Anne-Marie Miéville

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Ici et Ailleurs

Ici et Ailleurs

Sep 15, 1976
" Ici, c'est une famille de Français moyens devant leur télévision. Ailleurs, ce sont des combattants palestiniens filmés avant les massacres de Septembre noir." (JLG, 1976). "On est venu ici pour étudier ça : apprendre, tirer des leçons, si possible enregistrer ces leçons, pour les diffuser ensuite ici même, ou ailleurs dans le monde. Il y a presque un an, deux d'entre nous sont venus enquêter au Front démocratique. Puis un autre est allé au Fath. Nous avons lu les textes et les programmes. En tant que maoïstes français, nous avons décidé de faire le film avec le Fath dont le titre est Jusqu'à la victoire. Nous laissons les Palestiniens, au cours du film, dire eux-mêmes le mot: "Révolution". Mais le avrai titre du film, c'est Méthodes de pensée et de travail du mouvement de libération palestinien." (JLG, Manifeste, juillet 1970)
Godard, seul le cinéma
Jean-Luc Godard, c'est le cinéma, sa quintessence. A tout juste 91 ans, il a réalisé plus de 140 films. C'est un personnage public autant qu'un homme enveloppé de mystère. Il n'est pas facile de s'emparer d'un géant aussi légendaire et énigmatique. L'itinéraire de Godard ne suit qu'une seule direction : un renouvellement constant de son art. Il voit l'acte créatif comme un acte nécessaire de critique et de déconstruction. Ce portrait veut nous emmener au-delà des clichés d'un mythe devenu parfois caricatural, à la rencontre d'un homme plus sentimental qu'il n'y paraît, un homme habité, parfois dépassé, par son art.
Godard par Godard

Godard par Godard

May 17, 2023
Pour le monde entier, Jean-Luc Godard est synonyme de cinéma. Depuis son décès, le grand public comme les plus fins connaisseurs de son oeuvre gigantesque savent que c'est la fin d'une période, que s'achève avec lui une époque où le cinéma était encore au centre de la société, le divertissement préféré de tout le monde, à la fois industriel et personnel, commercial et expérimental, spectaculaire et capable de profondeur. Le parcours de Godard, fait de brusques décrochages et de retours fracassants, est unique. Godard ne s'est jamais retourné sur son passé et n'a jamais cessé d'expérimenter.
Soft and Hard

Soft and Hard

Aug 12, 1985
Une discussion entre Jean-Luc Godard et Anne-Marie Miéville. Dans une première partie, on entend leur dialogue en voix-off sur des images de Godard au téléphone ou train de mimer un match de tennis et d'Anne-Marie Miéville en train de repasser. Puis, après de superbes vues de paysages (lac et ciel), on retrouve Godard et Miéville sur un canapé, parlant des images, de la télévision et du cinéma.
Le Rapport Darty

Le Rapport Darty

Jan 01, 1989
A daring deconstruction of consumerist behavior featuring a robot and Miss Clio Darty, with a voiceover by Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, this philosophical "report," like so many of Godard's commissions, was rejected by its funders.
Comment ça va ?

Comment ça va ?

Apr 26, 1978
Dans l'imprimerie d'un journal communiste, une militante gauchiste remet en cause le procédé de fabrication de l'information.
Le Livre d'image

Le Livre d'image

Oct 11, 2018
Dans Le Livre d’Image, Jean-Luc Godard recycle des images déjà existantes (films, documentaires, peintures, archives télévisuelles, etc.), cite des extraits de livres, utilise des fragments de musique. Le moteur, c’est la rime poétique, l’association ou l’opposition d’idées, l’étincelle esthétique à travers le montage, clé de voûte. L’auteur exécute un travail de sculpteur. La main, pour cela, est essentielle. Il en fait l’éloge au début. « Il y a les cinq doigts. Les cinq sens. Les cinq parties du monde (…). La vraie condition de l’homme, c’est de penser avec ses mains. » Jean-Luc Godard compose une éblouissante syncope de séquences, dont le déferlement évoque la violence des flux de nos écrans contemporains, portée à un niveau d'incandescence rarement atteint. Couronné à Cannes, le dernier Godard est un film choc, à la beauté crépusculaire.
Scénario du film Passion
JLG réalise, pour la télévision suisse-romande, ce « Scénario du film Passion » où, la plupart du temps en ombre chinoise et face à un écran lumineux il explique le cheminement qu’il a emprunté pour aboutir au scénario-film « Passion ».
Faut pas rêver

