Bill Melendez

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It Was My Best Birthday Ever, Charlie Brown!
Linus is planning a birthday party. While trying out his new in-line skates in the neighborhood park, he meets a nice little girl with a beautiful singing voice. Linus invites his new friend to the party. The party should be wonderful, but Linus will only be satisfied if the little girl attends. He is completely smitten!
A Charlie Brown Valentine
Lovesick Charlie Brown hopes – still – to get a valentine from the Little Red-Haired Girl, as does Sally from Linus, Lucy from Schroeder and Peppermint Patty from Charlie Brown.
C'est encore Noël, Charlie Brown
Alors que la saison des fêtes approche et que tout le gang des Peanuts s'y prépare. Que ce soit Charlie Brown qui a du mal à amasser des fonds pour sa petite amie ou Sally et Peppermint Patty qui ont du mal à répéter et à mémoriser leurs lignes d'un mot pour le spectacle de Noël, ces enfants essaient de rester dans l'esprit de Noël pendant que Snoopy a son mal à faire.
You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown
With the school election looming, Linus is talked into running for school president. With Lucy and Charlie Brown as his campaign manager and Snoopy and Woodstock assisting, he stands a decent chance of victory. Soon however, he makes unrealistic promises and learns the hard way that preaching about the Great Pumpkin can not be considered a sound campaign strategy.
Joyeux Noël, Charlie Brown !
Découragé par l’excès de consommation entourant Noël, Charlie Brown met en scène la pièce de théâtre de ses amis. Saura-t-il les faire jouer plutôt que danser, trouvera-t-il l’arbre « parfait », et découvrira-t-il le véritable sens de Noël ?
Joyeuses Pâques, Charlie Brown !
Pâques approche et Linus est certain qu’il y aura des œufs pour tout le monde. Mais les autres prennent les choses en main : Peppermint Patty et Marcie s'essaient à la décoration d'œufs, tandis que Lucy organise sa propre chasse privée.
Snoopy va se marier, Charlie Brown
Après que Snoopy ait fait preuve de son courage habituel et se soit enfui de son devoir de sentinelle, il tombe sur une belle femme. Séduit, il décide de l'épouser. Maintenant, le gang et le cousin de Snoopy, Spike, veulent aider dans une affaire qui a les complications habituelles
Someday You'll Find Her, Charlie Brown
After Charlie Brown spots a girl briefly shown in a sports event broadcasting, he is smitten enough to go in search of her with the help of Linus. Unfortunately in his search, he has his usual amount of luck. As Charlie Brown is watching a football game, he spots a girl in the stands that he immediately attaches himself to. When the game ends, he is desperate to find her, so he enlists Linus to help him and, because of his absolute nervousness, to do the talking for him. However, that move could wind up spelling doom for the love-starved Charlie Brown once they finally find her.
Tu es un bon sportif, Charlie Brown
Un motocross, une course de motos à travers une série d'obstacles, donne l'occasion à la dernière tentative de Charlie Brown de gagner quelque chose. Il sélectionne Linus comme équipe au stand et se rend dans un magasin pour sélectionner un vélo, et en raison de fonds insuffisants, il doit se contenter d'un petit putt-putt délabré. La majorité des adversaires de Charlie sont éliminés dans la course, et Charlie, portant un casque de fortune sculpté dans une citrouille, se retrouve en concurrence étroite avec son ami, le garçon manqué Peppermint Patty, et le Masked Marvel (alias Snoopy, le chien de Charlie).
It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown
At the school homecoming, Charlie Brown learns that he is be the escort at the banquet for the red headed girl that he has pined for all his life. With that added pressure, he hopes to put in a good showing at the football where he is placekicker. Unfortunately, Lucy is supposed to hold the ball for him.. It's homecoming night, and Charlie Brown is not only the escort for the homecoming queen (which happens to be the red-haired girl he's been drooling over for goodness knows how long), he is also the kicker for the school's football team (and Lucy's the holder. Need I say more?) Despite a certain person's old habit that won't die young, Charlie brown is blamed for their team's loss, but he ends up becoming the life of the homecoming dance. However, we never see it, and Charlie Brown doesn't remember it, which brings the question; did it really happen?
Snoopy, Come Home

Snoopy, Come Home

Aug 09, 1972
When Snoopy receives a letter from his original owner Lila, he goes to visit her in the hospital while Charlie Brown and the gang are on the lookout for him. Suddenly, Snoopy feels that he must go live with Lila, but must say goodbye to all his friends. In his adventure to the hospital, he encounters numerous "No Dogs Allowed" signs, an annoying little girl who desires to keep him, and more!
Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales
Tis the season for the cheer and charm of the Peanuts kids - and this delight special offers five segments full of unforgettable moments. Snoopy works as a bell-ringer to raise money and tries making peace with the ferocious cat next door. Linus strives to strike the right tone in his letter to Santa - and his friendship with an indecisive girl at school. Sally's idea about gift giving and the identity of Santa may be unusual - but her strange notion about how to obtain a Christmas tree surprisingly does the job. Lucy tries awfully hard to be nice...and still coax everyone around her to buy her presents. Charlie Brown and Sally wait up for Santa (a surprisingly short man), who spreads Christmas gift cheer further than they had thought. Make merry!
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown
It's the night of Peppermint Patty’s New Year’s Eve bash, but Charlie Brown has to write a book report about War and Peace. Hoping to join the fun for a special dance with the Little Red-Haired Girl, he tries desperately to finish in time.
Snoopy's Reunion

