Dervla Kirwan

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Silent Hours

Silent Hours

Sep 01, 2021
Principal suspect d'une série de meurtres atroces, John Duval, ex-officier de la Royal Navy devenu détective privé, se lance sur la trace du vrai coupable.
Sex in a Cold Climate

Sex in a Cold Climate

Mar 16, 1998
Interlocking interviews of 4 women interred in various Magdalene asylums and/or orphanages because of out-of-wedlock pregnancies, being sexually assaulted, or just being "too pretty".


Mar 05, 2010
Syracuse, un pêcheur irlandais, découvre un jour dans son filet une femme prénommée Ondine, dont il est persuadé qu'il s'agit d'une sirène. Au fur et à mesure qu'Ondine s'intègre dans la communauté, plusieurs théories émergent quant à sa nature, tandis que Syracuse commence à tomber amoureux d'elle...
December Bride

December Bride

May 17, 1990
At the beginning of the 20th century, a young servant provokes an independent Irish farm community by her relationship with two brothers. Pregnant, she refuses to reveal the name of the father.
The Flint Street Nativity
With angels crying in the toilets all because of a jealous Angel Gabriel, it could only be the eagerly awaited performance of the Primary school nativity play - this time with a twist! The UK's finest comedy actors take the leading roles as the eight year old performers. Through the inevitable mishaps, misunderstandings, young egos, fears of failure and fallings out, the children's characters evolve into mirror images of thier parents, the nativity play's audience. You'll be drawn into the amusing and enchanting worlds and minds of young children and reminisce about your own childhood performances!


Oct 24, 2012
In 1998, thirty four unidentified bodies were found in shallow graves in a remote Siberian forest. After subsequent investigations, no official explanation by the Russian authorities was ever offered about the circumstances of the deaths.
The Dark Room

The Dark Room

Apr 02, 1999
In hospital, photographer Jinx Kingsley wakes from a coma after a car crash - a failed suicide attempt, prompted by her fiance Leo jilting her to elope with Jinx's lifelong best friend, Meg. The discovery of Leo and Meg's bodies - brutally murdered in the same manner as Jinx's first husband - makes Jinx the prime suspect. Then, with the help of eminent neuroscientist Dr.Alan Protheroe, some memories begin to surface. Memories of desperation and paralysing terror.
With or Without You

With or Without You

Sep 10, 1999
Cela va faire près d'un an que Rosie et Vincent tentent de faire un bébé. Ils ont tout essayé mais rien n'y fait et leur bonheur conjugal jusque-là sans nuages finit par s'assombrir. C'est ce moment que choisit Benoit, l'ancien correspondant français de Rosie, pour s'installer à Belfast et commencer une nouvelle vie après un désastre amoureux et la perte de son emploi. Si Rosie est ravie de retrouver l'homme avec lequel elle a partagé tant de secrets épistolaires, Vincent décèle très vite chez le nouveau venu les signes avant-coureurs du type qui s'incruste.


Sep 26, 2014
Renowned artist and filmmaker Dave McKean (MirrorMask) brings his distinctive blend of live action and gorgeously wrought animation to this dreamlike reverie about four people whose weekend idyll in an isolated English seaside home becomes an opportunity for spiritual healing.
Doctor Who - Cyber Noël
Le Docteur, à présent seul, effectue un nouveau voyage spatio-temporel. C'est avec plaisir qu'il atterrit à Londres. Mais il se rend bien vite compte qu'il s'agit de la capitale britannique telle qu'elle était en 1851. De plus, les Londoniens s'apprêtent à fêter Noël. C'est dans une atmosphère festive que le Docteur tombe nez à nez avec un étrange individu. Cet homme prétend être le seul et unique Docteur. Le doute s'installe dans les esprits. Qui est le véritable Docteur ? S'agit-il de la prochaine «incarnation» du Docteur ou d'un simple imposteur qui veut tirer profit de la situation ? Le Docteur tente alors de tirer cette affaire au clair...
Science Fiction
Noël dans le plus grand magasin du monde
Sans ressources et sans toit, Geraldine et ses deux filles n'ont trouvé qu'une solution pour passer leurs journées au chaud : elles se sont réfugiées dans un grand magasin. La veille de Noël, elles décident également de passer la nuit sur place. Une folle aventure commence quand deux cambrioleurs s'introduisent dans le bâtiment...
Pete's Meteor

