Tatiana Bondarenko

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Обратный отсчет
There will be an explosion exactly in 48 hours in Moscow. The information was provided by an agent who was killed this very second. All departments of special ops work on it, but the only hope is for recently organized independent team. They are a hacker girl who once broke thru Pentagon servers, a former special ops officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight... And the Chief who got them all together and learned how to control them. Only this team is able to figure it out WHO, and most importantly WHERE, by knowing just WHEN...
Пирожки с картошкой
Веселая история о том, как уберечь отношения и жениться на любимой девушке. Не дать брачному аферисту разрушить союз и увести свою невесту. Иногда для этого нужно приложить много усилий, а иногда нужно просто... просто проснуться. А пирожки? Просто хорошо, когда твоя девушка вкусно готовит.


Jun 25, 2005
This is a fractured tale of Kiwi (Iaroslav Zhalnin), a teen thief with a penchant for driving his motorcycle into traffic, playing video games and turning invisible; Alisa (Vasilisa Petina), a young model whose face is splashed all over city billboards and ads, with whom Kiwi grows fixated; and Alik (Khazizov), a metrosexual writer who roller-skates in his cavernous hard-wood-floored apartment and plucks a drunken Alisa after her fateful encounter with Kiwi. Alik, responding to Alisa’s pleas, eventually confronts the pestering Kiwi; a misunderstanding (did he rape her? did he not?) erupts into violence.
Бабка Ёжка и другие
A little girl got lost in a dense forest by accident, where she was found by Baba Yaga. She, along with other fairy-tale characters - Kikimora, Leschyi, Koschei the Deathless and Vodyanoy - decides to adopt the girl, giving her the name of Babka Ezhka. That's how the incredible adventures of Babka Ezhka and her friends begin.