Seven hours and a million miles away from his old life in Kent, Chris Thornton finds himself plunged into the restless local community. Hitching up with two brothers and the son of a local druid, Chris is taken on a trail of discovery and incident, culminating in an event that will irrevocably alter the lives of all four friends.
Living in a remote coastal village and with no cash two local friends stumble across two holidaymakers who mysteriously vanish along with a fishing boat and the local hotel-owner's prize winning rabbit.
Bronco et sa petite amie très enceinte sont sur le point de se retrouver à la rue, confrontés aux disparités sociales locales ; leur sort dépend d’un pêcheur sympathique mais très séducteur.
Enys works the family farm with his widowed mother and grandmother. An exceptional rugby player, Enys leads his team to the final of The Cornwall Cup, all the while living with the pressures of his fathers legacy and a secret relationship.