Pete's Meteor

Dec 31, 2002
Lives change for members of an Irish family after a meteor crashes in their backyard. The kids believe that it was sent down to them by their dead parents, but the government hauls the rock away and sends it to the local university.
Keeping the Peace

Keeping the Peace

Aug 10, 2005
Five hundred soldiers of the Irish Defence Forces are stationed in Liberia, part of a 15,000-strong United Nations Peacekeeping mission, the largest UN force in the world. What does it mean to these young men and women to be peacekeepers? What does it mean to be soldiers trained in both how to fight and how not to? Rarely have peacekeeping soldiers talked so candidly and revealingly about the day to day realities of their job, trying to hold together a fragile peace in the aftermath of fourteen years of civil war.
The Lilac Bus

The Lilac Bus

Jan 01, 1990
The lives of seven friends who share a bus from their village to Dublin every day get complicated as the reasons for their discontent are revealed.
The Deputy

The Deputy

Feb 23, 2004
The Deputy explores Bob Galway's life and work in the House of Commons and how it impacts on his personal life. Bob's a Deputy PM who is a man of the people - opinionated, principled and pragmatic. Surrounded by inefficient, highly-sexed private secretaries, a beleaguered Bob strives to protect his reputation, his career and his conscience as he tries to outsmart his adversaries in the cut and thrust world of Westminster.
TV Movie
The Keeper

The Keeper

Dec 05, 2018
À la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale, Margaret se rend dans un camp de prisonniers près de Manchester avec son père. Ce dernier, entraîneur de l’équipe de foot locale, repère un soldat allemand, Bert Trautmann. Impressionné par les prouesses du jeune homme dans les buts, il parvient à le faire sortir du camp pour l’intégrer à son équipe.
The Fantasist

The Fantasist

Aug 01, 1986
Un tueur psychopathe à la poursuite de sa prochaine victime croise le chemin de Patricia Teeling, pleine d'enthousiasme pour sa nouvelle vie à Dublin.
The Bombmaker

The Bombmaker

Apr 08, 2001
Expert IRA bomb-maker turned police informant Andrea Hayes retires and starts a new life after four school-children are killed by one of her bombs. Ten years later, her blissful home life shattered when her daughter, Katie, is abducted from her bedroom in the dead of night. Andrea later discovers a ransom note, instructing her to leave her husband Martin and fly to London by herself. It also states that if the police are contacted, she and Martin will never see Katie again. In the hope of being reunited with Katie, Andrea obeys orders and follows instructions to meet with the kidnappers. Back in Dublin, Martin is powerless to help and becomes frantic with worry when he learns from Andrea that no ransom demand has been made, and that the kidnappers' request is something much more dangerous.
Happy Birthday Shakespeare
Family man Will Green, a tourist bus driver is convinced that life would be better if he and his family moved to the birthplace of his favourite man Shakespeare’s birthplace Stratford-Upon-Avon where he could open his own restaurant. Will also harboured dreams about beginning a romance with tour guide Alice.
Last Call

Last Call

Mar 19, 2021
A real estate developer returns to his old Philly neighborhood and must decide to raze or resurrect the family bar.
Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars

Sep 12, 2011
Shooting Stars is a British television comedy panel game broadcast on BBC Two as a pilot in 1993, then as 3 full series from 1995 to 1997, then on BBC Choice from January to December 2002 with 2 series before returning to BBC Two for another 3 series from 2008 until its cancellation in 2011. Created and hosted by double-act Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, it uses the panel show format but with the comedians' often slapstick, surreal and anarchic humour does not rely on rules in order to function, with the pair apparently ignoring existing rules or inventing new ones as and when the mood takes them.
The One Show

The One Show

May 24, 2024
A topical magazine-style daily television programme broadcast live on BBC One.
Father Ted

Father Ted

May 01, 1998
Trois prêtres et leur gouvernante sont exilés sur Craggy Island, petite île au large des côtes irlandaises. Leur comportement, indigne de l'Église catholique, a conduit leurs supérieurs à leur infliger ce bannissement : le père Ted Crilly a détourné des dons récoltés par l'église ; le père Jack Hackett est un alcoolique obsédé par les femmes et le père Dougal McGuire est un simple d'esprit.
Richard & Judy

Richard & Judy

Aug 22, 2008
Richard & Judy was a British chat show presented by the married couple Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan. The show originally aired on Channel 4, from 2001 to 2008, but later moved to digital channel, Watch, in October 2008. The programme featured a number of celebrities and a book club. Its final episode aired in July 2009 due to low ratings.
Hearts and Bones

Hearts and Bones

Aug 30, 2001
A group of friends move to London. At the centre are the Rose brothers, Mark and Rich, and Mark’s girlfriend Emma, who harbours a secret obsession with Rich.