Snoopy's Reunion

May 01, 1991
Sensing that his canine companion is a bit down in the mouth, Charlie Brown organizes a Daisy Hill Puppy Farm reunion for Snoopy and his seven siblings in this animated special based on the Charles M. Schulz comic strip. While Charlie Brown is dismayed to see that the bucolic farm has disappeared in a sea of urban sprawl, Snoopy and gang are simply delighted to be in one another's company. Pulling out their instruments, they jam on the sidewalk.
Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown
Angst-ridden Charlie Brown attempts to motivate his team, while Lucy in right field nettles poor Chuck into a nervous wreck. With their losses mounting, Charlie Brown tries every remedy to score a win--even trading his own dog--yet nothing improves the team's dismal record. Then Chuck orchestrates "the greatest trade in the history of baseball."
Life Is a Circus, Charlie Brown
When the circus comes to town, Snoopy naturally pays a visit. There he falls for a beautiful poodle performing there. He soon runs away to join it. While he quickly becomes a star performer, Charlie Brown is distraught by Snoopy's decision while Snoopy himself has to face some realities of show business himself.
It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown
To celebrate Arbor Day, the gang decide to do a great gardening project for Charlie Brown. Unfortunately, Charlie Brown learns that they did it in his baseball diamond, turning it in to a lush garden. With no alternative, he is forced to play against Peppermint Patty's team in that field. However, the bizarre setting seems to be working to his advantage.
A Boy Named Charlie Brown
This documentary goes behind-the-scenes with Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz. This film paved the way for the future success of the Peanuts animated television specials, bringing together for the first time Schulz, animator Bill Melendez, producer Lee Mendelson, and composer Vince Guaraldi.
Why, Charlie Brown, Why?
A new girl comes to the neighbourhood school and Linus is smitten with her. Unfortunately, she develops the symptoms of leukemia and must go to the hospital for cancer treatment. Linus and Charlie Brown help her through the traumas of chemotherapy as best they can while Snoopy plays at being the world's greatest doctor.
It's the Girl in the Red Truck, Charlie Brown
Spike waves to a young woman driving a red pickup truck through the desert of Needles, California every day; it is the highlight of his day. In this combined animated and live-action special, we meet an aerobics instructor, Jenny, who wants to be a big city jazz dancer. She and Spike drive around looking at the desert scenery and spending some time at a roller rink. However, when Spike is accidentally thrown out of the skating rink he runs off and is pursued by people on a nighttime coyote hunt.
Snoopy et les Peanuts : Le film
Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus et le reste du gang bien aimé des « Peanuts » font leurs débuts sur grand écran, comme vous ne les avez jamais vus auparavant, en 3D ! Charlie Brown, le loser le plus adorable qui soit, se lance dans une aventure héroïque, tandis que son plus fidèle compagnon, Snoopy, s’élance dans les airs à la poursuite de son ennemi juré le Baron Rouge.
Charlie Brown's All-Stars!
After their humiliating 999th defeat, Charlie Brown's whole baseball team quits on him. All seems lost...until Charlie Brown learns that his team can join the Little League and become an official team with real uniforms! But as the team's enthusiasm sparks, Charlie Brown learns that neither girls nor Snoopy would be allowed to play. Charlie Brown faces the difficult decision of breaking this horrible news to his excited team.
He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown
When the gang loses patience with Snoopy's mischief, he suddenly finds himself back in obedience training. With a vengeance, Snoopy decides it's time to run away to Peppermint Patty's house, but soon realizes life might not be so bad with Charlie Brown after all.
It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown
School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, practicing ballplay, and classical music, and having clean thoughts. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate the idea.(Linus adding that its like finding out that he was drafted.) The boys shove each other to get on the bus, while the girls line up in order. At camp, Charlie Brown is chosen captain of the boys camp. The boys and girls have a swim race which the girls win easily. Then they have a softball game, which the boys lose with only one run. Other competitions are just as lopsided. Afterwards, the boys sit around the campfire and reflect on how miserable they are. In one scene, the colors of the shirts of Schroder and Linus are mixed up during this scene.
What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?
As they begin their journey home from their student exchange term, Charlie Brown and the gang find themselves sidetracked. They have severe car trouble and more importantly, they pass by various monuments to World Wars I & II. With Linus guiding them through these memorials, they learn about the events of the wars and the sacrifices required of the troops who fought them.
Play It Again, Charlie Brown
Play It Again, Charlie Brown is the seventh prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This non-holiday Peanuts special centers on Lucy, her infatuation with Schroeder, and her willingness to do anything to win his affections.
It's Three Strikes, Charlie Brown
It's Three Strikes, Charlie Brown is from the later phases of the Peanuts TV-special saga. Instead of concentrating on a single story (a la A Charlie Brown Christmas), this half-hour animated effort offers eight separate anecdotes. All are derived from continuities originally presented in Charles Schultz' Peanuts comic strip, and all were first telecast on the Saturday morning TV series The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show. And, re the blanket title, all are unified by a central "baseball" theme. The best sequence in It's Three Strikes, Charlie Brown finds the canine Snoopy assuming a managerial post on the opposing team.
Tooth Brushing

