Fernand Dansereau

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Le direct avant la lettre
Thanks to the development of techniques and the adventurous spirit of pioneering filmmakers, among whom Michel Brault occupies a central place, a new way of making cinema was born at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. This film relevantly retraces the history of a collective movement which revolutionized production and filming methods in Quebec and the world.
Au boute du rien pantoute
Tous les matins, depuis les années 60, Marcel se confie à son magnétophone à cassettes. C'est à partir de ses réflexions sur la vie, que ce film se déploie à travers les époques.
Doux Aveux

Doux Aveux

Sep 12, 1982
An eccentric old grandmother decides to leave her nagging daughter's house to live on her own. Her teenaged granddaughter seizes the opportunity to go too.
Doux Aveux

Doux Aveux

Sep 12, 1982
An eccentric old grandmother decides to leave her nagging daughter's house to live on her own. Her teenaged granddaughter seizes the opportunity to go too.
Québec-U.S.A. ou L'invasion pacifique
They come in high-powered convertibles, with cameras and curiosity, to look at French Canada and French-Canadians. Their usual objective is Québec City, where they can soak up a bit of French culture without a trip to France. With an eye for humour, VISIT TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY shows the people of Québec taking a look at American tourists who have come to Québec to take a look at them.
La mort de Gandji

La mort de Gandji

Jan 01, 1965
An animated film made with humor and tenderness whose action takes place in a small village in the African bush.
Faut aller parmi l'monde pour le savoir
The use of any language other than French in Quebec, particularly when separatist fervor is high, often serves to incite protests and even legal action. This French language documentary examines separatist feeling in parts of Quebec, and reviews language grievances. Among the conflicts examined is one with General Motors. It must be stated that the documentarian are clearly in favor of the separatist cause, and are also in favor of Quebec's "encouraging" companies doing business in Quebec to do it (at least officially) in French. From the evidence of this documentary, the attempts of Canadians outside of Quebec to pacify the Quebecois with "bilingualism" seems unlikely to succeed.
À Saint-Henri le cinq septembre
This short film is a series of vignettes of life in Saint-Henri, a Montreal working-class district, on the first day of school. From dawn to midnight, we take in the neighbourhood’s pulse: a mother fussing over children, a father's enforced idleness, teenage boys clowning, young lovers dallying - the unposed quality of daily life.
Pour la suite du monde
This short film is a series of vignettes of life in Saint-Henri, a Montreal working-class district, on the first day of school. From dawn to midnight, we take in the neighbourhood’s pulse: a mother fussing over children, a father's enforced idleness, teenage boys clowning, young lovers dallying - the unposed quality of daily life.
Strangers for the Day

Strangers for the Day

Jan 01, 1962
This short documentary shows the reactions of European immigrants as they land in Halifax at the beginning of the 1960s. From the port, we follow them on a snowy journey by train to Montreal.
Les mains nettes

Les mains nettes

Jan 01, 1958
This short documentary shows the reactions of European immigrants as they land in Halifax at the beginning of the 1960s. From the port, we follow them on a snowy journey by train to Montreal.


Jan 05, 1968
This socially-driven film explores the impact of technological changes on the city of Saint-Jérôme, which faced a severe socio-economic crisis in the 1960s, mirroring issues in other Quebec cities. Citizens from all social classes come together in a monumental effort to address the crisis. The film serves as both a reflection of this situation and a catalyst for action, acting as a mediation tool between technology and those affected, and facilitating participation in the reorganization of society.
L'érotisme et le vieil âge
The director deals with the subject of the sexuality of older people, an often taboo subject. The actress Louise Portal and her partner Jacques Hébert participated in this documentary. They share their experience with us.
L'érotisme et le vieil âge
The director deals with the subject of the sexuality of older people, an often taboo subject. The actress Louise Portal and her partner Jacques Hébert participated in this documentary. They share their experience with us.
Le vieil âge et l'espérance
The director deals with the subject of the sexuality of older people, an often taboo subject. The actress Louise Portal and her partner Jacques Hébert participated in this documentary. They share their experience with us.
Paul-Émile Borduas (1905-1960)
The director deals with the subject of the sexuality of older people, an often taboo subject. The actress Louise Portal and her partner Jacques Hébert participated in this documentary. They share their experience with us.
Doux Aveux

Doux Aveux

Sep 12, 1982
An eccentric old grandmother decides to leave her nagging daughter's house to live on her own. Her teenaged granddaughter seizes the opportunity to go too.
Marius Barbeau et l'art totémique
Ethnologist Marius Barbeau introduces us to indigenous mythology. Masks, dances, songs, and totems are used to give the audience a highly suggestive representation of the "biblical" history (Mr. Barbeau's word) of Indigenous tribes.
Gui Daò - Sur la voie - Une gare sur le Yangzi
This documentary reveals something of the Chinese temperament through a visit to a seemingly ordinary railway station. Then we start to wonder. What does the “moving red flag” mean? Who are these Orientals, so patient in waiting, so concerned with order and the public good? Astonishment is followed by sympathy for the spontaneity and humor of these Chinese who, like us, share the same hopes and concerns.
Gui Daò - Sur la voie - Aller retour Beijing
This documentary takes us on a journey of discovery of China through the eyes of the employees on the train that runs between Wuchang and Beijing. We join the team of young women responsible for the well-being of passengers, and share their daily life in all its playfulness and serenity, even if discipline is omnipresent. Behind every word, every look, a new being to get to know.