Mar 12, 2023
Après la mort tragique de son mari, Val Ahern enquête sur ce qui a pu se passer dans les heures qui ont suivi l’annonce de leur rupture lors de sa fête d’anniversaire. En scrutant la vie de l’homme avec qui elle a été mariée 30 ans, Val analyse les relations complexes que Denis entretenait avec ses filles, sa belle-fille et son frère. Plus elle creuse, plus elle réalise que le comportement manipulateur et dominateur de Denis a affecté chaque membre de sa famille, et que c’est peut-être l’un d’entre eux qui a commis l’irréparable.
Goodnight Sweetheart

Goodnight Sweetheart

Jun 21, 1999
Gary Sparrow is an ordinary bloke in 1990s Britain, married to the ambitious Yvonne and working as a TV repairman. Then his whole world changes when he stumbles upon a portal to WWII-era London and begins a dual life as an accidental time traveler.
True Dare Kiss

True Dare Kiss

Aug 02, 2007
True Dare Kiss is a British television drama produced for BBC One. It is written by Debbie Horsfield and produced by Marcus Wilson and features Dervla Kirwan, David Bradley and Lorraine Ashbourne. It concerns the reunion of four sisters and a brother following the death of their estranged father, uncovering the truth, hiding secrets, and a cataclysmic event in the past. The series, set in the city of Manchester in the North-West of England, was aired in six parts from 28 June 2007. Filming for the series began on 8 January 2007.
Londres Police Judiciaire
Plongée dans les coulisses du système judiciaire britannique, entre la police qui mène l'enquête sur le terrain et les avocats qui traitent l'affaire devant les tribunaux.
55 degrés nord

55 degrés nord

Jul 10, 2005
Après avoir dénoncé la corruption sévissant au sein de la police, l'enquêteur londonien Nicky Cole est muté à Newcastle, au nord de l'Angleterre, dans une équipe de nuit. L'affaire lui vaut de perdre la plupart de ses amis. Le détective doit alors s'adapter à son nouvel environnement. Ses nouveaux collègues, ayant eu vent de sa dénonciation, se montrent d'emblée soupçonneux à son égard. Pourtant, en dépit de ses méthodes parfois peu orthodoxes, Cole fait de son mieux. Et il n'hésite pas avoir recours à l'humour pour faire face aux situations difficiles. Il peut heureusement compter sur Claire Maxwell, une alliée précieuse qui travaille pour le ministère public.


Apr 15, 2001
A young British priest adjusts to life in a rural Irish community where life revolves around the church and the local pub. Everyone knows everyone else's business, and everyone usually has an opinion on it. While characters come and go, the small-town qualities remain.
Material Girl

Material Girl

Feb 17, 2010
Drama about dreams, love, clothes and how we all use them to run away from who we are and towards who we should be.


Jul 16, 2012
Daniel Demoys has gone from being an idealistic young man with a burning desire to make the world a better place, to a disillusioned and corrupt council official. His alcoholism has driven a wedge between him and his family. When Daniel wakes up after another drunken night, he realizes that he might be responsible for a murder. A dramatic act of redemption buys him public adoration, so much so that he has become a candidate in the race for Mayor, but as his public star rises ever higher and he tries to repair the damage done to his private life, he is painfully aware that it could all come crashing down at any moment.
The Silence

The Silence

Jul 15, 2010
Drama about a deaf girl who witnesses the audacious murder of a policewoman.
Injustice (2011)

Injustice (2011)

Jun 10, 2011
Sur la surface William Travers est une image de succès. Un avocat criminel accompli vivant heureux avec sa femme dans le Suffolk rural. Cependant, Travers se remet encore d'une série d'événements traumatisants qui ont ébranlé sa croyance dans le système juridique. À contrecoeur, il est entraîné dans une affaire qui implique son vieil ami Martin Newall qui fait face à des accusations de complot et de meurtre tout en faisant l'objet d'une enquête par un détective vicieux et vengeur, DS Mark Wenborn.
Miss Marple

