Edoardo Margheriti

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Héros d'Apocalypse

Héros d'Apocalypse

Aug 09, 1980
Alors que la guerre du Vietnam bat son plein, les troupes américaines n'hésitent pas à envoyer leurs hommes loin derrière les lignes ennemies pour accomplir des missions de sabotage. C'est ainsi que le capitaine Morris se retrouve héliporté au-dessus de la jungle pour aller détruire un poste stratégique situé au cœur du territoire adverse. Mais son appareil est abattu et il se retrouve coincé dans la jungle, au milieu d'ennemis qui veulent l'éliminer.
Mission vers l'enfer

Mission vers l'enfer

Jan 01, 1983
Le Capitaine Harlow est un fou mégalomane. A la suite du massacre inutile d'un village Vietnamien, Rando s'oppose à lui, fait usage de son arme et s'enfuit dans la jungle. Seul traqué et blessé, il est indésirable partout. Son seul espoir est de se réfugier, par ses propres moyens, au Laos. Mais la route est longue...(surtout à pieds).
Pulsions cannibales

Pulsions cannibales

Aug 04, 1980
Deux vétérans du Vietnam de retour aux Etats-Unis sont contaminés par un virus qui transforme peu à peu les humains en monstres cannibales.
Commando Leopard

Commando Leopard

Oct 24, 1985
D'un côté une bande de révolutionnaires menés par une femme, Maria (Christina Donadio), et le capitaineCarasco (Lewis Collins), de l'autre un infâme dictateur sud-américain, Homoza (Subas Herrero) qui impose ses vues sur un pays non identifié grâce à ses troupes de choc dirigées par le militaire sadique Silvera (L'inévitable Klaus Kinski). Après l'assaut mené contre un barrage, les guérilleros doivent se cacher et trouvent refuge dans l'église du Père Julio (Manfred Lehmann) dont le pacifisme sera mis à rude épreuve suite aux exactions des hommes de Silvera.


Aug 25, 1997
L'inspecteur Marvin est venu accueillir son ami et ancien partenaire de la brigade criminelle Bill Skims à l'aéroport de Miami. Skims, qui travaille maintenant pour le compte du gouvernement américain, revient dans cette ville après sept ans d'absence pour une mission secrète. A peine ont-ils quitté l'aérogare qu'ils s'aperçoivent qu'ils sont suivis. Les poursuivants travaillent pour Abel Van Axel, redoutable expert en explosifs, qui compte présenter à ses clients un nouvel explosif dévastateur.
The Black Cobra 3

The Black Cobra 3

Jun 01, 1990
Shipment of American weapons is stolen in the Philippines. An American named Hawkins tries to find the weapons. Hawkins ends up dead. Chicago policeman Bob Malone is called in to investigate. Along with Interpol agent Greg Duncan, Malone travels the streets of Manila, tracking down leads. Criminals always seem to know where Duncan and Malone will be, which leads them to suspect a traitor in their midst.
The Black Cobra 2

The Black Cobra 2

Dec 16, 1989
Chicago cop Robert Malone finds himself in The Philippines, ostensibly to learn the techniques of Interpol. Before he exits the Manila airport, his wallet is stolen by a pickpocket. Malone endures a testy relationship with his new colleague Kevin McCall while evidence surrounding the stolen wallet pulls both of them deeper and deeper into a web of intrigue.


Mar 07, 2012
Sebastian Brody is a profiler who works for the FBI. When his wife is killed before his eyes by a serial killer who has escaped from prison, whom he had brought to justice some time before, he leaves everything behind and moves to Sicily. One night, due to a strong storm, the electricity goes out. Sebastian goes into the shed to try to start the generator but, in the darkness, he trips over a cable on the ground, pulling down a metal shelf. He discovers a hidden niche in the wall containing a box with six female scalps inside.The scalps belong to a serial killer who killed in the area twenty-five years earlier, nicknamed "the Hairdresser" by the press. The ones found by Sebastian would be his trophies. The killer was never caught and now seems to have returned to strike.
Sotto protezione

Sotto protezione

Feb 29, 2012
Maria Silvestri desperately tries to escape a man who is chasing her. The man is faster, he grabs her, drags her to the ground and is on top of her. Then, the darkness. Shortly afterwards two boys discover Maria's body. Leaning over her is a young man with a disturbing appearance: black clothes, disheveled hair, pale, dark-tinted lips. The boy flees but is captured shortly after, his name is Daniel Crawford. He is Maria's American cousin and for some months he had been living with the girl and her father, Bruno Silvestri.


