Shirley Rich

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Portrait d'une enfant déchue
Ancienne célébrité de mannequinat, Lou Andreas Sand s’est isolée dans une maison au bord de l’océan où elle tente de vivre autrement, en se consacrant à la poésie et à la sculpture. Abîmée par la dépression et les excès, elle reçoit la visite de son ami photographe Aaron Reinhardt. Il tente avec elle de faire le point sur sa vie.
La joyeuse revenante

La joyeuse revenante

Nov 06, 1987
Lucy Chadman vit heureuse dans son rôle d'épouse, de mère et de femme au foyer. Affectueuse, intelligente et drôle, elle adore son mari, Jason, un chirurgien esthétique promis à un brillant avenir. Mais est-elle vraiment l'épouse qui convient à ses ambitions ? Elle est d'une incurable maladresse, et sa sœur, Zelda, passionnée d'occultisme et excentrique à souhait, fait fuir toute la bonne société new-yorkaise susceptible d'aider Jason dans sa carrière. Un jour, Lucy s'étouffe en avalant une boulette de viande, et trépasse. Les mois s'écoulent. La vie reprend son cours, et Jason s'est remarié avec Kim, une ancienne amie de Lucy. Seule Zelda reste inconsolable et décide de ramener Lucy d'entre les morts à la grande surprise de Jason et de son entourage...


Dec 20, 1981


Oct 26, 1984
An aging out of shape reporter falls for a pretty but seriously ill ballerina.
Andre's Mother

Andre's Mother

Mar 07, 1990
Written by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Terrence McNally, Andre's Mother is the story of Katherine Gerard (Sada Thompson) who has lost her son to AIDS. Set at Andre's memorial service, the film follows Katherine's journey as she confronts the death of her son, the anguish of his lover Cal Porter (Richard Thomas), and, in flashbacks, the key moments of denial and miscommunication with those closest to her. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season nine, episode four).
Journal intime d'une femme mariée
Written by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Terrence McNally, Andre's Mother is the story of Katherine Gerard (Sada Thompson) who has lost her son to AIDS. Set at Andre's memorial service, the film follows Katherine's journey as she confronts the death of her son, the anguish of his lover Cal Porter (Richard Thomas), and, in flashbacks, the key moments of denial and miscommunication with those closest to her. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season nine, episode four).
Les 3 Jours du Condor

Les 3 Jours du Condor

Sep 24, 1975
Written by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Terrence McNally, Andre's Mother is the story of Katherine Gerard (Sada Thompson) who has lost her son to AIDS. Set at Andre's memorial service, the film follows Katherine's journey as she confronts the death of her son, the anguish of his lover Cal Porter (Richard Thomas), and, in flashbacks, the key moments of denial and miscommunication with those closest to her. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season nine, episode four).


Mar 01, 1976
A man, recently released from a mental hospital, tries to track down his family.


Dec 18, 1973
A man, recently released from a mental hospital, tries to track down his family.
The Prince of Central Park
A lonely widow who frequents Central Park becomes emotionally involved with two orphaned youngsters who have built an oasis for themselves there after fleeing from a foster home. A young Brooke Shields made her TV acting debut in a small role.
Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams
Rita, a middle aged New York City homemaker, finds herself in an emotional crisis which forces her to re-examine her life, as well as her relationships with her mother, her eye doctor husband, her alienated daughter and estranged son.