Tooth Brushing

Jan 01, 1978
Charlie Brown leaves his appointment with his dentist armed with an instructional pamphlet on proper tooth brushing technique. He endeavors to practice toothbrushing with Linus and his dog Snoopy.
It's Spring Training, Charlie Brown
As springtime rolls around, Charlie Brown's team is performing the usual hopeless task of getting in shape for the new season. To improve the team's morale, Charlie Brown manages to find a potential team sponsor who agrees to provide uniforms, provided that the team wins the first game of the season. However, considering the usual competence of the team, including new members like Leland who is too young to even tie his shoes, the challenge seems impossible.
She's a Good Skate, Charlie Brown
Peppermint Patty is in zealous training for a figure skating competition, but with no help from her grumpy coach, Snoopy. He growls coaching tips that don't make sense, and Marcie can't sew the dress Peppermint Patty is dying to wear. Still determined to win, Peppermint Patty turns to Woodstock when disaster looms at the competition.
Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown
C’est la Saint-Valentin, et à l’école, les cœurs battent la chamade. Tandis que Charlie Brown attend impatiemment sa Valentine, Sally croit que le cadeau que Linus a acheté pour Miss Othmar lui est destiné.
Un petit garçon appelé Charlie Brown
Rien ne réussit au petit Charlie Brown qui a fait perdre son équipe lors de la dernière partie de baseball. Pour redorer son blason, en compagnie de son copain Linus et de son chien Snoopy, il se rend à New York pour participer à un concours d'orthographe. Mais il est éliminé à cause d'une seule faute et rentre chez lui frustré avec l'envie de se défouler en disputant un match de
C'est ta course, Charlie Brown !
Le gang des Peanuts, dont Snoopy et Woodstock, est parti en camp d'été. Après quelques jours d'activités habituelles dans les camps d'été, ils participent tous à une course de rafting. Combattant des rapides dangereux, des animaux sauvages et des brutes d'un camp rival, les équipes se dirigent vers la ligne d'arrivée.
Bon voyage, Charlie Brown !
Charlie Brown a été sélectionné pour partir en voyage linguistique en France. Son chien Snoopy et ses trois amis, Linus, Marcy et Peppermint, l'accompagnent pour ce périple qui s'annonce passionnant et plein de surprises. Ils découvrent bientôt les coutumes locales et apprennent le Français tant bien que mal...
Le Thanksgiving de Charlie Brown
Peppermint Patty vous donne rendez-vous chez Charlie Brown pour Thanksgiving, même si notre ami sera, lui, en visite chez sa grand-mère. Joignez-vous à Snoopy pour un dîner festif qu’il prépare avec l’aide de ses amis.
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown!
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown! is the 17th primetime animated TV specials based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, created by Charles M. Schulz. The plot is similar to that of Jack London's Call of the Wild.
He's a Bully, Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown and a few of his friends attend a camp, and there they meet Joe Agate, a lying bully who offers to teach kids the game of Marbles without telling them it's for keep. Then he takes their marbles for good. When Rerun is tricked and gets his marbles taken, Charlie Brown must use his own marbles to help get the other kids their marbles back. The only problem is, Charlie Brown doesn't know how to play.
The One and Only June Foray
This film is about the life and times of legendary voice actress June Foray. From her beginnings as a child wanting to be an actress, to becoming one of the greatest voice talents in the golden age of animation.
Tu es amoureux, Charlie Brown
Alors que l'année scolaire touche à sa fin, Charlie Brown essaie de trouver le courage de rencontrer la fille de ses rêves, qu'il ne connaît que sous le nom de "La petite fille aux cheveux roux". Cependant, il est trop nerveux pour aller la rencontrer dès le départ et toutes ses tentatives pour l'impressionner à l'école se retournent de manière désastreuse. Ses amis, Linus et Peppermint Patty, essaient de l'aider, mais ne font qu'aggraver la situation, tandis que Charlie Brown essaie désespérément de trouver une solution à cette énigme romantique.
It's an Adventure, Charlie Brown
This hour-long anthology presents six animated shorts. "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz appears on camera to introduce these adaptations of some of his favorite strips, which include Charlie Brown spending two unexpectedly pleasant weeks at summer camp; Peppermint Patty and Marcie taking jobs as golf caddies, with disastrous results; and Lucy trying to cure Linus' dependence on his security blanket.
A Charlie Brown Celebration
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
Snoopy: The Musical

Snoopy: The Musical

Jan 29, 1988
The animated adaption of the second stage musical based on the "Peanuts" comics strip, focusing on Snoopy.
The Making of 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'
Now, years later, fans can get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Christmas favorite. Hosted by comedienne Whoopi Goldberg, this program includes interviews with some of the actors who brought the Peanuts gang to life, and archive footage of the creator himself, Charles Schulz.
Frosty Returns

Frosty Returns

Dec 01, 1992
Mr. Twitchell, a greedy old businessman, has invented Summer Wheeze: a spray that instantly removes snow and slush! Now Holly has to keep Frosty from melting, and convince everybody that snow's actually a good thing.
Joyeux Noël, Charlie Brown !
Mr. Twitchell, a greedy old businessman, has invented Summer Wheeze: a spray that instantly removes snow and slush! Now Holly has to keep Frosty from melting, and convince everybody that snow's actually a good thing.
Someday You'll Find Her, Charlie Brown
After Charlie Brown spots a girl briefly shown in a sports event broadcasting, he is smitten enough to go in search of her with the help of Linus. Unfortunately in his search, he has his usual amount of luck. As Charlie Brown is watching a football game, he spots a girl in the stands that he immediately attaches himself to. When the game ends, he is desperate to find her, so he enlists Linus to help him and, because of his absolute nervousness, to do the talking for him. However, that move could wind up spelling doom for the love-starved Charlie Brown once they finally find her.
Tu es un bon sportif, Charlie Brown
After Charlie Brown spots a girl briefly shown in a sports event broadcasting, he is smitten enough to go in search of her with the help of Linus. Unfortunately in his search, he has his usual amount of luck. As Charlie Brown is watching a football game, he spots a girl in the stands that he immediately attaches himself to. When the game ends, he is desperate to find her, so he enlists Linus to help him and, because of his absolute nervousness, to do the talking for him. However, that move could wind up spelling doom for the love-starved Charlie Brown once they finally find her.
He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown
When the gang loses patience with Snoopy's mischief, he suddenly finds himself back in obedience training. With a vengeance, Snoopy decides it's time to run away to Peppermint Patty's house, but soon realizes life might not be so bad with Charlie Brown after all.
It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown
At the school homecoming, Charlie Brown learns that he is be the escort at the banquet for the red headed girl that he has pined for all his life. With that added pressure, he hopes to put in a good showing at the football where he is placekicker. Unfortunately, Lucy is supposed to hold the ball for him.. It's homecoming night, and Charlie Brown is not only the escort for the homecoming queen (which happens to be the red-haired girl he's been drooling over for goodness knows how long), he is also the kicker for the school's football team (and Lucy's the holder. Need I say more?) Despite a certain person's old habit that won't die young, Charlie brown is blamed for their team's loss, but he ends up becoming the life of the homecoming dance. However, we never see it, and Charlie Brown doesn't remember it, which brings the question; did it really happen?
Le Lion, la Sorcière blanche et l'Armoire magique
At the school homecoming, Charlie Brown learns that he is be the escort at the banquet for the red headed girl that he has pined for all his life. With that added pressure, he hopes to put in a good showing at the football where he is placekicker. Unfortunately, Lucy is supposed to hold the ball for him.. It's homecoming night, and Charlie Brown is not only the escort for the homecoming queen (which happens to be the red-haired girl he's been drooling over for goodness knows how long), he is also the kicker for the school's football team (and Lucy's the holder. Need I say more?) Despite a certain person's old habit that won't die young, Charlie brown is blamed for their team's loss, but he ends up becoming the life of the homecoming dance. However, we never see it, and Charlie Brown doesn't remember it, which brings the question; did it really happen?
Le Thanksgiving de Charlie Brown
At the school homecoming, Charlie Brown learns that he is be the escort at the banquet for the red headed girl that he has pined for all his life. With that added pressure, he hopes to put in a good showing at the football where he is placekicker. Unfortunately, Lucy is supposed to hold the ball for him.. It's homecoming night, and Charlie Brown is not only the escort for the homecoming queen (which happens to be the red-haired girl he's been drooling over for goodness knows how long), he is also the kicker for the school's football team (and Lucy's the holder. Need I say more?) Despite a certain person's old habit that won't die young, Charlie brown is blamed for their team's loss, but he ends up becoming the life of the homecoming dance. However, we never see it, and Charlie Brown doesn't remember it, which brings the question; did it really happen?
Le Thanksgiving de Charlie Brown
At the school homecoming, Charlie Brown learns that he is be the escort at the banquet for the red headed girl that he has pined for all his life. With that added pressure, he hopes to put in a good showing at the football where he is placekicker. Unfortunately, Lucy is supposed to hold the ball for him.. It's homecoming night, and Charlie Brown is not only the escort for the homecoming queen (which happens to be the red-haired girl he's been drooling over for goodness knows how long), he is also the kicker for the school's football team (and Lucy's the holder. Need I say more?) Despite a certain person's old habit that won't die young, Charlie brown is blamed for their team's loss, but he ends up becoming the life of the homecoming dance. However, we never see it, and Charlie Brown doesn't remember it, which brings the question; did it really happen?