Sep 07, 1989
A half-breed Marine takes on greedy industrialists in the Amazonian rain forests. Marvelous Marvin proves his ability as a fighter!
Indio 2 - La rivolta

Indio 2 - La rivolta

Apr 17, 1991
A corporation building a highway through the rainforest hires a gang of mercenaries to get rid of the local Indians, who don't want the highway built through their lands. The mercenaries resort to murder, massacres and enslavement to rid the company of its Indian problem. Sgt. Irons, a former Marine NCO, helps to unite the jungle tribes and leads them in their fight to protect their homes and their families.


Sep 07, 1989
A half-breed Marine takes on greedy industrialists in the Amazonian rain forests. Marvelous Marvin proves his ability as a fighter!


Sep 07, 1989
A half-breed Marine takes on greedy industrialists in the Amazonian rain forests. Marvelous Marvin proves his ability as a fighter!
Indio 2 - La rivolta

Indio 2 - La rivolta

Apr 17, 1991
A corporation building a highway through the rainforest hires a gang of mercenaries to get rid of the local Indians, who don't want the highway built through their lands. The mercenaries resort to murder, massacres and enslavement to rid the company of its Indian problem. Sgt. Irons, a former Marine NCO, helps to unite the jungle tribes and leads them in their fight to protect their homes and their families.
Yor le chasseur du futur
A corporation building a highway through the rainforest hires a gang of mercenaries to get rid of the local Indians, who don't want the highway built through their lands. The mercenaries resort to murder, massacres and enslavement to rid the company of its Indian problem. Sgt. Irons, a former Marine NCO, helps to unite the jungle tribes and leads them in their fight to protect their homes and their families.
Commando Leopard

Commando Leopard

Oct 24, 1985
A corporation building a highway through the rainforest hires a gang of mercenaries to get rid of the local Indians, who don't want the highway built through their lands. The mercenaries resort to murder, massacres and enslavement to rid the company of its Indian problem. Sgt. Irons, a former Marine NCO, helps to unite the jungle tribes and leads them in their fight to protect their homes and their families.
Commando Leopard

Commando Leopard

Oct 24, 1985
A corporation building a highway through the rainforest hires a gang of mercenaries to get rid of the local Indians, who don't want the highway built through their lands. The mercenaries resort to murder, massacres and enslavement to rid the company of its Indian problem. Sgt. Irons, a former Marine NCO, helps to unite the jungle tribes and leads them in their fight to protect their homes and their families.
Al calar della sera

Al calar della sera

Mar 06, 1992
Giallo tinged home invasion movie full of tension. Luisa's home is invaded one night by a crazed admirer who thinks he has the right to take sexual advantage of her because of her occupation as a nude model. Directed by experienced film editor Alessandro Lucidi.
Hudson Hawk, Gentleman et Cambrioleur
Giallo tinged home invasion movie full of tension. Luisa's home is invaded one night by a crazed admirer who thinks he has the right to take sexual advantage of her because of her occupation as a nude model. Directed by experienced film editor Alessandro Lucidi.


Aug 25, 1997
Giallo tinged home invasion movie full of tension. Luisa's home is invaded one night by a crazed admirer who thinks he has the right to take sexual advantage of her because of her occupation as a nude model. Directed by experienced film editor Alessandro Lucidi.
Lucky Luke

Lucky Luke

Jul 04, 1991
Giallo tinged home invasion movie full of tension. Luisa's home is invaded one night by a crazed admirer who thinks he has the right to take sexual advantage of her because of her occupation as a nude model. Directed by experienced film editor Alessandro Lucidi.
Héros d'Apocalypse

Héros d'Apocalypse

Aug 09, 1980
Giallo tinged home invasion movie full of tension. Luisa's home is invaded one night by a crazed admirer who thinks he has the right to take sexual advantage of her because of her occupation as a nude model. Directed by experienced film editor Alessandro Lucidi.

Mar 28, 2012


Mar 02, 2023

Après que deux malheureux techniciens de la télévision soient tombés sur une scène de meurtre, chaque mesure qu'ils prennent pour éviter de devenir des suspects leur cause des ennuis plus profonds.