Pan Yao-Kun

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May 06, 1981
Seeking revenge for the murder of his family, a man returns to Hong Kong to track down the killers. He becomes enthralled in further intrigue when his new boss is targeted by the same group.


May 14, 1981
A movie company secretly films the lives of two conmen.
A Touch of Zen

A Touch of Zen

Jul 10, 1970
La Chine sous la dynastie Ming. Yang Hui-chen, dont le père a été assassiné par la police politique du grand eunuque Weï, a réussi à s'échapper avec l'aide de deux généraux rebelles. Ayant trouvé refuge dans une citadelle frontalière abandonnée, la jeune fille est repérée par des espions impériaux. Pour l'aider à affronter les gardes lancés à sa recherche, elle trouvera un soutien inespéré auprès de Ku Sheng-chai, un jeune lettré qui se révèle un redoutable stratège, et surtout de maître Hui-Yuan, un moine bouddhiste dont la force spirituelle n'a d'égale que sa maîtrise des arts martiaux.
Bi xue si yin qiang

Bi xue si yin qiang

Jan 01, 1980
Fists fly when four generations of old-school fighters compete for Madame Green Plum's beautiful daughter in this action-packed martial arts classic. Kung fu masters Silver Spear, Red Leaf, Fast Steed and Green Lotus must survive dangerous obstacles and fight each other to the death to wed the lovely maiden of the Green Jade Villa and inherit her millions. Tin Peng, Meng Fei, Chan Sing, Doris Lung, Tin Yau and Tong Wai star.


May 17, 1966
Six heroes are killed while investigating rampant lawlessness at Zhaoqing Temple where villains are posing as monks. The dead heroes’ senior brother Su-chen and his two apprentices pose as scholars in order to infiltrate the temple. When the life of the Emperor’s Inspector and his daughter are threatened, the trio leaps into battle as government troops prepare to storm the temple.
'Ghostly Mother Blue Flower' Chiu Choi-wan has abducted a group of virgin boys and girls for the nourishment of her mind and soul. Alarmed by the abduction, Yiu But-fan, Kau Suet-mui and Hung Tin-bo make a night raid on the Hanshan Temple to release the children and set a torch to the bandit lair. Fuming over the arson, Chiu casts a spell on Kau, who kills the father of Chuk Yuk-heung in her cross-dressing persona as Yiu. Confronted by the angry Chuk clansmen at the Chuk Fortress, Yiu tries futilely to defend his innocence. Believing that Chiu has masterminded the framed murder, the fugitive infiltrates the White-bone Yinyang Cave where he finds himself attacked by Kau and Chiu. Demon-vanquishing Magic Monk, Chuk and Hung helped Yiu wrestle Chiu, who fled. Kau is nursed back to health by the monk and joins the fellowship in their quest to annihilate the demon. With all her venomous needles forfeited to the monk, Chiu gets her comeuppance, slain by Chuk's flying dagger.


Jan 01, 1992
A spirit is sent to earth through reincarnation and born into a family of kind-hearted beggars. It is here that he begins an unbelievable journey to become the Legend of Wong Tai Sin.
Tang Shan a di

Tang Shan a di

Oct 19, 1976
Drinking and daydreaming are the pastime of Fong Tak Yuan, because he has no interest in the family farm. The local gang of hoodlums persuades Fong to rob the land of peasant farmers in order to grow opium. When the gang has no more use for him, they brutalize Fong's family and murder his father. To avenge their father's death, Fong and his brother challenge the gang, which results in death.


Jan 01, 1992
A young man gets involved with a female ghost. He finds himself caught in the middle of a fight between a monk and The King of Hell.


Jan 01, 1980
Dragons in the night ,hideing in the darkness of the shadows of the night, lying in wait for the Prince of the dragons to be born , I should say hatched, they can hear the sounds of the pecks many miles away; it takes several thousand years for the egg of a Dragon to hatch , all the beasts of the wilderness,waiting for the moment the magnificent one will arrive —Sheila Johnson
L'Hirondelle d'or

L'Hirondelle d'or

Apr 07, 1966
Lorsque un groupe de brigands, mené par le diabolique Tigre au visage de Jade, kidnappe le fils d’un officiel, le gouvernement réagit aussitôt en envoyant à la rescousse un de leurs meilleurs agents : l’Hirondelle d’Or. Désirant régler dès son arrivée la situation par la force, l’intrépide héroïne devra rapidement changer de tactique. Pour éviter les pièges de ses ennemis, elle fera notamment équipe avec un mendiant ivre, bien plus malin qu’il n’en a l’air…


Mar 01, 1973
Unicorn travels to a village troubled by gangsters in search of revenge for the murder of his parents years before. The task is made more complicated when he befriends a middle-aged woman and her son who begin to admire and depend on him.


Sep 06, 1973
A spoilt rich kid turns up at a fu school to show off, but he gets clobbered by the boastful Little Tiger, who is later framed for the kid's murder when a gang of blackmailers make an example of him. The police allow Tiger to escape, in order to find the real culprits. Tiger hides at his girlfriend's place, but a model she works with does some whoring on the side for the blackmailer, and so the crooks are onto his trail...


Oct 07, 1969
During the time of the Sung dynasty (roughly, around the 12th century), rebels in North China are fighting the Tartar invaders. A lady known as the Iron Mistress made a kind of Robin Hood career, from simply leading a bunch of thieves to become a local hero and a serious threat.
A Touch of Zen

A Touch of Zen

Jul 10, 1970
During the time of the Sung dynasty (roughly, around the 12th century), rebels in North China are fighting the Tartar invaders. A lady known as the Iron Mistress made a kind of Robin Hood career, from simply leading a bunch of thieves to become a local hero and a serious threat.
The Golden Sword

The Golden Sword

Oct 15, 1969
During the time of the Sung dynasty (roughly, around the 12th century), rebels in North China are fighting the Tartar invaders. A lady known as the Iron Mistress made a kind of Robin Hood career, from simply leading a bunch of thieves to become a local hero and a serious threat.


May 06, 1981
Seeking revenge for the murder of his family, a man returns to Hong Kong to track down the killers. He becomes enthralled in further intrigue when his new boss is targeted by the same group.


Nov 20, 1970
During the Sung dynasty with Emperor Hsiao Hsia in power and freedom fighters, who are based in the Tai-hun Mountains. Miss Shang is on her way to Dragon City to receive secret plans to take to the rebel stronghold. But the Mayor kills her contact and takes the plans. She must now find the plans and exact revenge upon the murderous Mayor.


Jan 02, 1971
Heavyset Master An (Got Siu-Bo) receives a message from a dying imperial messenger and finds himself to be the hunted due to the defining, powerful nature of the message. A reluctant hero and not a fighting swordsman at heart (his sword is bent and worn), he's defended by mainly a duo of females and a sneaky swordsman played by O Chun-Hung.