Nov 27, 1952
This short from the UPA studio was nominated for the 1952 Oscars. Based on the Madeline series of children's books.
Snoopy, Come Home

Snoopy, Come Home

Aug 09, 1972
When Snoopy receives a letter from his original owner Lila, he goes to visit her in the hospital while Charlie Brown and the gang are on the lookout for him. Suddenly, Snoopy feels that he must go live with Lila, but must say goodbye to all his friends. In his adventure to the hospital, he encounters numerous "No Dogs Allowed" signs, an annoying little girl who desires to keep him, and more!
The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer

Mar 01, 1956
The Dragon Slayer is an animated cartoon in Technicolor., and is the first film of Peanuts director Bill Melendez. It was commissione by Du Pont to explain its security plan to company employees. The story revolves around Sir Evans, a knight of old, who goes forth to battle the menacing dragons. Only through the protection of armor made for him by his trusty squire, D.I.R.P. can he slay the dragons without being singed by their fiery blasts. But knights in legends aren't the only ones to fear dragons. Most of us, like Ed Blevins, hero of this tale, have the modern-day dragons of insecurity to reckon with. But Ed, like Sir Evans, also has the protection of D.I.R.P., in this case the Du Pont Industrial Relations Plans, which are outstanding examples of how a company helps its employees help themselves.
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown
It's the night of Peppermint Patty’s New Year’s Eve bash, but Charlie Brown has to write a book report about War and Peace. Hoping to join the fun for a special dance with the Little Red-Haired Girl, he tries desperately to finish in time.
Tire-lire à tire-larigot
The Peanuts gang perform the classic Broadway musical. In addition to the classic songs, we see Charlie Brown and his friends perform the various comedy sketches of the play.
It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown
To celebrate Arbor Day, the gang decide to do a great gardening project for Charlie Brown. Unfortunately, Charlie Brown learns that they did it in his baseball diamond, turning it in to a lush garden. With no alternative, he is forced to play against Peppermint Patty's team in that field. However, the bizarre setting seems to be working to his advantage.
Le Lion, la Sorcière blanche et l'Armoire magique
To celebrate Arbor Day, the gang decide to do a great gardening project for Charlie Brown. Unfortunately, Charlie Brown learns that they did it in his baseball diamond, turning it in to a lush garden. With no alternative, he is forced to play against Peppermint Patty's team in that field. However, the bizarre setting seems to be working to his advantage.
Magot miaou

