Lim Kay Tong

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Saïgon, l'enfer pour deux flics
Saïgon, 1968. Deux flics du CID sont chargés d'enquêter sur le meurtre de 6 prostituées vietnamiennes qui avaient toutes un bébé dont le père est un soldat américain. Il semblerait que le coupable soit un américain. La ville va devenir un enfer pour les deux flics poursuivis par une bande de tueurs...
Kung Fu Killer

Kung Fu Killer

Aug 17, 2008
Après vingt ans à voyager de par le monde, White Crane revient pour la première fois au temple dans lequel il a été élevé, Wudang. Mais alors qu'il pensait trouver la paix, le temple est attaqué par des soldats obéissant aux ordres de Kahn, un seigneur de guerre local. Prêt à tout pour venger son maître, White Crane part à Shangai et rencontre Melle Marshall, une chanteuse de cabaret, elle aussi investie d'une mission...
The Photograph

The Photograph

Jul 05, 2007
Sita is an escort at a karaoke bar who struggles to raise money to send her daughter out of the city to live with her grandmother and settle her debts with her pimp. She moves in with aging photographer Jan and helps him fulfill his last wishes.


Feb 26, 1993
Mercenaires et concurrents sur les mêmes marchés, Jake Wyer et Sam French se mettent au serivce de quiconque les paie grassement. A la demande de la CIA, ils débraquent à Tengara, une république bananière tenue d'une main de fer par un dictateur sanguinaire. Leur mission : éliminer le despote. Première étape : former les rebelles, réfugiés dans la jungle, au maniement d'un imposant arsenal...
Marco Polo

Marco Polo

Apr 06, 2007
Assigned to accompany two priests on a mission to convert the court of Kublai Khan to Christianity, Marco Polo is abandoned in the mountains when the priests, doubting the very existence of China, turn back. Polo eventually pushes bravely forth alone toward the fabled country where he is accepted as an envoy into Khan's court. Marooned on the far side of the world, Polo, accompanied by his servant, Pedro, advances as a Mongol grandee for twenty extraordinary years. What he eventually brings back with him to the West is a chronicle that changed history forever.
Kung Fu Killer 2

Kung Fu Killer 2

Aug 17, 2008
This is the second part of the kung fu killer. China is in unrest, as the Republic falls prey to Warlords like Kahn Xin, who holds an entire province hostage to the opium trade—and destroys all who oppose him. Only the revered Wudang monks dare stand in Kahn’s way in order to protect the very soul of China. Among them is the Westerner, White Crane, a spiritual master of the martial arts and protector of the innocent. Revenge is not in Crane’s heart—until a mercenary army storms the temple and slaughters the beloved female Grandmaster Myling. Out of the ashes of the temple ruins, Crane rises—with vengeance in his heart. Crane comes upon Jane Marshall, a New York lounge singer and her gangster boss Bingo Quo. But it’s Bingo’s dangerous professional ties to Kahn that draw both Crane and Jane deep into the Warlord’s lair. Now torn between the spiritual Wudang teaching and the cold-blooded life of an assassin, Crane is about the cross the fine line between justice and revenge.
Mee Pok Man

Mee Pok Man

Feb 16, 1996
A painfully shy noodle-shop owner and a prostitute have a chance encounter when destiny arrives in the form of a car accident.
Perth: The Geylang Massacre
Perth is the journey into the heart of Harry Lee, a 51-year-old part-time security guard and taxi driver. He belongs to a redundant generation, eclipsed by a fast-paced, elitist society that is mesmerized with education and status. Harry desires to leave the antiseptic streets of Singapore for his paradise on earth in Western Australia. His attempt to migrate is complicated when he takes on a job ferrying prostitutes. This evokes painful memories from his past. When he takes an unhealthy interest in a Vietnamese prostitute, it awakens a dark and dangerous attempt at personal redemption. The film tackles an extremely topical issue of emigration in Singapore. It is peppered by denizens of the underbelly of Singapore society, reflecting the multicultural idiosyncrasies of a seemingly pristine city. More importantly, it is a personal journey of a flawed man in a society that does not tolerate failure...


