Noah Watts

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The Slaughter Rule

The Slaughter Rule

Jan 11, 2002
A young man finds solace with a young woman, his mother, and a high-school football coach who recruits him to quarterback a six-man team.


Sep 27, 2002
An inspirational tale about the relationship between two Sioux Indian brothers living on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation.


Nov 02, 2002
Faced with the murder of three medicine men, Navajo police must find the culprit. That the murders appear to be the work of a Skinwalker, or bad medicine man, complicate and illuminate the detective's work.
The Dome of Heaven

The Dome of Heaven

Jul 04, 2011
Set in the unique beauty of Oklahoma country, "Dome of Heaven" is the story of the Moses family, dysfunctionally struggling for decades, and which consists of a Cherokee father and German mother and their two adult children Franklin and Flutie. With challenges both personal and societal, each tries to find their place in a world and peace with each other, but so many complications of emotions, culture clash and misunderstanding often keeps them apart.
The Last Beyond

The Last Beyond

May 24, 2020
Dreams and memory intertwine in the Depression as a man grieving his father's death leads an unlikely crew in search of freedom in the mountains of Montana.
Monster Mountain

Monster Mountain

Mar 28, 2012
When a young boy becomes lost on a deadly mountain, he soon finds himself battling mother nature and an evil monster in order to get home to his mom.
The Burden of Being

The Burden of Being

Nov 18, 2014
In the year 2061, where only one utilitarian race -- known as 'The Nation' -- is recognized, a Native American man is imprisoned for speaking his ancient tribal language.
Science Fiction
The Glades

The Glades

Aug 26, 2013
Un détective doté d'un grand sens de l'humour déménage dans une petite ville de Floride et rejoint la police locale après s'être fait tirer dessus par son ancien patron qui croyait, à tort, qu'il avait couché avec sa femme !
Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy

Dec 09, 2014
L'histoire se déroule à Charming, ville fictive du comté de San Joaquin en Californie. Une lutte de territoires entre dealers et trafiquants d'armes vient perturber les affaires d'un club de bikers (Motorcycle Club, ou MC en anglais). Ce club, nommé , Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original couramment abrégé en SAMCRO, fait régner l'ordre dans Charming. Clay Morrow, président de SAMCRO et patron du garage Teller-Morrow, ainsi que Jax Teller, vice-président, mènent le club. Les Sons of Anarchy sont à la fois craints par la population mais également très respectés et admirés pour leur code d’honneur et leur capacité à maintenir l’ordre et rendre justice dans les situations délicates.