Magot miaou

Aug 14, 1948
To celebrate Arbor Day, the gang decide to do a great gardening project for Charlie Brown. Unfortunately, Charlie Brown learns that they did it in his baseball diamond, turning it in to a lush garden. With no alternative, he is forced to play against Peppermint Patty's team in that field. However, the bizarre setting seems to be working to his advantage.
Why, Charlie Brown, Why?
A new girl comes to the neighbourhood school and Linus is smitten with her. Unfortunately, she develops the symptoms of leukemia and must go to the hospital for cancer treatment. Linus and Charlie Brown help her through the traumas of chemotherapy as best they can while Snoopy plays at being the world's greatest doctor.
It's the Girl in the Red Truck, Charlie Brown
Spike waves to a young woman driving a red pickup truck through the desert of Needles, California every day; it is the highlight of his day. In this combined animated and live-action special, we meet an aerobics instructor, Jenny, who wants to be a big city jazz dancer. She and Spike drive around looking at the desert scenery and spending some time at a roller rink. However, when Spike is accidentally thrown out of the skating rink he runs off and is pursued by people on a nighttime coyote hunt.
The Romance of Betty Boop
In 1930s, hard-working girl Betty Boop sings at nights at her uncle Mischa's popular NY nightclub and dreams of marrying a posh rich playboy, Waldo. Gangster Johnny "Throat" and a nice hard-working ice-seller, Freddy, also woo her.
The Romance of Betty Boop
In 1930s, hard-working girl Betty Boop sings at nights at her uncle Mischa's popular NY nightclub and dreams of marrying a posh rich playboy, Waldo. Gangster Johnny "Throat" and a nice hard-working ice-seller, Freddy, also woo her.
C'est encore Noël, Charlie Brown
In 1930s, hard-working girl Betty Boop sings at nights at her uncle Mischa's popular NY nightclub and dreams of marrying a posh rich playboy, Waldo. Gangster Johnny "Throat" and a nice hard-working ice-seller, Freddy, also woo her.
Happiness Is...Peanuts: Snow Days
The newest collection of Peanuts stories celebrates everyone's favorite thing about a long, chilly winter: snow days! Peppermint Patty trains for a figure-skating competition and Snoopy is her tough coach and crafty costume designer in the TV special "She's A Good Skate, Charlie Brown". The smiles continue with an episode of "The Charlie Brown & Snoopy Show" featuring three short tales: "The Play", "Sweet Babboo!" and "Snoopy's Story". Charlie Brown reflects on Christmas past while Sally prepares for Valentine's Day and Patty writes an award-winning essay about Snoopy. It may be cold outside, but the Peanuts kids are sure to bring lots of warmth and happiness into your home this winter.
It's a Mystery, Charlie Brown
When Woodstock's fancy new nest disappears one afternoon, he turns to Snoopy for help. Adopting the guise of Sherlock Holmes (complete with cloak, deerstalker cap and bubble pipe), Snoopy and Woodstock go on the hunt for the missing nest.
Play It Again, Charlie Brown
Play It Again, Charlie Brown is the seventh prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This non-holiday Peanuts special centers on Lucy, her infatuation with Schroeder, and her willingness to do anything to win his affections.
Un cabot cabotin

Un cabot cabotin

Dec 13, 1949
Play It Again, Charlie Brown is the seventh prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This non-holiday Peanuts special centers on Lucy, her infatuation with Schroeder, and her willingness to do anything to win his affections.
C'est ta course, Charlie Brown !
Play It Again, Charlie Brown is the seventh prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This non-holiday Peanuts special centers on Lucy, her infatuation with Schroeder, and her willingness to do anything to win his affections.
Le contrat

Le contrat

Oct 05, 1946
Play It Again, Charlie Brown is the seventh prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This non-holiday Peanuts special centers on Lucy, her infatuation with Schroeder, and her willingness to do anything to win his affections.
Snoopy's Reunion

Snoopy's Reunion

May 01, 1991
Sensing that his canine companion is a bit down in the mouth, Charlie Brown organizes a Daisy Hill Puppy Farm reunion for Snoopy and his seven siblings in this animated special based on the Charles M. Schulz comic strip. While Charlie Brown is dismayed to see that the bucolic farm has disappeared in a sea of urban sprawl, Snoopy and gang are simply delighted to be in one another's company. Pulling out their instruments, they jam on the sidewalk.
Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown
Angst-ridden Charlie Brown attempts to motivate his team, while Lucy in right field nettles poor Chuck into a nervous wreck. With their losses mounting, Charlie Brown tries every remedy to score a win--even trading his own dog--yet nothing improves the team's dismal record. Then Chuck orchestrates "the greatest trade in the history of baseball."
Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown
Angst-ridden Charlie Brown attempts to motivate his team, while Lucy in right field nettles poor Chuck into a nervous wreck. With their losses mounting, Charlie Brown tries every remedy to score a win--even trading his own dog--yet nothing improves the team's dismal record. Then Chuck orchestrates "the greatest trade in the history of baseball."
It's Spring Training, Charlie Brown
As springtime rolls around, Charlie Brown's team is performing the usual hopeless task of getting in shape for the new season. To improve the team's morale, Charlie Brown manages to find a potential team sponsor who agrees to provide uniforms, provided that the team wins the first game of the season. However, considering the usual competence of the team, including new members like Leland who is too young to even tie his shoes, the challenge seems impossible.
You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown
With the school election looming, Linus is talked into running for school president. With Lucy and Charlie Brown as his campaign manager and Snoopy and Woodstock assisting, he stands a decent chance of victory. Soon however, he makes unrealistic promises and learns the hard way that preaching about the Great Pumpkin can not be considered a sound campaign strategy.
Joyeuses Pâques, Charlie Brown !
With the school election looming, Linus is talked into running for school president. With Lucy and Charlie Brown as his campaign manager and Snoopy and Woodstock assisting, he stands a decent chance of victory. Soon however, he makes unrealistic promises and learns the hard way that preaching about the Great Pumpkin can not be considered a sound campaign strategy.
Play It Again, Charlie Brown
Play It Again, Charlie Brown is the seventh prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This non-holiday Peanuts special centers on Lucy, her infatuation with Schroeder, and her willingness to do anything to win his affections.
You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown
With the school election looming, Linus is talked into running for school president. With Lucy and Charlie Brown as his campaign manager and Snoopy and Woodstock assisting, he stands a decent chance of victory. Soon however, he makes unrealistic promises and learns the hard way that preaching about the Great Pumpkin can not be considered a sound campaign strategy.
Charlie Brown's All-Stars!
After their humiliating 999th defeat, Charlie Brown's whole baseball team quits on him. All seems lost...until Charlie Brown learns that his team can join the Little League and become an official team with real uniforms! But as the team's enthusiasm sparks, Charlie Brown learns that neither girls nor Snoopy would be allowed to play. Charlie Brown faces the difficult decision of breaking this horrible news to his excited team.
Charlie Brown's All-Stars!
After their humiliating 999th defeat, Charlie Brown's whole baseball team quits on him. All seems lost...until Charlie Brown learns that his team can join the Little League and become an official team with real uniforms! But as the team's enthusiasm sparks, Charlie Brown learns that neither girls nor Snoopy would be allowed to play. Charlie Brown faces the difficult decision of breaking this horrible news to his excited team.
Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales
Tis the season for the cheer and charm of the Peanuts kids - and this delight special offers five segments full of unforgettable moments. Snoopy works as a bell-ringer to raise money and tries making peace with the ferocious cat next door. Linus strives to strike the right tone in his letter to Santa - and his friendship with an indecisive girl at school. Sally's idea about gift giving and the identity of Santa may be unusual - but her strange notion about how to obtain a Christmas tree surprisingly does the job. Lucy tries awfully hard to be nice...and still coax everyone around her to buy her presents. Charlie Brown and Sally wait up for Santa (a surprisingly short man), who spreads Christmas gift cheer further than they had thought. Make merry!
He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown
When the gang loses patience with Snoopy's mischief, he suddenly finds himself back in obedience training. With a vengeance, Snoopy decides it's time to run away to Peppermint Patty's house, but soon realizes life might not be so bad with Charlie Brown after all.
It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown
School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, practicing ballplay, and classical music, and having clean thoughts. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate the idea.(Linus adding that its like finding out that he was drafted.) The boys shove each other to get on the bus, while the girls line up in order. At camp, Charlie Brown is chosen captain of the boys camp. The boys and girls have a swim race which the girls win easily. Then they have a softball game, which the boys lose with only one run. Other competitions are just as lopsided. Afterwards, the boys sit around the campfire and reflect on how miserable they are. In one scene, the colors of the shirts of Schroder and Linus are mixed up during this scene.
It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown
School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, practicing ballplay, and classical music, and having clean thoughts. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate the idea.(Linus adding that its like finding out that he was drafted.) The boys shove each other to get on the bus, while the girls line up in order. At camp, Charlie Brown is chosen captain of the boys camp. The boys and girls have a swim race which the girls win easily. Then they have a softball game, which the boys lose with only one run. Other competitions are just as lopsided. Afterwards, the boys sit around the campfire and reflect on how miserable they are. In one scene, the colors of the shirts of Schroder and Linus are mixed up during this scene.
Revue littéraire