Faut pas rêver

Dec 31, 1977
Exercice à partir de la chanson « Faut pas rêver » de Patrick Juvet, diffusé en 1978 dans l'émission « On ne manque pas d'airs ».
TV Movie
Liberté et Patrie

Liberté et Patrie

Aug 01, 2002
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
The Old Place

The Old Place

May 19, 2000
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Comment ça va ?

Comment ça va ?

Apr 26, 1978
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Comment ça va ?

Comment ça va ?

Apr 26, 1978
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Soft and Hard

Soft and Hard

Aug 12, 1985
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Soft and Hard

Soft and Hard

Aug 12, 1985
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Soft and Hard

Soft and Hard

Aug 12, 1985
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
France / Tour / Detour / Deux / Enfants
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
TV Movie
Le Livre de Marie

Le Livre de Marie

Jan 23, 1985
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Liberté et Patrie

Liberté et Patrie

Aug 01, 2002
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Deux fois cinquante ans de cinéma français
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
L'Enfance de l'art

L'Enfance de l'art

Jan 01, 1992
Children living and playing in a war zone are touched by violence. Part of How Are the Kids? (1990), a UNICEF-sponsored six-film anthology depicting childhood horrors around the world.
Le Rapport Darty

Le Rapport Darty

Jan 01, 1989
A daring deconstruction of consumerist behavior featuring a robot and Miss Clio Darty, with a voiceover by Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, this philosophical "report," like so many of Godard's commissions, was rejected by its funders.
Mon cher sujet

Mon cher sujet

Jan 11, 1989
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Mon cher sujet

Mon cher sujet

Jan 11, 1989
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Mon cher sujet

Mon cher sujet

Jan 11, 1989
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Nous sommes tous encore ici
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Notre musique

Notre musique

Nov 24, 2004
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Pour Thomas Wainggai

Pour Thomas Wainggai

Mar 06, 1991
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Le Livre de Marie

Le Livre de Marie

Jan 23, 1985
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Le Livre de Marie

Le Livre de Marie

Jan 23, 1985
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Dans le temps

Dans le temps

Oct 04, 2019
Cats laying, moving, leading a kind of interlude directed by Anne-Marie Miéville.
Sang titre

Sang titre

Mar 01, 2020
A special version of ‘Dans le noir du temps’ for viewers in Ramallah and the Gaza Strip.
Faire la fête

Faire la fête

Jan 01, 1987
"Miéville captures a moment of disquieting intimacy amid the bustle of a parade." - BAM
Faire la fête

Faire la fête

Jan 01, 1987
"Miéville captures a moment of disquieting intimacy amid the bustle of a parade." - BAM
The Old Place

The Old Place

May 19, 2000
The title and subtitle of this French miniseries are “Six Times Two; Over and under the media”. The “six” refers to the fact that there are six episodes; the “two” has a double meaning.
The Old Place

The Old Place

May 19, 2000
The title and subtitle of this French miniseries are “Six Times Two; Over and under the media”. The “six” refers to the fact that there are six episodes; the “two” has a double meaning.
Liberté et Patrie

Liberté et Patrie

Aug 01, 2002
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
France / Tour / Detour / Deux / Enfants
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
TV Movie
France / Tour / Detour / Deux / Enfants
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
TV Movie
Numéro deux

Numéro deux

Sep 24, 1975
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
L'amour des femmes

L'amour des femmes

Feb 13, 1982
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
L'amour des femmes

L'amour des femmes

Feb 13, 1982
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Je vous salue, Marie

Je vous salue, Marie

Jan 23, 1985
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Numéro deux

Numéro deux

Sep 24, 1975
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Dans le noir du temps

Dans le noir du temps

Sep 03, 2002
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.


May 26, 1982
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Comment ça va ?

Comment ça va ?

