Maria Popistașu

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Love Sick

Love Sick

Mar 16, 2006
L'amour n'a pas de règles. Pour chacun, Alex et Kiki sont juste amies, mais elles éprouvent une amitié plus profonde. Pour leur famille, Kiki et Sandu sont frère et sœur qui se disputent parfois, mais ils s'aiment davantage. La maladie d'amour est le sujet de leurs histoires.
Man zkt vrouw

Man zkt vrouw

Aug 08, 2007
On the day of his forced retirement, a grumpy school principal decides, together with his neighbour, to search for a wife on the Internet...
Le Bleu du ciel

Le Bleu du ciel

Jun 02, 2011
Les relations, déjà compliquées, entre Sofia et sa mère vont être mises à rude épreuve lorsque cette dernière s'installe chez elle, atteinte par la maladie d'Alzheimer. Elle entame alors une collocation forcée avec celle qui s'est toujours comportée comme une mère froide et distante. Au fur et à mesure de cette cohabitation, les propos parfois délirants de sa mère vont lui faire prendre conscience de son état. Ainsi, elle décide de ramener la vieille femme sur les traces de sa jeunesse: Non loin de Riga, la ville où elle a vécu d'insouciantes années de bonheur et d'amour, malgré la douleur de la seconde guerre mondiale.
Mardi après Noël

Mardi après Noël

Sep 17, 2010
Paul et Adriana sont mariés depuis dix ans et ont une petite fille de 8 ans, Mara. Depuis six mois, Paul entretient une liaison extraconjugale avec Raluca, dentiste. Paul, qui essaie de partager les quelques jours précédant Noël entre Raluca, la recherche des cadeaux et les soirées en famille, décide de faire une dernière visite avec Mara au cabinet de Raluca. Un imprévu dans l'emploi du temps d'Adriana fait que les deux femmes se rencontrent pour la première fois. Sans donner lieu à une confrontation, cette rencontre met Paul face à un choix difficile.
L'Étage du dessous

L'Étage du dessous

Sep 18, 2015
En rentrant chez lui, Pătrașcu perçoit derrière une porte au deuxième étage de son immeuble les bruits d’une violente dispute amoureuse. Quelques heures plus tard le corps d’une femme est découvert. Ses soupçons se portent sur Vali, le voisin du premier. Et pourtant Pătrașcu ne se rend pas à la police... même lorsque Vali commence à s’immiscer dans sa vie et dans sa famille.


Jan 20, 2023
A night. Dozens of stories. A city. Lică, a taxi driver, is an all knowing guy, while Liviu, his friend, also a taxi driver keeps a lot to himself. They are completely different and their ideas about life and people only meet when they are eating and drinking at the bar. They are frustrated with their jobs. For Lică money is the most important thing, while Liviu thinks that a happy and fulfilling life represents more. They are trying to rediscover who they are and what they can do with their life, all while being on an on going adventure on the streets of Bucharest where they cross paths with all kinds of clients who end up having an impact on their lives, for better and also for worse.
Crash Test Dummies

Crash Test Dummies

Mar 13, 2005
Ana and Nicolae, a young Romanian couple, travel by bus from Bucharest to Vienna with the prospect of making quick money by handing over a stolen car. As soon as they arrive, however, they are reassured that the car is not yet ready for them. Ana then wants to go back to Romania, Nicolae would rather travel further west. They are stuck penniless in Vienna.
Ink Wash

Ink Wash

Sep 10, 2024
Seeking shelter in her work from the pain of a breakup, Lena, a painter turning 40, is commissioned to decorate a brutalist luxury hotel nestled in the depths of the Romanian forest. There, where the Danube ends its course in seemingly miraculous springs, Lena’s moral views are confronted with an overwhelmingly corrupted community.


Nov 15, 2019
In the Outskirts of Bucharest, in an area he's known all his life, near 60s Police officer Visoiu is given the mission to find two prostitutes that are willing to testify in an organized crime case.
Mia își ratează răzbunarea
Mia, a young actress, is slapped by her boyfriend. That does it. She moves back home and starts planning her revenge. She decides to make a sex video to send to her ex. She just needs to find a man to make it with. And that’s when it turns out things are not that simple.


May 31, 2020
Single mother and immigrant Sonia Diaconescu works at a sheltered accommodation scheme. A resident of the scheme has made an official complaint against her, rousing the elderly community into a mob of angry and fearful citizens whose intolerance is palpable.


Jun 30, 2018
Lara and her ailing father nurse an injured seagull that Lara has found in her backyard. But this is merely a convenient distraction for father and daughter from discussing the topic of death.
Alice T.

Alice T.

May 01, 2019
En pleine crise d’adolescence, Alice souhaite profiter de la vie comme elle l’entend au grand dam de Bogdana, sa mère adoptive. Lors d’une de leurs disputes, celle-ci découvre qu’Alice est enceinte alors que de son côté, elle a toujours espéré avoir un enfant naturel. Ce qui semble être une épreuve va pourtant renforcer leurs liens…


Aug 06, 2021
The suspense story follows three humanitarians whose mission in a remote village called Întregalde, in the Apuseni Mountains, in a remote area of Transylvania to offer the inhabitants various goods. Apart from a few quarrels and conflicts between the group members, everything seems to be going well for Maria and Dan. But soon after they stumble upon a disoriented local and try to help him, things go wrong.


Jun 30, 2018
Lara and her ailing father nurse an injured seagull that Lara has found in her backyard. But this is merely a convenient distraction for father and daughter from discussing the topic of death.


Jun 30, 2018
Lara and her ailing father nurse an injured seagull that Lara has found in her backyard. But this is merely a convenient distraction for father and daughter from discussing the topic of death.
Gunpowder, Treason & Plot
Mini series depicting the turbulent and bloody reigns of Scottish monarchs Mary, Queen of Scots and her son King James VI of Scotland who became King James I of England and foiled the Gunpowder Plot.
Midnight Man

Midnight Man

May 22, 2008
Disgraced journalist Max Raban is reduced to raking though bins for celebrity stories, a thankless task that suits him because of his phobia of daylight. His condition has already driven his wife and daughter away and he's desperate for a real story. When he uncovers the murder of two Iranian cousins, Max starts to suspect that there is a death squad at work, targeting pro-Islamists and backed by an organisation bent on waging perpetual war. Is Max an investigative journalist at last?