influential surrealist poets from the former surrealism, while at the same time we witness the movement's anachronist views regarding the affirmation of other identities.
Ana Mercedes Hoyos

Ana Mercedes Hoyos

Jan 01, 2009
Documentary about Colombian artist Ana Mercedes Hoyos, which deals with slavery and Afro-Caribbean cultures.
Afrique(s), une autre histoire du XXème siècle
La série "Afrique(s), une autre histoire du XXème siècle" propose de revivre 100 ans de l'histoire de l'Afrique, par la voix de ses grands acteurs, tous ceux qui, de près ou de loin, ont pris part à son réveil et l'ont fait entrer dans le 21ème siècle. Construit à partir d'entretiens avec les plus grandes personnalités africaines et d'archives inédites, "Afrique(s), une autre histoire du 20ème siècle" nous plonge dans le passé du continent ignoré, des soubresauts de l'ère coloniale aux grandes aventures de la démocratie et de l'unité africaine, en passant par le bouillonnement des indépendances et les guerres civiles, le chaos des conflits mondiaux, l'effervescence des crises et les renouveaux culturels.