Jul 30, 2015
A dramatic thriller that tells the engaging and touching stories of immigrants and natives during the time leading up to the independence of Singapore. The protagonists were a part of history in the making; they become the pioneer generation who live to see beyond the prejudice and fear of racial hatred and ultimately face the challenge of nation building - a mirror reflecting the fragility of racial harmony in our world today.


Sep 11, 2014
A group of film students burn paper effigy cameras for the wandering spirits during the ghost month in Singapore and receive a collection of horror movies in return.
Frankie's House

Frankie's House

May 09, 1992
In 1964 in Laos, young Tim Page discovers his vocation as a photojournalist and is given a job, a camera, and a trip to Vietnam. There, he learns the ropes, learns about the war first in Saigon, and then "in country" on patrol with troops. He and his colleagues, including the sons of Errol Flynn and John Steinbeck, capture the war in pictures, recover from their wounds, swap stories, battle censorship, and support each other between the explosions at the brothel run by Tranh Ki: "Frankie's House".
Milliardaire malgré lui
New York. Charlie Lang n'a d'autre ambition dans la vie que d'être un bon flic et un chic type. Muriel, son épouse, est coiffeuse. Lasse de son existence étriquée, elle entretient des rêves de réussite sociale en jouant à la loterie. Un jour, dans une cafétéria, Charlie fait la connaissance d'une jolie serveuse, Yvonne, acculée à la ruine par les frasques de son mari. À court de monnaie, il lui propose en guise de pourboire de partager ses gains à la loterie si ses numéros sortent. Quand il apprend qu'il vient de gagner 4 millions de dollars, il entend tenir sa promesse. Mais c'est compter sans Muriel.
Shanghaï Surprise

Shanghaï Surprise

Aug 29, 1986
Shangaï, dans les années 30. Glendon Wasey est un homme d'affaires bloqué dans la ville cantonaise. Celui-ci accepte donc bien malgré lui, dans l'espoir de s'échapper de Chine, de s'intéresser à une cargaison d'une demie tonne d'opium cachée dans les bas-fonds de Shangaï. Mais la marchandise intéresse également fortement la séduisante Miss Tatlock, une missionnaire qui croit en les vertus guérisseuses de l'opium...
Gourmet Baby

Gourmet Baby

Sep 29, 2001
A lonely middle-aged man is neurotically fixated on his young niece. He wants to turn her into his ideal dining companion.
Army Daze

Army Daze

Jul 12, 1996
A Singaporean-made comedy about a group of 18 year old boys who are beginning the mandatory two-year military service in the Singapore army. Despite their different racial and family backgrounds, they discover many similarities and forge a friendship which would help ease their transition to the tough army routine.
One Leg Kicking

One Leg Kicking

Nov 14, 2001
A group of underdogs form an amateur football team to play in a local league. The prize for the winners: a trip to the 2002 World Cup Finals. The team include a common man's hero who raises his two children single-handedly after his wife passes away, an ex-con with major anger management problems, a lounge singer struggling against his deadly nemesis - the karaoke machine, and a tender but tough tomboy. The story is built around the team struggle against the odds from no-hopers to title contenders. Through the game of football, the team learns not just sportsmanship, but life lessons that help them to mature as individuals, and ultimately, help each other to become better human beings.
Dance of the Dragon

Dance of the Dragon

May 01, 2008
Cheng, champion d'arts martiaux, est marié à Emi, professeur de danse. Le jour où cette dernière est courtisée par un de ses élèves, Cheng se sent menacé et provoque le garçon en duel. Emi, désormais partagée entre les deux hommes, assiste impuissante au combat.