Revue littéraire

Jan 05, 1946
School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, practicing ballplay, and classical music, and having clean thoughts. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate the idea.(Linus adding that its like finding out that he was drafted.) The boys shove each other to get on the bus, while the girls line up in order. At camp, Charlie Brown is chosen captain of the boys camp. The boys and girls have a swim race which the girls win easily. Then they have a softball game, which the boys lose with only one run. Other competitions are just as lopsided. Afterwards, the boys sit around the campfire and reflect on how miserable they are. In one scene, the colors of the shirts of Schroder and Linus are mixed up during this scene.
What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?
As they begin their journey home from their student exchange term, Charlie Brown and the gang find themselves sidetracked. They have severe car trouble and more importantly, they pass by various monuments to World Wars I & II. With Linus guiding them through these memorials, they learn about the events of the wars and the sacrifices required of the troops who fought them.
Peanuts - 1960's Collection
All six remastered Peanuts TV Specials from the 1960's—A Charlie Brown Christmas; Charlie Brown's All-Stars; It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; You're in Love, Charlie Brown; He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown; and It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown—available together for the first time.
Peanuts - 1960's Collection
All six remastered Peanuts TV Specials from the 1960's—A Charlie Brown Christmas; Charlie Brown's All-Stars; It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; You're in Love, Charlie Brown; He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown; and It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown—available together for the first time.
Lapin et Lutin

Lapin et Lutin

Oct 30, 1943
All six remastered Peanuts TV Specials from the 1960's—A Charlie Brown Christmas; Charlie Brown's All-Stars; It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; You're in Love, Charlie Brown; He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown; and It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown—available together for the first time.
Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains
All six remastered Peanuts TV Specials from the 1960's—A Charlie Brown Christmas; Charlie Brown's All-Stars; It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; You're in Love, Charlie Brown; He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown; and It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown—available together for the first time.
Frosty Returns

Frosty Returns

Dec 01, 1992
Mr. Twitchell, a greedy old businessman, has invented Summer Wheeze: a spray that instantly removes snow and slush! Now Holly has to keep Frosty from melting, and convince everybody that snow's actually a good thing.
Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done
Able Seaman Dick Deadeye is charged by Queen Victoria to find the stolen Ultimate Secret. His ugliness means that his life has always been lonely but a buxom barmaid takes a shine to him. Together, they battle pirates and an evil magician before discovering that the Ultimate Secret is nothing but LOVE! Using songs based on the original works of Gilbert and Sullivan (but updated with modern lyrics), this film was created to commemorate the centenary anniversary of the first collaboration of the composers of the Savoy Operas.
Here Comes Garfield

Here Comes Garfield

Oct 25, 1982
The first TV special starring the rotund comic strip staple Garfield the Cat. Here, he and his dull-witted canine cohort Odie end up at the pound.
Two Daddies?

Two Daddies?

May 06, 1989
An animated special about a young girl who must learn to accept her divorced mother's remarriage.
It Was My Best Birthday Ever, Charlie Brown!
Linus is planning a birthday party. While trying out his new in-line skates in the neighborhood park, he meets a nice little girl with a beautiful singing voice. Linus invites his new friend to the party. The party should be wonderful, but Linus will only be satisfied if the little girl attends. He is completely smitten!
It Was My Best Birthday Ever, Charlie Brown!
Linus is planning a birthday party. While trying out his new in-line skates in the neighborhood park, he meets a nice little girl with a beautiful singing voice. Linus invites his new friend to the party. The party should be wonderful, but Linus will only be satisfied if the little girl attends. He is completely smitten!
Tooth Brushing

Tooth Brushing

Jan 01, 1978
Charlie Brown leaves his appointment with his dentist armed with an instructional pamphlet on proper tooth brushing technique. He endeavors to practice toothbrushing with Linus and his dog Snoopy.
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown!
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown! is the 17th primetime animated TV specials based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, created by Charles M. Schulz. The plot is similar to that of Jack London's Call of the Wild.
Escapade australienne