Apr 26, 1978
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Nouvelle Vague

Nouvelle Vague

Mar 23, 1990
The title of this twenty-minute video by Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, “Freedom and Fatherland,” is the official slogan of the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland, where the filmmakers live and grew up. To fulfill their commission from a Swiss cultural festival, they adapted a great Swiss novel, “Aimé Pache, Painter from the Vaud,” by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, from 1911 (about a local artist who goes to Paris for his education and then returns home) and extruded its autobiographical analogies to Godard’s own life and work. Using a choice set of clips from Godard’s films to coincide with events from the painter’s life, verbal references to modern times and to Godard’s own—Sartre, the late nineteen-sixties, the cinema—and images of the Swiss terrain, which plays a decisive role in the work of Pache, Godard, and Miéville (an important filmmaker in her own right), they produce the effect of mirrors within mirrors.
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello
Collection of short films the summaries of which include; a foreign man moving to Italy, getting married and having a child; a four split scene short involving plot-less images of old people with television sets for heads, a beautiful woman having sex, and overall confusion; and an old man reminiscing over his youth.
Science Fiction
Tout va bien

Tout va bien

Apr 28, 1972
Collection of short films the summaries of which include; a foreign man moving to Italy, getting married and having a child; a four split scene short involving plot-less images of old people with television sets for heads, a beautiful woman having sex, and overall confusion; and an old man reminiscing over his youth.


May 10, 1985
Jean-Luc Godard, and Anne-Marie Miéville Four Short Films
Prénom Carmen

Prénom Carmen

Dec 01, 1983
Director Jean-Luc Godard reflects in this movie about his place in film history, the interaction of film industry and film as art, as well as the act of creating art.
Prénom Carmen

Prénom Carmen

Dec 01, 1983
Director Jean-Luc Godard reflects in this movie about his place in film history, the interaction of film industry and film as art, as well as the act of creating art.
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