Dec 10, 1984
Based on real-life experiences, Tenko remains one of the most fondly remembered and acclaimed BBC dramas of the early 1980s. It follows a group of women, formerly comfortably well-off ex-pats living in Singapore, as they are captured by the Japanese during World War II.


Dec 10, 1984
Based on real-life experiences, Tenko remains one of the most fondly remembered and acclaimed BBC dramas of the early 1980s. It follows a group of women, formerly comfortably well-off ex-pats living in Singapore, as they are captured by the Japanese during World War II.
Le fils du dragon

Le fils du dragon

Apr 03, 2008
DB, enfant trouvé et recueilli par Bird, un valeureux guerrier, est devenu le voleur de Shangaï. Il vole aux riches pour donner aux pauvres et ne cesse de défier les autorités du gouverneur. Le jour où il apprend les festivités organisées en l'honneur du futur mariage de la princesse, DB se fait passer pour l'un des prétendants afin de dérober quelques-uns des nombreux présents apportés pour l'occasion par les princes. Mais DB va ravir la plus inestimable de toute les richesses : le coeur de la princesse...
Action & Adventure
The Pupil

The Pupil

Jan 01, 2010
The Pupil is a Singaporean drama series on MediaCorp Channel 5. The show revolves around the legal profession. It gives us a sneak peek into the world of Singaporean lawyers and the cases they take on as civil litigators. The second season premiered on 18 August 2011.
Marco Polo

Marco Polo

Mar 26, 2007
Assigned to accompany two priests on a mission to convert the court of Kublai Khan to Christianity, Marco Polo is abandoned in the mountains when the priests, doubting the very existence of China, turn back. Polo eventually pushes bravely forth alone toward the fabled country where he is accepted as an envoy into Khan's court. Marooned on the far side of the world, Polo, accompanied by his servant, Pedro, advances as a Mongol grandee for twenty extraordinary years. What he eventually brings back with him to the West is a chronicle that changed history forever.
Masters of the Sea

Masters of the Sea

Oct 05, 1994
Masters of the Sea was a 1994 television drama series produced by the Television Corporation of Singapore, the predecessor of Mediacorp. It was the first full-length English drama series to be produced in Singapore. The series starred Wong Li-Lin, Ng Chin Han, and Aziz Mustajab. Masters of the Sea was derided by some as "fairly disastrous" and lasted only two seasons, with the second season titled Masters of the Sea: In Troubled Waters. One of the criticisms was that it portrayed an elderly Peranakan woman wearing the wrong costumes and ornaments, and speaking the wrong phrases. However, it was syndicated to Indonesian television, where it was shown localised into Indonesian.


May 19, 1996
Veuve de Franck Fletcher, Jessica Beatrice Fletcher, ancienne professeur d'anglais devenue auteur de romans policiers, utilise ses dons d'observation et son sens inné de la logique pour jouer les détectives amateurs et résoudre des affaires criminelles. Elle officie surtout dans la petite ville de Cabot Cove, dans le Maine, où elle réside, même si elle se prête au jeu dans différents états des États-Unis. Il lui arrive également d'enquêter en dehors du territoire américain, ce qui lui vaut d'être fichée non seulement au FBI, mais aussi à la CIA et au KGB, pour s'être mêlée à plusieurs reprises de certaines de leurs affaires qu'elle a pourtant aidé à résoudre, que ce soit à l'occasion de la promotion de ses livres, ou de voyages personnels : si elle n'a pas d'enfants, Jessica n'en a pas moins une immense famille, qui compte un nombre incalculable de neveux et de nièces...
La Noble Maison

La Noble Maison

Feb 24, 1988
Ian Dunross est le président du conseil d'administration de Struan & Co, l'une des plus anciennes et plus grandes compagnie d'Asie de l'Est, qui contrôle une partie des richesses de Hong Kong. Cette position fait de lui le "Tai-Pan" (leader suprême) de la "Noble Maison". De dangereux concurrents vont plonger Dunross dans des scandales financiers et d’espionnage…