Miss Marple

Dec 29, 2013
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de la détective amateur Miss Marple, vivant dans le petit village de St. Mary Mead.
Moving On

Moving On

Mar 08, 2021
Moving On is a British television series set in contemporary Britain consisting of standalone dramas all sharing the theme of someone going through some kind of change in their life and moving on.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 05, 2021
Dernier représentant des Seigneurs du temps et âgé de plus de 900 ans, Le Docteur parcourt l'espace et le temps dans son TARDIS. Amoureux de la race humaine, il se fait régulièrement accompagner par une femme ou un homme. Partagé entre folie et génie, insouciant mais conscient de ses responsabilités, il défendra l'humanité quel que soit le prix à payer.
Action & Adventure


Mar 08, 2025
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...


Mar 27, 2005
Castle Dux, Bohemia, 1798. Casanova, now a penniless librarian in his seventies, tells Edith, a young kitchen maid in the castle, his remarkable life story, and about falling in love with Henriette.
La Jeune Fille et la Nuit
1992. Vinca s’enfuit de son campus avec son professeur de philosophie dont elle est amoureuse. On ne la reverra jamais. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, lors d’une réunion d’anciens élèves, trois amis apprennent que le gymnase dans lequel ils avaient emmurés le corps va être détruit. Dès lors, plus rien ne s’oppose à ce que la vérité éclate.


May 08, 1988
In 1919, Major Brendan Archer arrives in Ireland to reunite with his fiancée, Angela Spencer. Unfortunately, the family home, The Majestic Hotel, is a decaying shadow of its former self, as is Angela. Puzzled by the changes, Archer's attentions are soon drawn to her lively friend, Sarah Devlin, a passionate Irish Nationalist. They fall in love, but the Major soon discovers some disturbing aspects about their relationship, which threatens to explode into violence, destruction, and murder.
True Detective

True Detective

Feb 18, 2024
Série d'anthologie dans laquelle les enquêtes policières mettent au jour les secrets personnels et professionnels des personnes impliquées, tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur de la loi.


Jan 30, 2020
Adam Price mène une vie idyllique : il a un bon travail, deux fils merveilleux et son mariage semble sans faille. Mais son bonheur va soudainement voler en éclats lorsque « The Stranger » dévoile un secret choquant au sujet de sa femme.
A Time to Dance

A Time to Dance

Jan 26, 1992
A fifty something English Banker falls for and has an affair with a teenage Irish waif from the wrong side of the tracks causing him grief at work and at home.
Loose Women

Loose Women

Jan 02, 2025
A panel of four women discuss topical issues, ranging from daily politics and current affairs to celebrity gossip.
Safe House

Safe House

Sep 28, 2017
Un couple marié, formé d'un ex-policier et d'une enseignante, se voit demander par un officier de police, ami proche du couple, de transformer leur maison d'hôte de Lake District en maison sécurisée.
Eureka Street

Eureka Street

Oct 03, 1999
Eureka Street is a BBC Northern Ireland 1999 adaptation to mini-series of Robert McLiam Wilson's 1996 novel of the same name. Set in Belfast in the six months before and after the 1994 ceasefire, it commences with an anonymous hand typing the words, "All stories are love stories." The novel opens with the same text. The story follows the lives of two friends: the Catholic Jake Jackson – struggling with a failed relationship, his job as a repossession agent and the effect of the Troubles on the world around him – and the Protestant Chuckie Lurgan, "fat" and unemployed until circumstances and a previously untapped entrepreneurial spirit lead him to a world very different from Eureka Street. The adaptation was scripted by Donna Franceschild, directed by Adrian Shergold and starred Vincent Regan as Jake and Mark Benton as Chuckie.


Sep 18, 2001
Meeting as "shades" after their unexpected deaths, Mark and Maeve team up to try influencing the world they can't seem to leave.
House of Guinness

House of Guinness

Jan 01, 1970
Set in 19th-century Dublin and New York, the story reimagines the period immediately after the death of Sir Benjamin Guinness, the man responsible for the extraordinary success of the Guinness brewery, and the far-reaching impact of his will on the fate of his four adult children, Arthur, Edward, Anne, and Ben, as well as on a group of Dublin characters who work and interact with the phenomenon that is Guinness.