Tami Reiker

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Act of Love

Act of Love

Dec 09, 2000
An unexpected surprise awaits dinner guests.
TV Movie


Nov 05, 1998
Andrea Marr is a bright, straight-A, mature, 18-year-old high school senior on the verge of womanhood who decides to abandon her sheltered, boring lifestyle and her bookish friend Darcy for a look into the local rock and roll scene as a groupie to local rock singer Tod Sparrow and learn more about the life of one who follows a touring band along with her new friends aspiring rock star wannabee Cybil, outgoing fellow groupie Rebecca, and music critic Kevin.
Triple Bogey On A Par Five Hole
The Levys, a glamorous couple, used to make their living robbing golfers, until they met their fatal handicap. Years later, scriptwriter Remy Gravelle decides to observe the Levy progeny as they sail endlessly round Manhattan in their luxury yacht.
Urban Legend

Urban Legend

Jan 01, 1994
In a park, a homeless woman claiming to be a psychoanalyst helps out Annie, a troubled young woman in need of some guidance, by explaining to her in a fun and approachable way the philosophy of Freud and Kierkegaard. Comedy short from "Four Tales from Two Cities."
High Art

High Art

Jun 12, 1998
In a park, a homeless woman claiming to be a psychoanalyst helps out Annie, a troubled young woman in need of some guidance, by explaining to her in a fun and approachable way the philosophy of Freud and Kierkegaard. Comedy short from "Four Tales from Two Cities."
Beyond the lights

Beyond the lights

Nov 14, 2014
In a park, a homeless woman claiming to be a psychoanalyst helps out Annie, a troubled young woman in need of some guidance, by explaining to her in a fun and approachable way the philosophy of Freud and Kierkegaard. Comedy short from "Four Tales from Two Cities."
Un festin à New York

Un festin à New York

Oct 17, 2003
In a park, a homeless woman claiming to be a psychoanalyst helps out Annie, a troubled young woman in need of some guidance, by explaining to her in a fun and approachable way the philosophy of Freud and Kierkegaard. Comedy short from "Four Tales from Two Cities."
Lifestyles of the Ramones
Documentary on the Ramones, including archival footage, interviews and music videos, this was first released on VHS in 1990 and later re-released on DVD as part of the WEIRD TALES OF THE RAMONES box set in 2005, with expanded content. HEY, HO, LET'S GO!


Oct 25, 1995
Alchemy, Webster says, is a magical process of transmuting ordinary materials into something of true merit (base metals into gold). And such is this story of a young, very intense, woman who 'sculpts' by placing in some kind of order into cigar boxes, little things, usually broken, that she finds here and there. So exciting is her work that she is able to go to a month long retreat where she is only asked to "do what you do without interruption." But there are interruptions, and not only at this retreat, but in other parts of her life as she tries to amalgamate who she is from what she discovers about herself.
Far Harbor

Far Harbor

Nov 22, 1996
While back in his hometown, a suicidal former baseball player encounters the spirit of his deceased mother, who takes him on a sentimental tour meant to restore his love of life.
Second Thoughts

Second Thoughts

May 15, 2015
In Second Thoughts a cult leader gets cold feet when it comes time to fulfill his own prophesy and transcend to the afterlife.
L'Incroyable Vérité

L'Incroyable Vérité

Jul 20, 1990
In Second Thoughts a cult leader gets cold feet when it comes time to fulfill his own prophesy and transcend to the afterlife.
I Miss You

I Miss You

Jan 01, 1996
In both live-action and animated selves, Björk sings about wanting to meet that perfect lover, while interacting with Jimmy the Idiot Boy and other John Kricfalusi creations.


Sep 14, 2010
The first time Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova stepped onto a tennis court together, the world scarcely noticed. Only a few hundred spectators saw the pert 18-year-old beat the scrappy 16-year-old Czech in 1973. “I remember that she was fat,” Evert recalled. “She was very emotional on the court, whining if she didn't feel she was playing well. But I remember thinking, if she loses weight, we’re all in trouble.” Said Navratilova, “My goal was for her to remember my name.” Eighty matches later – amid the extraordinary growth of women’s tennis – Evert not only remembered, but became a tried and true friend and confidante, remarkable considering the two appeared to be polar opposites in upbringing, life styles and personal relationships. Through a series of personal conversations, this documentary will tell the story of one of the greatest one-on-one sports rivalries and capture these two extraordinary athletes’ views on tennis and an ever-changing world.


Oct 10, 2011
A girl argues with her older and younger sisters during a family car trip.
The Old Guard

The Old Guard

Jul 10, 2020
A girl argues with her older and younger sisters during a family car trip.

Mar 27, 2005

La série se déroule aux Etats-Unis en 1934, durant la Grande Dépression de l'entre deux guerres. Nous y suivons deux personnages : Ben Hawkins, jeune fermier recueilli par le Carnivàle, un cirque ambulant où se côtoient femme à barbe, sœurs siamoises, homme-lézard et autres télépathes et dirigé par le mystérieux "Patron". Ainsi que Justin Crowe, un révérend officiant dans la petite paroisse de Mintern et aidé par sa sœur Iris. On découvre vite que ces deux hommes sont liés par quelque mystérieux destin... qui sont-ils réellement et quelle est cette destinée ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Jun 10, 2022

Après la mort de leur mère, Mel, Maggie et Macy, trois soeurs vivants sous le même toit, découvrent qu'elles sont des sorcières. Entre les démons à massacrer, le patriarcat à combattre et les liens familiaux à maintenir intacts, le boulot d'une sorcière n'est jamais terminé...

May 24, 2017

Quand un policier afro-américain tue un étudiant blanc désarmé, leur petite ville de Caroline du Nord est bouleversée. Avant même que les habitants n'aient le temps d'apprendre la tragédie, l'affaire cachée du meurtre d'un adolescent afro-américain est remis sur le tapis, ouvrant des blessures qui menacent de diviser complètement la ville. Tandis qu'une détective et un procureur s'allient pour tenter de découvrir la vérité, ils suspectent les autorités et instances politiques de corruption.