Jonatas Faro

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Aparecida - O Milagre

Aparecida - O Milagre

Dec 17, 2010
Marcos Resende is a cold and crisis man command MetalNobre company. Mark lost his faith in God when her father, Antonio, died in the construction of the Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida. He had asked the day before to Our Lady Aparecida cleats for him to play in a team and his father would buy them. Mark is separated from wife and Sonia have feuds with son Lucas, in addition to keeping a bad emotional relationship with Beatriz, an official of the company and his mother, Julia. After a misunderstanding, Lucas suffers a serious motorcycle accident. Then Mark revive its history and living with his father. And when he turns to Julia, she reveals the mysterious grace of his family.
Achados e Perdidos

Achados e Perdidos

Jan 01, 2001
A TV reporter accidentally finds, in the subway's Lost and Found, a love letter addressed to a woman, written more than fifty years ago.
Hairspray Brasil

Hairspray Brasil

Jul 01, 2009
Recording of the Brazilian production of 'Hairspray'. The story is set in 1962 in Baltimore and follows the dream of teenager Tracy Turnblad to dance on the Collins Corny Show. When Tracy lands a role on the show, she becomes a celebrity and launches a campaign to make the show more inclusive.
Um Anjo Caiu do Céu

Um Anjo Caiu do Céu

Aug 25, 2001
João Medeiros is an internationally renowned photographer who suffers an attack in Prague, when he happens to photograph a Nazi leader who was in the middle of secret plans. In his last moments on Earth, his life is saved by the angel Rafael, sent by the highest heavenly bodies to offer him a new chance. The angel warns the photographer that he will only have six months to live to solve his problems with his family, neglected since he abandoned everything for the profession - including solving his situation with ex-wife Naná, who now lives with the profiteer Tarsus, and get along with his two daughters. Virginia has become a renowned stylist, but blames her father for the leg problem caused by an accident she suffered as a teenager and ended her ballet career. Duda, on the other hand, developed obsessive-compulsive disorder after her son Kiko disappeared years before, putting her marriage to Maurício in a long crisis.
Cheias de Charme

Cheias de Charme

Sep 28, 2012
"Sparkling Girls" centers around three young and beautiful, hard-working housekeepers who reach stardom instantly when an online video clip of them singing, surprisingly becomes a hit. Their success provokes the wrath of a glamorously gaudy and outspoken famous singer who will do anything to ruin the girls' friendship and career. With humor, romance, over the top characters, and bright, glittery stage performances set to catchy tunes, "Sparkling Girls" delivers all of the expected delights and shows that dreams really do come true.


Jun 25, 2018
A mysterious and spiritual portrayal of one of the most intense and controversial stories in the Holy Bible: the end of the world.


Apr 03, 2020
Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.
Passions mortelles

Passions mortelles

Aug 19, 2011
Leonardo Brandão, l'ainé d'une famille aisée de Florianópolis (Floripa), manipule ses proches par la flatterie. Il considère son père Raul comme un entrepreneur complaisant, sans ambition, et la modestie de son frère Pedro, un pilote d'avion, l'exaspère. Léo multiplie les escroqueries pour expliquer son indépendance financière. Pour avoir voulu dérober une cargaison transportée par son frère, il cause un accident. Pedro alors accusé de négligences sur l'avion qu'il pilotait est emprisonné et tenu responsable du décès de sa fiancée qui l'accompagnait. Léo séduit facilement une aide-soignante frustrée, Norma, pour voler son patron. Condamnée par la justice et obnubilée par cet homme, Norma décide de s'endurcir et jure de l'humilier à sa libération. Horácio Cortez est à la tête d'une grande banque de Rio de Janeiro. Veuf une première fois, le banquier a su se faire un carnet d'adresses et avoir une reconnaissance dans l'élite carioca grâce à sa deuxième épouse Clarice. Fraudeur en affaires et infidèle en amour, Cortez soigne hypocritement son image médiatique. Natalie Lamour, une candidate de télé-réalité aussi bien connue pour sa futilité que pour ses photos dénudées, exploite sa notoriété soudaine pour grimper socialement avec son frère et sa mère femme de ménage. Elle souhaite se marier le plus vite que possible à quelqu'un qui pourrait assouvir ses caprices. Vitória Drummond, une des femmes d'affaires les plus puissantes de Rio, n'apprécie pas beaucoup les mondanités. Elle craint de voir ses petites filles, dont elle s'est occupée, se faire approcher par des hommes intéressés par leur fortune. L'une d'elles, Marina suit ses traces au sein de son groupe. L'autre, Bibi, bien au contraire, une femme cougar, profite de son statut et aime se venter.