Escapade australienne

Nov 18, 1950
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown! is the 17th primetime animated TV specials based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, created by Charles M. Schulz. The plot is similar to that of Jack London's Call of the Wild.
She's a Good Skate, Charlie Brown
Peppermint Patty is in zealous training for a figure skating competition, but with no help from her grumpy coach, Snoopy. He growls coaching tips that don't make sense, and Marcie can't sew the dress Peppermint Patty is dying to wear. Still determined to win, Peppermint Patty turns to Woodstock when disaster looms at the competition.
Tu es le plus grand, Charlie Brown
Peppermint Patty is in zealous training for a figure skating competition, but with no help from her grumpy coach, Snoopy. He growls coaching tips that don't make sense, and Marcie can't sew the dress Peppermint Patty is dying to wear. Still determined to win, Peppermint Patty turns to Woodstock when disaster looms at the competition.
Life Is a Circus, Charlie Brown
When the circus comes to town, Snoopy naturally pays a visit. There he falls for a beautiful poodle performing there. He soon runs away to join it. While he quickly becomes a star performer, Charlie Brown is distraught by Snoopy's decision while Snoopy himself has to face some realities of show business himself.
A Charlie Brown Valentine
Lovesick Charlie Brown hopes – still – to get a valentine from the Little Red-Haired Girl, as does Sally from Linus, Lucy from Schroeder and Peppermint Patty from Charlie Brown.
A Boy Named Charlie Brown
This documentary goes behind-the-scenes with Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz. This film paved the way for the future success of the Peanuts animated television specials, bringing together for the first time Schulz, animator Bill Melendez, producer Lee Mendelson, and composer Vince Guaraldi.
Biberons et confusions
This documentary goes behind-the-scenes with Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz. This film paved the way for the future success of the Peanuts animated television specials, bringing together for the first time Schulz, animator Bill Melendez, producer Lee Mendelson, and composer Vince Guaraldi.
It's an Adventure, Charlie Brown
This hour-long anthology presents six animated shorts. "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz appears on camera to introduce these adaptations of some of his favorite strips, which include Charlie Brown spending two unexpectedly pleasant weeks at summer camp; Peppermint Patty and Marcie taking jobs as golf caddies, with disastrous results; and Lucy trying to cure Linus' dependence on his security blanket.
It's an Adventure, Charlie Brown
This hour-long anthology presents six animated shorts. "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz appears on camera to introduce these adaptations of some of his favorite strips, which include Charlie Brown spending two unexpectedly pleasant weeks at summer camp; Peppermint Patty and Marcie taking jobs as golf caddies, with disastrous results; and Lucy trying to cure Linus' dependence on his security blanket.
Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown
This hour-long anthology presents six animated shorts. "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz appears on camera to introduce these adaptations of some of his favorite strips, which include Charlie Brown spending two unexpectedly pleasant weeks at summer camp; Peppermint Patty and Marcie taking jobs as golf caddies, with disastrous results; and Lucy trying to cure Linus' dependence on his security blanket.
Joyeux Noël, Charlie Brown !
This hour-long anthology presents six animated shorts. "Peanuts" creator Charles Schulz appears on camera to introduce these adaptations of some of his favorite strips, which include Charlie Brown spending two unexpectedly pleasant weeks at summer camp; Peppermint Patty and Marcie taking jobs as golf caddies, with disastrous results; and Lucy trying to cure Linus' dependence on his security blanket.
Wagon Heels

Wagon Heels

Jul 25, 1945
Porky leads a wagon train into "Injun Joe Territory," and finally comes up against the fearsome Superchief. But Sloppy Moe, a survivor of a previous Injun Joe attack, knows something about him he won't tell... until the very end.
Cathy's Valentine

Cathy's Valentine

Feb 10, 1989
As Valentine's Day approaches, Cathy, ever the romantic, becomes passionately consumed with thoughts of hearts, flowers and candle-lit dinners.
A Charlie Brown Celebration
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
Bon voyage, Charlie Brown !
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
Snoopy, Come Home

Snoopy, Come Home

Aug 09, 1972
When Snoopy receives a letter from his original owner Lila, he goes to visit her in the hospital while Charlie Brown and the gang are on the lookout for him. Suddenly, Snoopy feels that he must go live with Lila, but must say goodbye to all his friends. In his adventure to the hospital, he encounters numerous "No Dogs Allowed" signs, an annoying little girl who desires to keep him, and more!
He's a Bully, Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown and a few of his friends attend a camp, and there they meet Joe Agate, a lying bully who offers to teach kids the game of Marbles without telling them it's for keep. Then he takes their marbles for good. When Rerun is tricked and gets his marbles taken, Charlie Brown must use his own marbles to help get the other kids their marbles back. The only problem is, Charlie Brown doesn't know how to play.
No Man's Valley

No Man's Valley

Nov 23, 1981
Elliot, a rare California condor, must find a hideaway for endangered animals before man drives them over the brink into extinction.
Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Oct 20, 1985
Third-grader Molly Conway finds out that her parents are getting divorced. She tries everything she can to get them back together, but most of her attempts backfire. Eventually, she accepts her new situation with the help of her friends.
C'est ta course, Charlie Brown !
Third-grader Molly Conway finds out that her parents are getting divorced. She tries everything she can to get them back together, but most of her attempts backfire. Eventually, she accepts her new situation with the help of her friends.
The Making of 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'
Now, years later, fans can get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Christmas favorite. Hosted by comedienne Whoopi Goldberg, this program includes interviews with some of the actors who brought the Peanuts gang to life, and archive footage of the creator himself, Charles Schulz.
The Making of 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'
Now, years later, fans can get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Christmas favorite. Hosted by comedienne Whoopi Goldberg, this program includes interviews with some of the actors who brought the Peanuts gang to life, and archive footage of the creator himself, Charles Schulz.
The Rainbow Bear

The Rainbow Bear

Aug 24, 1970
A sweet and wholly psychedelic children's animation by Bill Melendez, of "Peanuts" fame. Soundtrack by legendary Ghanaian Afro Rock band Osibisa.
The Rainbow Bear

The Rainbow Bear

Aug 24, 1970
A sweet and wholly psychedelic children's animation by Bill Melendez, of "Peanuts" fame. Soundtrack by legendary Ghanaian Afro Rock band Osibisa.
The Rainbow Bear

The Rainbow Bear

Aug 24, 1970
A sweet and wholly psychedelic children's animation by Bill Melendez, of "Peanuts" fame. Soundtrack by legendary Ghanaian Afro Rock band Osibisa.
The Rainbow Bear

The Rainbow Bear

Aug 24, 1970
A sweet and wholly psychedelic children's animation by Bill Melendez, of "Peanuts" fame. Soundtrack by legendary Ghanaian Afro Rock band Osibisa.