May 27, 1997
Marcello Mastroianni, Isabelle Adjani, Alain Delon, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen… les plus grandes stars du cinéma ont été reçues par Christian Defaye dans son émission Spécial cinéma. Entre confessions intimes des comédiens et immersion dans l'univers des plus grands cinéastes, Christian Defaye a entraîné, durant près de trente ans, les téléspectateurs dans cet univers fascinant du Septième art.
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
1976. Jean-Luc Godard et Anne-Marie Miéville adoptent l'outil télévision pour mieux en dénoncer le contenu. Ils réalisent à Grenoble en 1975-1976 une série de six programmes de cent minutes, divisés chacun en deux émissions, pensée en vue d'une diffusion destinée au plus grand nombre. Véritable réflexion sur les moyens de communication, la série dénonce les médias « qui étouffent le vrai » pour proposer en contrepartie une télévision autre, plus proche des réalités sociales et plus critique.
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
1976. Jean-Luc Godard et Anne-Marie Miéville adoptent l'outil télévision pour mieux en dénoncer le contenu. Ils réalisent à Grenoble en 1975-1976 une série de six programmes de cent minutes, divisés chacun en deux émissions, pensée en vue d'une diffusion destinée au plus grand nombre. Véritable réflexion sur les moyens de communication, la série dénonce les médias « qui étouffent le vrai » pour proposer en contrepartie une télévision autre, plus proche des réalités sociales et plus critique.
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
1976. Jean-Luc Godard et Anne-Marie Miéville adoptent l'outil télévision pour mieux en dénoncer le contenu. Ils réalisent à Grenoble en 1975-1976 une série de six programmes de cent minutes, divisés chacun en deux émissions, pensée en vue d'une diffusion destinée au plus grand nombre. Véritable réflexion sur les moyens de communication, la série dénonce les médias « qui étouffent le vrai » pour proposer en contrepartie une télévision autre, plus proche des réalités sociales et plus critique.
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
Jean-Luc Godard observe la journée de deux enfants d'une dizaine d'années, un petit garçon et une petite fille, pour s'interroger sur la réalité, sur les mots, sur les images, et aussi sur la télévision. Au cours de chaque émission, composée de rubriques variées à la manière d'un magazine, Jean-Luc Godard établit des allers et retours: entre l'école et la famille, entre les loisirs et le travail, entre le sommeil et le réveil, tels que les enfants les perçoivent et les racontent en réponse à des questions qui les surprennent. D'autres allers et retours suivent: entre les choses et le langage, entre les apparences et ce qu'elles cachent, entre les enfants et les adultes...
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
Jean-Luc Godard observe la journée de deux enfants d'une dizaine d'années, un petit garçon et une petite fille, pour s'interroger sur la réalité, sur les mots, sur les images, et aussi sur la télévision. Au cours de chaque émission, composée de rubriques variées à la manière d'un magazine, Jean-Luc Godard établit des allers et retours: entre l'école et la famille, entre les loisirs et le travail, entre le sommeil et le réveil, tels que les enfants les perçoivent et les racontent en réponse à des questions qui les surprennent. D'autres allers et retours suivent: entre les choses et le langage, entre les apparences et ce qu'elles cachent, entre les enfants et les adultes...
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
Jean-Luc Godard observe la journée de deux enfants d'une dizaine d'années, un petit garçon et une petite fille, pour s'interroger sur la réalité, sur les mots, sur les images, et aussi sur la télévision. Au cours de chaque émission, composée de rubriques variées à la manière d'un magazine, Jean-Luc Godard établit des allers et retours: entre l'école et la famille, entre les loisirs et le travail, entre le sommeil et le réveil, tels que les enfants les perçoivent et les racontent en réponse à des questions qui les surprennent. D'autres allers et retours suivent: entre les choses et le langage, entre les apparences et ce qu'elles cachent, entre les enfants et les adultes...
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
Jean-Luc Godard observe la journée de deux enfants d'une dizaine d'années, un petit garçon et une petite fille, pour s'interroger sur la réalité, sur les mots, sur les images, et aussi sur la télévision. Au cours de chaque émission, composée de rubriques variées à la manière d'un magazine, Jean-Luc Godard établit des allers et retours: entre l'école et la famille, entre les loisirs et le travail, entre le sommeil et le réveil, tels que les enfants les perçoivent et les racontent en réponse à des questions qui les surprennent. D'autres allers et retours suivent: entre les choses et le langage, entre les apparences et ce qu'elles cachent, entre les enfants et les adultes...
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
1976. Jean-Luc Godard et Anne-Marie Miéville adoptent l'outil télévision pour mieux en dénoncer le contenu. Ils réalisent à Grenoble en 1975-1976 une série de six programmes de cent minutes, divisés chacun en deux émissions, pensée en vue d'une diffusion destinée au plus grand nombre. Véritable réflexion sur les moyens de communication, la série dénonce les médias « qui étouffent le vrai » pour proposer en contrepartie une télévision autre, plus proche des réalités sociales et plus critique.
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
1976. Jean-Luc Godard et Anne-Marie Miéville adoptent l'outil télévision pour mieux en dénoncer le contenu. Ils réalisent à Grenoble en 1975-1976 une série de six programmes de cent minutes, divisés chacun en deux émissions, pensée en vue d'une diffusion destinée au plus grand nombre. Véritable réflexion sur les moyens de communication, la série dénonce les médias « qui étouffent le vrai » pour proposer en contrepartie une télévision autre, plus proche des réalités sociales et plus critique.
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
1976. Jean-Luc Godard et Anne-Marie Miéville adoptent l'outil télévision pour mieux en dénoncer le contenu. Ils réalisent à Grenoble en 1975-1976 une série de six programmes de cent minutes, divisés chacun en deux émissions, pensée en vue d'une diffusion destinée au plus grand nombre. Véritable réflexion sur les moyens de communication, la série dénonce les médias « qui étouffent le vrai » pour proposer en contrepartie une télévision autre, plus proche des réalités sociales et plus critique.
Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication
Jean-Luc Godard observe la journée de deux enfants d'une dizaine d'années, un petit garçon et une petite fille, pour s'interroger sur la réalité, sur les mots, sur les images, et aussi sur la télévision. Au cours de chaque émission, composée de rubriques variées à la manière d'un magazine, Jean-Luc Godard établit des allers et retours: entre l'école et la famille, entre les loisirs et le travail, entre le sommeil et le réveil, tels que les enfants les perçoivent et les racontent en réponse à des questions qui les surprennent. D'autres allers et retours suivent: entre les choses et le langage, entre les apparences et ce qu'elles cachent, entre les enfants et les adultes...