Manuela Hărăbor

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Jan 01, 1987
Busuioc (Victor Rebengiuc), un taran bogat din Curtici isi trimite fiul Iorgovan (Adrian Pintea), impreuna cu servitorul Sofron (Serban Ionescu) in satul vecin pentru a gasi oameni la munca campului. Iorgovan este indragostit de Simina (Manuela Harabor), fiica unui taran sarac, dintr-un sat de munte, in cautarea careia pleaca. Cum si Simina ii impartaseste sentimentele ea accepta sa vina la culesul recoltei impreuna cu tatal sau. Sentimentele lui Iorgovan sunt confuze, este slab si sfasiat intre dragostea sincera pentru Simina si obstacolul prejudecatilor si diferentelor de pozitie sociala. In acest timp Sofron, tanarul servitor al acestuia, se indragosteste la randu-i de Simina. Infruntarea dintre cei doi pretendenti devine din ce in ce mai acuta, fapt care va limpezi atitudinea fiecaruia fata de femeia pe care amandoi o iubesc.
Camera ascunsă

Camera ascunsă

Nov 24, 2004
Sebastian (Rutger Hauer) sets up an ingenious plan to transform a woman from an unknown to a star by appearing together in the television show "Hidden Camera Live".
Rondul de noapte

Rondul de noapte

Jun 17, 2022
Women and men in the middle of the night, without their own clothes, without personal papers and money, without their car keys and mobile phones. In a deserted city the only solution would be, regardless of how far home is, to walk alone all the way there.


Nov 17, 1989
After 1394 King Mircea the Elder, ruler of Wallachia, ponders the eventual consequences of a military alliance with the Poles versus one with the Turks.
21 de rubini

21 de rubini

Nov 03, 2023
When a political turmoil brings a Romanian prosecutor into the spotlight, she is offered the position of attorney general.
Secretul armei secrete
In this allegorical fairy-tale, peaceful and warlike knights vie for the hand of a beautiful princess, while a discussion of disco goes on around them. She favors a peaceful knight, while her father and his advisors like the ones carrying around a lot of weapons.
Hotel of the Damned

Hotel of the Damned

Dec 09, 2016
After a car accident and stranded in the middle of nowhere, an ex-con and his daughter find themselves in an abandoned hotel, populated by sub-human cannibalistic creatures.
Crucea de piatră

Crucea de piatră

Mar 18, 1994
Andrei Blaier's film catches the last days of The Stone Cross a low class brothels area that became some kind of an institution in the landscape of Bucharest before the Communist period, doomed to destruction under the new rules of proletarian morals that the Communists were trying to impose. The idea could be the start of a great film, with the prostitution being seen not so much from its destructive and exploitation perspective, but rather as a form of freedom in a time when the whole society was falling under the rule of propaganda, hypocrisy, and repression. In a world due to fall under tyranny for the coming decades prostitution becomes a metaphor of the old more free way of life.
Rochia albă de dantelă
A doctor, a sculptor and a football player trying to win the love of desenatoare models, suffering from incurable disease. But this does not preclude it from working on hand in a clothes factory. Of the three candidate, the young woman prefers the more modest, based with the family.


Mar 22, 1972
Veronica (Lulu Mihăescu) is a flighty girl who lives in an orphanage. At the age of 5 , a fairy godmother gives her a charmed bag, which can fulfill every wish.
Martori dispăruți

Martori dispăruți

Jan 01, 1988
At the end of XIX century, Romania, A boyar tries to send a trunk full of jewels to his daughter abroad. Only that the trunk doesn't make the trip, so the daughter comes in the country to recover it, enlisting the help of some outlaws.


Nov 08, 2004
Mircea Moraru, the owner of a Romanian media giant, gets involved into politics, in order to lower the financial deficit of his company. As the elections draw closer, attention is focused on the suspicions which arose shortly after Moraru stepped into the life of politics, regarding some financial misconducts. Moraru has to resist the siege, lead by two of his former friends and associates, who are trying to take advantage of the situation and remove him from his leading position in the company. This is yet another battle for Moraru, who sticks to his principles, even though they had cost him his family.
Meurtres par procuration
Une psychiatre et un inspecteur de la brigade criminelle unissent leurs efforts pour élucider le meurtre d'une femme, dont est injustement accusé un petit joueur professionnel. Le policier omet de préciser qu'il connaissait fort bien la victime... Le docteur Raphaëlle plonge ici dans le monde du crime pour innocenter l'un de ses patients.