May 15, 1987
An animated special based on the comic strip Cathy by Cathy Guisewite.
TV Movie


Feb 11, 1954
Dance teacher Miss Placement is dismayed to learn that the head of the School of Ballet where she teaches has entered her beginners class in a contest just three weeks away. But she manages to get them ready and they are a huge success. The school owner is so pleased that he enters all of the school's 1400 students in a contest where they have to learn "Swan Lake" in just two weeks.
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown
It's the night of Peppermint Patty’s New Year’s Eve bash, but Charlie Brown has to write a book report about War and Peace. Hoping to join the fun for a special dance with the Little Red-Haired Girl, he tries desperately to finish in time.
He's a Bully, Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown and a few of his friends attend a camp, and there they meet Joe Agate, a lying bully who offers to teach kids the game of Marbles without telling them it's for keep. Then he takes their marbles for good. When Rerun is tricked and gets his marbles taken, Charlie Brown must use his own marbles to help get the other kids their marbles back. The only problem is, Charlie Brown doesn't know how to play.
What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?
As they begin their journey home from their student exchange term, Charlie Brown and the gang find themselves sidetracked. They have severe car trouble and more importantly, they pass by various monuments to World Wars I & II. With Linus guiding them through these memorials, they learn about the events of the wars and the sacrifices required of the troops who fought them.
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown!
What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown! is the 17th primetime animated TV specials based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, created by Charles M. Schulz. The plot is similar to that of Jack London's Call of the Wild.
A Charlie Brown Valentine
Lovesick Charlie Brown hopes – still – to get a valentine from the Little Red-Haired Girl, as does Sally from Linus, Lucy from Schroeder and Peppermint Patty from Charlie Brown.
Snoopy: The Musical

Snoopy: The Musical

Jan 29, 1988
The animated adaption of the second stage musical based on the "Peanuts" comics strip, focusing on Snoopy.
A Charlie Brown Celebration
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
Mexican Joyride

Mexican Joyride

Nov 28, 1947
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
Il manquerait plus qu'il neige
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
Régime amaigrissant

Régime amaigrissant

Jan 22, 1949
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
Gerald McBoing-Boing

Gerald McBoing-Boing

Nov 02, 1950
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
No Man's Valley

No Man's Valley

Nov 23, 1981
Elliot, a rare California condor, must find a hideaway for endangered animals before man drives them over the brink into extinction.
This Is America, Charlie Brown
From the voyage of the Mayflower to the bold exploration of outer space, join the Peanuts gang as they take you on a timeless journey through American history! Groove along with Charlie Brown and Snoopy as they discover the beginnings of jazz and ragtime music, accompanied by Lucy's speech about American heroes. So all aboard with Peanuts because This Is America, Charlie Brown!
Peanuts Motion Comics

Peanuts Motion Comics

Dec 03, 2008
Twenty animated shorts bundled into ten episodes based on the art and writings of Charles Schulz. Each episode is taken from actual comic strips that Schulz created in the year 1964. Episodes range from stories about Christmas and Halloween, to school elections, baseball games in the summer, and Valentine Day crushes.
This Is America, Charlie Brown
From the voyage of the Mayflower to the bold exploration of outer space, join the Peanuts gang as they take you on a timeless journey through American history! Groove along with Charlie Brown and Snoopy as they discover the beginnings of jazz and ragtime music, accompanied by Lucy's speech about American heroes. So all aboard with Peanuts because This Is America, Charlie Brown!
This Is America, Charlie Brown
Les aventures du malchanceux Charlie Brown et de son beagle, nommé Snoopy, chien paresseux qui passe son temps à dormir au dessus de sa niche ! Ils vivent tout un tas d'aventures savoureuses avec leurs amis, les Peanuts, une bande d'enfants turbulents (Sally, Lucy, Linus...)
This Is America, Charlie Brown
Les aventures du malchanceux Charlie Brown et de son beagle, nommé Snoopy, chien paresseux qui passe son temps à dormir au dessus de sa niche ! Ils vivent tout un tas d'aventures savoureuses avec leurs amis, les Peanuts, une bande d'enfants turbulents (Sally, Lucy, Linus...)
This Is America, Charlie Brown
From the voyage of the Mayflower to the bold exploration of outer space, join the Peanuts gang as they take you on a timeless journey through American history! Groove along with Charlie Brown and Snoopy as they discover the beginnings of jazz and ragtime music, accompanied by Lucy's speech about American heroes. So all aboard with Peanuts because This Is America, Charlie Brown!
This Is America, Charlie Brown
Twenty animated shorts bundled into ten episodes based on the art and writings of Charles Schulz. Each episode is taken from actual comic strips that Schulz created in the year 1964. Episodes range from stories about Christmas and Halloween, to school elections, baseball games in the summer, and Valentine Day crushes.
This Is America, Charlie Brown
From the voyage of the Mayflower to the bold exploration of outer space, join the Peanuts gang as they take you on a timeless journey through American history! Groove along with Charlie Brown and Snoopy as they discover the beginnings of jazz and ragtime music, accompanied by Lucy's speech about American heroes. So all aboard with Peanuts because This Is America, Charlie Brown!
This Is America, Charlie Brown
From the voyage of the Mayflower to the bold exploration of outer space, join the Peanuts gang as they take you on a timeless journey through American history! Groove along with Charlie Brown and Snoopy as they discover the beginnings of jazz and ragtime music, accompanied by Lucy's speech about American heroes. So all aboard with Peanuts because This Is America, Charlie Brown!